Ever-Ready Shield (3.5e Feat)

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Ever-Ready Shield [Metapsionic]

You prepare a defense against the unknown.
Prerequisite: Extend Power
Benefit: You may manifest a psionic defense (limited to the powers empty mind, intellect fortress, mental barrier, thought shield or tower of iron will) that will remain active until you are attacked psionically or until one day passes. If you are caught flat-footed, stunned or otherwise unable to react against a psionic attack, the power prepared with Ever-Ready Shield will be used against that attack. If you are able to act, you may manifest any psionic power normally without losing the Ever-Ready Shield. Using this feat increases the power point cost of the power by 3. You must know the psionic power in question in order to manifest it.
Normal: Manifesting empty mind, intellect fortress, mental barrier, thought shield or tower of iron will requires an immediate action. Immediate actions cannot be taken when surprised or caught flat-footed.
Author: Michael J. Kletch, Eric D. Harry © Michael J. Kletch, Eric D. Harry 2001   This feat is from the NBoF, please see NBoF Credits.
NBoF Balance Rating (0 to 5 Scale)
Overall Purp Pow Port Comp Rule
4.40 4.75 4.75 4.50 3.50 4.50

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