EverTavern (5e Environment)

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Have you ever blacked out during a night of hard drinking, only to find yourself somewhere strange with a splitting headache? As you struggle to remember what happened the night before, the details evade your grasp, slipping from your fingers like smoke. well, you very well may have traveled to a demiplane known as EverTavern.

ENTRY. This demiplane is the most ambiguous plane to be visited on the regular, thanks entirely to the method by which one enters it. when a sentient creature becomes intoxicated by a substance, usually alcohol, this demiplane will extend its borders to bleed into that creatures reality. this is often subtle enough for the intoxicated individual to not notice. their environment will become a thinly veiled portal between their location and the plane.

APPEARANCE. EverTavern is a place of sluggish euphoria. here, everything is blurry and bright, as if one is seeing the place through stained glass. anyone you meet there is only dimly aware of their surroundings, absorbed only in their own hindered thoughts, consumed by explosive rages, wailing sobs, or fits of laughter. if you were to leave the tavern you were sitting in, you would find you have entered a different tavern. leaving through a window in that tavern may take you to a crowded street, filled with people celebrating nothing in particular. reaching the end of this street may lead to a steep drop off into a lake, next to which a band of satyrs are dancing, spilling wine from their goblets as they clumsily prance in circles. really, anywhere that enough people get drunk in, you will find a hazy copy of it in EverTavern.

ORIGINS. No one really knows how this spatially impossible plane came into existence. some scholars believe that it was spawned from the collective delirium of thousands of drunk tavern goers. some believe this to be a creation of Dionysus, but this is unconfirmed. Scholars who claim to be experts in the matter are probably using it as an excuse to be drunk as often as they like. This plane is so well concealed that all divination spells cast to ascertain information about the place will fail.

CONNECTED THROUGH DELIRIUM. this plane acts as a bridge between planes. anywhere where one finds drunkards and alcohol, one can slip into this plane. entry into this plane is impossible when sober, and becoming sober while in the plane will result in immediate expulsion from its confines. landing in the real version of whatever tavern they were in. the plane has a pacifying nature about it, so much so that you can find murderous cultists and holy priests laughing the night away as if they were old friends. This connection between planes can pose a problem for those who enter it, as you can end up going pretty far if you arent careful. the farthest most ever go is the next town over, but stories tell of the town drunk of a small human village wandering in the EverTavern, only to wake up slumped over the counter of a brewery in the middle of a drow city!

RESIDENTS. there are actually beings which reside in EverTavern as a home. this is most commonly booze elementals. you see, if a sentient being dies while completely intoxicated, their soul is sent here instead of to their heaven, their souls melding with the substance of the plane. booze elementals are actually completely sober, spending their afterlives serving drinks to increasingly hysterical drunkards.

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