Expanded Professions (DnD Other)
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Profession Options, Expanded:[edit]
- Actuary/advisor/strategist/tactician
- Alchemist/aromacologist/chymist/soaper
- Apothecary/florist/gardener/herbalist
- Armoursmith/blacksmith (utility items such as chain, cookware, horseshoes, locks, nails, needles, tools…etc)/weaponsmith
- Artificer
- Assassin/bounty hunter/mercenary
- Bailiff/constable/guard/law enforcer
- Baker/chef/confectioner
- Barista/brewer/distiller/vintner
- Butcher
- Clergy/occultist/priest/shrine attendant/temple devotee/vicar
- Charlatan/fence/gambler/thief
- Courtesan
- Demolitionist
- Detective/forensic scientist/investigator
- Doctor/chirurgeon/healer/medic/shaman
- Engineer/inventor
- Entertainer
- Executioner/interrogator/torturer
- Fisherman
- Furrier/leatherworker/tanner
- Glass blower/glazier
- Hunter/trapper
- Infiltrator/scout
- Mechanic
- Mercer/tailor/textile crafter/weaver
- Miner/prospector
- Sailor
- Scholar/researcher
- Scribe
- Soldier
- Stonemason
- Tinkerer (clocks/watches, clockwork items, toys, wind-up items…etc)
- Trainer/tutor
- Trapper
- Woodcutter
Professions usually suited for NPCs: (Due to the careers discouraging travel or having a low frequency of use for travellers.)
- Accountant/bureaucrat/clerk
- Accoutrementer/lapidary/goldsmith/silversmith/jeweller
- Ambassador/arbitrator/emissary/interpreter/translator
- Architect/Construction Labourer
- Archivist/curator/librarian
- Apprentice/assistant/squire
- Artisan (crochet, embroidery, engraving, frivolite, mosaic, painting, sculptor, stained glass, whittling…etc)
- Accoucheur/Nanny
- Bagniokeeper/bartender/caregiver/innkeeper
- Barber/groomer/stylist
- Barrister/judge
- Beggar/panhandler
- Bowyer,fletcher
- Butler/maid/hired hand/servant/steward
- Captain/general (Militant/Naval)
- Carpenter/cartwright
- Contractor/surveyor
- Courier/herald/mail carrier/messenger
- Courtier/host
- Dandy/fop/noble/person of leisure/speculator
- Dean/Master(of a skill)
- Driver (any vehicle)
- Farmer/rancher
- Foreman/manager
- Gravedigger
- Guide/navigator/wayfinder
- Leader/politician/ruler
- Lighthouse Keeper
- Merchant
- Miller
- Mortician
- Optician
- Ostler/stablehand
- Philosopher
- Porter
- Professor/teacher
- Shepherd
- Student
- Sanitation maintainer (corpses, hazardous substances, sewage, etc.)/Vermin Exterminator
- Thatcher
Those without professions might be:
- Adventurers
- Disabled (mentally, emotionally, or physically)
- Eremites (hermits or wild persons)
- Explorers
- Homemakers (Of any gender)
- Medically frail
- Minors (Non-Adults)
- Prisoners
- Retired
- Unemployed
- Wanderers
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