Fabled Hero (3.5e Template)

By Lionhead Studios |
The Fabled Hero is a champion of the common folk upon whom the Fates have smiled.
Most often applied to peasant heroes and other underdogs, the Fabled Hero rose from mediocrity through any number of means. Perhaps they performed some heroic deed that granted them a deity's favor, maybe they were blessed by the fey who saw something special in them as a child, or they could have conceivably stumbled upon some rare relic that imbued them with the power of a great hero of old.
Whatever the reason, they have chosen to embrace their destiny and have ventured out into the world, using their granted powers for the betterment of all demihumankind.
Creating a Fabled Hero[edit]
"Fabled Hero" is a template that can be added to any humanoid of nonevil alignment who possess no racial spell-like or supernatural abilities.
A fabled hero uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here.
Hit Dice[edit]
Fabled heroes can choose to use Charisma in place of Constitution when determining their hit points and Constitution saving throws. If the fabled hero chooses this option, any HD they gain is lowered by one step (e.g., d12 to d10), to a minimum of d4. This retroactively applies to any HD they already possessed, losing 1 hp per affected HD.
This choice must be made as soon as this template is selected and it is permanent once chosen. This choice has no impact on any other use of Constitution, such as with Concentration checks, how long they can hold their breath, or special class features likes those of a binder or incarnate.
A fabled hero's base land speed increases by 10' when not wearing anything heavier than light armor and when not carrying a medium or heavy load. This increases to 20' at 10 HD and to 30' at 20 HD.
Armor Class[edit]
A fabled hero gains a luck bonus to their AC equal to their Charisma modifier. They lose this bonus if wearing anything heavier than light armor, or when carrying a medium or heavy load. If the fabled hero is caught flat-footed or is otherwise denied their Dexterity modifier to Armor Class, they lose this bonus.
Uncanny Tongue[edit]
A fabled hero has a knack for speaking the truth, uncannily so. Things they say tend to come true. This is not a facility for blessing or cursing, or a type of magic that can be ruled by conscious control. However, usually at least once per adventure at the DM's whim, an uncomfortable truth regarding the current situation will appear in their head (courtesy of a secret note from the DM) and then immediately through their lips, essentially turning them into a walking, talking plot device for the DM. This is an extraordinary ability.
Special Qualities[edit]
Fast Healing (Ex): A fabled hero gains fast healing 1. At 8 HD and again at 16 HD, the rate of their fast healing increases by 1.
Legends & Lore (Ex): A fabled hero gains the bardic knowledge ability of a bard of their ECL. If they already possess this ability, they instead gain a luck bonus to the roll equal to their Charisma modifier.
Fabled Gifts: Upon taking this template and again at 3 HD and every 3 HD thereafter, a fabled hero may choose one of the following special abilities to add to their repertoire. They may not choose the same gift twice. If a gift grants perks at a lower HD than when the fabled hero selects it, those perks are gained retroactively upon selecting that gift.
- Blessings of the Fey (Ex): When using Diplomacy to influence an NPCs attitude, a fabled hero can make a rushed Diplomacy check without the usual -10 penalty. Beginning at 5 HD, they gain a DR of 5/cold iron. This improves to 10/cold iron at 10 HD, 15/cold iron at 15 HD, and 20/cold iron at 20 HD. Lastly, they are protected as if by a permanent endure elements, and they are immune to sleep and charm effects.
- Fickle Hand of Fate (Ex): The fabled hero gains one bonus feat of choice that they meet the prerequisites for. At the start of each day, they can choose to change this bonus feat to any other feat for which they meet the prerequisites. At 12 HD, they gain a second, and can change one or both of them at the start of each day.
- Fortune Favors the Bold (Ex): The fabled hero gains a luck bonus to all saving throws equal to their Charisma modifier, up to a maximum equal to their total HD. They lose this protection if wearing anything heavier than light armor, or when carrying a medium or heavy load.
- Hero of the People (Ex): The fabled hero gains the Leadership feat as a bonus feat, and their Leadership score gains a +5 luck bonus. If your table uses the Reputation rules, the fabled hero's Reputation increases by an equal amount. The fabled hero can also recruit a cohort who is one or more levels lower than themselves instead of two. The fabled hero must have at least 6 HD in order to choose this ability.
- Legendary Resistance (Ex): The fabled hero gains spell resistance equal to 11 + their ECL. If they already possess spell resistance from another source, they instead gain a +5 luck bonus to their spell resistance.
- Living Legend (Ex): The fabled hero gains the aura ability of a marshal of their ECL, except that their aura effect only affects the fabled hero themselves. This ability otherwise functions exactly as the marshal class feature. They gain one minor aura of choice, choosing one additional minor aura at 6 HD and every 3 HD thereafter. They can never have more than one minor aura active at one time.
- Martial Maestro (Ex): A fabled hero can use Bluff to feint as a free action when wielding a light one-handed weapon, but only on their own turn. They also gain the Martial Study feat as a bonus feat at 3 HD and again at every 3 HD thereafter. At 5 HD and every 5 HD thereafter, they also gain the Martial Stance feat as a bonus feat. The fabled hero does not need to meet the prerequisites (e.g., "four Stone Dragon maneuvers") for these individual maneuvers or stances, but they must adhere to all the other rules mentioned in the associated feats. If wearing anything heavier than light armor or carrying a medium or heavy load, they temporarily lose the ability to use any of these feats or benefits.
- Preternatural Luck: At 5 HD and every 5 HD thereafter, the fabled hero gains one [Luck] feat of choice as a bonus feat. At 3 HD and every 3 HD thereafter they also gain one Skill Trick of choice for free. They do not need to meet the prerequisites of these feats or skill tricks, but they do lose their benefits if wearing anything heavier than light armor, or when carrying a medium or heavy load.
- Violent Virtuoso (Ex): The fabled hero gains the Snowflake Wardance feat as a bonus feat even if they do not meet the prerequisites. They also gain one virtual use of bardic music that can only be used to power this feat for every 2 HD they possess. If they possess levels in the bard class or another class that grants uses of bardic music, these virtual uses stack but only for the purpose of fueling this bonus feat. This feature alone does not allow a fabled hero to quality for feats, magic items, or prestige classes that have bardic music as a prerequisite.
Lucky Break (Ex): At 7 HD, the fabled hero gains their choice of either the evasion, mettle, slippery mind, or uncanny dodge features of a rogue or hexblade. When the fabled hero reaches 10 HD, or if they already possess them from another source, evasion and uncanny dodge automatically become the improved versions of themselves. At 12 HD they choose a second feature from the same list, and at 17th level they gain a third.
A fabled hero gains a +2 luck bonus to Charisma at 1 HD and another +1 luck bonus to one ability score of choice at each HD thereafter. These luck bonuses stack with themselves, but not with other luck bonuses. A fabled hero cannot apply this bonus to the same ability score twice in a row.
A fabled hero gains a +1 luck bonus to Bluff, Escape Artist, Gather Information, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Tumble, and Use Magic Device checks. This bonus improves by +1 at 2 HD and every 2 HD thereafter.
A fabled hero gains a bonus feat at 1 HD and again at 7 HD, 13 HD, and 19 HD, choosing from the following list: Acrobatic, Agile, Combat Reflexes, Darkstalker, Exotic Weapon Proficiency, Great Fortitude, Improved Feint, Improved Initiative, Improved Unarmed Strike, Iron Will, Light Armor Proficiency, Lightning Reflexes, Martial Weapon Proficiency, Nimble Fingers, Quick Draw, Shield Proficiency, Shot on the Run, Skill Focus, Spring Attack, Stealthy, Toughness, Weapon Finesse, or Weapon Focus. They gain this feat even if they do not meet the prerequisites.
Challenge Rating[edit]
+1, +2 at 10+ HD.
Level Adjustment[edit]
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