Ersatis (Asylon Supplement)

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Ersatis, House of the Flame

The Complete Guide to Ersatis

Ersatis is an absolute theocracy founded on worship of the Princes of the Draenic Pantheon. Their capital is Ayyakku, located just within the Ashlands. Chiefly, the state worships The Tribune of Asipta, Ikanu, and Duru as foundations of their culture, although most other Princes are highly revered as well. Even the four classically "evil" Princes of the House of Woe have a hallowed (if feared) place in the daily lives of the ashen-skinned Dunmer. Archcanon Shargon Dinadad is the head of the Temple in Ersatis, and therefore the nation's de facto leader. He administers the growth of trade and preservation of culture with the help of his clergy, who serve in a capacity similar to the nobles and representatives of Atralonia's government.

The land of Ersatis is most notable for Durgu Giru, the mighty volcano. Legends hold that Durgu Giru is the place where Sheor's heart fell from the skies during the time of the Unfolding, and is the source of the Princes' power on Irte. Because of this, much of Ersatis' religious life is focused on the great, lonely mountain. There is a temple and university, Isatis-Gigunu, in the foothills where hopeful casters and warriors go to hone their skills. Surrounding the volcano are countless miles of blasted ashland, filled with lava flows, sparse vegetation, and primitive ashlander tribes. These tribes are groups of Dunmer who maintain the Dunmer's ancient lifestyle and methods of worship (an altogether more wholesome practice than the greater Dunmer population), and are considered to be official state relics by the clergy of the Dunmer temple. The ashlands are walled off by the Girunasaru, a great wall enforced by Dunmer magic. Outside these walls, the lands of Ersatis stretch from pastureland in the north, through forests and into exotic mushroom marshlands in the south. One other notable location in Ersatis is the island of Gishurru, where the most talented caster-warrior hybrids go to train. This is also home to the Dunmer's mysterious Ministry of Truth, a sprawling prison complex.

The Dunmeri culture is a strange beast, the result of a strictly codified and traditional society focused on the worship of chaotic gods. The Princes are known worldwide for meddling in the affairs of mortals for their own satisfaction, and the Dunmer believe that these requests must be followed to the letter. Some of the Princes are benevolent, such as Asipta and Duru, whereas some others, such as Nex, are among the most evil and destructive entities in all of the planes. This strange combination of lawfully abiding beings who have no taste for laws is a culture full of political intrigue, from incredibly specific courtly dress expectations to government-sanctioned assassinations. It is a land of mystery, where one would do well to keep one eye over their shoulder at all times.

Heraldry: The symbol of the Dunmer is a stylized black flame on a red field. Around the edge of the field is a thin black border. Clockwise around the flame are Dunmeri letters signifying the three gods of the Tribune; from the bottom, there are letters for Ikanu, Asipta, and Duru.

Ersatis Symbol.jpg

  • Imports: Precious and Nonprecious Metals and Stones, Manufactured Goods, Livestock, Potion Components
  • Exports: Processed Ore, Armor, Weapons, Trade Goods

Classes (Common)

  • Alchemist: Dunmer have a natural facility with magic, and are capable of long periods of focus thanks to their devotion to worship and prayer. These two traits combine to facilitate the Alchemist class and the slow and steady process of brewing potions, mutagens, and other magical creations.
  • Cavalier: Ragdar, Prince of Civilization and Combat, commands the Dunmer to prepare themselves physically as well as magically. Because of this, the Dunmer have a strong military, and Cavalier's often serve as commanders of entire brigades of Dunmer troops.
  • Cleric: Worship of the gods is the foundation of Dunmer society, so Cleric is a predictably popular class. Good Clerics most often worship members of the Tribune, whereas evil Clerics find members of the House of Woe more appropriate.
  • Inquisitor: The tradition of the inquisition has its origins in the dark lands of the Dunmer. Indeed, it is often necessary for Dunmer to perform the deeds of their deities in secret so as not to suffer legal repercussions, and the Inquisitor is perhaps best suited for this lifestyle.
  • Paladin: Each and every Dunmer considers themselves to be a holy warrior on some level. Even the lowliest Guar farmer sees his work as the fruition of divine will, a battle against an untamed land. Paladins are the fruition of this mentality, and make up the largest portion of the Dunmer military. Most paladin's choose to worship Duru, although other deities are not unheard of.
  • Witch: It is sometimes remarkable what a divine command is able to justify, and Dunmer Witches are a shining example. Though they prefer to keep out of sight, their actions--no matter how base or devastating--are often treated with immunity in their native land.

Classes (Uncommon)

  • Bard: It is common to see Dunmer living lives that glorify their gods, but the Dunmer way has little place for long proclamations. It is also considered disgraceful to draw magic from a source other than the gods themselves, so most Dunmer steer clear of the Bard class.
  • Druid: Similar to the Bard, most Dunmer feel it is in bad taste to live the life of a Druid. Those that do almost invariably worship Avlamak, Prince of the Hunt, but they are nonetheless a small cadre of Dunmer.
  • Fighter: Most Dunmer have a facility with magic, and therefore choose a class that allows them to use it. Those Dunmer that either have no connection to the Aether, or choose not to use it often become Fighters or Rogues, and are generally focused on anti-magic builds.
  • Ranger: Many ashlander tribesmen become Rangers to help their fellows survive. Because the ashlander population is so low, these are a rare but highly-valued sight in Ersatis.
  • Rogue: The backstabbing rogue can always find work in Ersatis, though employers may prefer to seek someone out who can cast spells. Because of this, Assassin is an almost inevitable prestige class for the Dunmer rogue.
  • Sorceror: Of the arcane classes, sorceror is by far the most popular in Ersatis. It still takes a back seat to divine casters, but only just barely. A Dunmer sorceror (especially one devoted to an evil deity) is a terrible sight both inside and outside Ersatis' borders.

Classes (Rare)

  • Barbarian: Some ashlanders choose the primal way of rage-filled combat, but most Dunmer elevate themselves from such depravity. Barbarians are only seen among the tribes, and even then only very rarely.
  • Oracle: Oracles are a rare sight across all of Aina, and Ersatis is no exception. That said, the burden of a command of the Princes is a matter of honor for the Dunmer, and what few Oracles do exist in Ersatis are almost instantly raised to the status of heroes.
  • Wizard: Because Dunmer have a natural facility with magic, they have precious little need to study it in-depth. It is not unheard of for a Dunmer to take up books and set out to master the secrets of arcane magic, but most prefer to delve into divine power, and those few that do choose arcane magic are much more likely to become sorcerors than wizards.

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