Exemplary Plane of Vileness (Endhaven Supplement)

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The Exemplary Plane of Vileness[edit]

Many planes fall under the Exemplary Plane of Holiness. These planes have the following properties:

Mildly Vile
  • Evil spells are cast at +1 DC.
  • Good spells are cast at -2 DC.
Moderately Vile
  • Evil spells are cast at +2 DC. Cast Evil spells as if they were Empower Spell or Extend Spell, whichever is more beneficial.
  • Good spells are cast at -4 DC.
  • Summoned Evil creatures gain +1 to hit and damage, +1 hp/die, and +1 to all saves.
  • Summoned Good creatures gain -2 to hit and damage, -2 hp/die, and -2 to all saves.
Strongly Vile
  • Evil spells are cast at +3 DC. Cast Evil spells as if they were Maximized or Extended, whichever is more beneficial.
  • Good spells are impeded and may not be cast.
  • Summoned Evil creatures gain +2 to hit and damage, +2 hp/die, and +2 to all saves.

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