Elite Character Preload
<nowiki>This Elite Character uses the Elite Characters variant rule.
When you create a <!-Name->, do not select a race or class. Instead, you gain the following combined racial and class traits.
Elite <!-Source-> <!-Role->: <!-Fluff->. You are the equivalent of two characters, and the DM will adjust encounters accordingly.
Creating a <!-Name->[edit]
- Ability Scores
<!-Describe which ability scores are primary, secondary and tertiary->
Speed: X squares
Vision: X Vision
Languages: Common
Ability Score Bonuses: +2 X, +2 X or X
Hit Points: You start with hit points equal to X + twice your Constitution score. You gain Y hit points each time you gain a level.
Bonus to Defenses:
Skill Bonuses: +2 to <!-Skill->; +2 <!-Skill->; +2 <!-Skill->
Healing Surges:X + twice Constitution modifier. Your surge value is equal to one quarter of your bloodied value.
Class Skills:
Trained Skills:
Large: As a large creature, you occupy 2 x 2 squares. Your reach is 1 square.
Magical Beast: You are a Magical Beast for the purpose of effects that relate to creature type. You cannot wear armor, wield weapons, or hold anything in your hands. You cannot wear or wield magic items, and instead receive inherent bonuses described below.
Heroic <!-Name->[edit]
Level | Feats Known | Class Features and Powers |
1 | 1 | Elite Saves At-Will Powers |
2 | +1 | Utility Power |
3 | ||
4 | +1 | Ability score increase |
5 | ||
6 | +1 | Utility Power |
7 | ||
8 | +1 | Ability score increase |
9 | ||
10 | +1 | Utility Power |
Level 1: Elite Saves[edit]
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to saving throws.
Level 1: At-Will Powers[edit]
Benefit: You gain the <!-Power name--> power.
' | <!-Name-> Attack 1 |
' | |
At-Will ![]() | |
Standard Action | ' |
[[Category:4e <!-Name-> Power]] [[Category:<!-Power Source-> Power Source]]
Level 1:[edit]
Level 2: Utility Power[edit]
Benefit: You gain the X power.
' | Utility 2 |
' | |
Daily | |
' | Personal |
Effect: |
Level 3:[edit]
Level 4: Ability Score Increase[edit]
Your constant training hones your body and mind.
Benefit: You increase two ability scores of your choice by 1.
Level 4:[edit]
Level 5:[edit]
Level 6: Utility Power[edit]
Benefit: You gain the X power.
' | Utility 6 |
' | |
Daily | |
' | Personal |
Effect: |
Level 7:[edit]
Level 8: Ability Score Increase[edit]
You reap the reward of constant challenge by increasing your physical and mental well-being.
Benefit: You increase two ability scores of your choice by 1.
Level 8:[edit]
Level 9:[edit]
Level 10: Utility Power[edit]
Benefit: You gain the X power.
' | Utility 2 |
' | |
Daily | |
' | Personal |
Effect: |
Paragon <!-Name->[edit]
At 11th level, you take the Paragon <!-Name-> paragon path.
Level | Feats Known | Class Features and Powers |
11 | +1 | Ability score increase |
12 | +1 | |
13 | ||
14 | +1 | Ability score increase |
15 | ||
16 | +1 | |
17 | ||
18 | +1 | Ability score increase |
19 | ||
20 | +1 |
Level 11: Ability Score Increase[edit]
Your improved physical and mental prowess highlights your entrance into the paragon tier.
Benefit: Each of your ability scores increases by 1.
Level 11:[edit]
Level 12:[edit]
Level 13:[edit]
Level 14: Ability Score Increase[edit]
Each new challenge only makes you stronger in body and mind.
Benefit: You increase two ability scores of your choice by 1.
Level 14:[edit]
Level 15:[edit]
Level 16:[edit]
Level 17:[edit]
Level 18: Ability Score Increase[edit]
You are a true paragon of physical and mental perfection.
Benefit: You increase two ability scores of your choice by 1.
Level 18:[edit]
Level 19:[edit]
Epic <!-Name->[edit]
At 21st level, you take the <!-Name-> epic destiny.
Level | Feats Known | Class Features and Powers |
21 | +1 | Ability score increase |
22 | +1 | |
23 | ||
24 | +1 | Ability score increase |
25 | ||
26 | +1 | |
27 | ||
28 | +1 | Ability score increase |
29 | ||
30 | +1 |
Level 21: Ability Score Increase[edit]
You are an epic hero now, and your physical and mental acuity exceed all mortal limits.
Benefit: Each of your ability scores increases by 1.
Level 21:[edit]
Level 22:[edit]
Level 23:[edit]
Level 24: Ability Score Increase[edit]
The threats of the epic challenges you face are countered by the perfection of your body and mind.
Benefit: You increase two ability scores of your choice by 1.
Level 24:[edit]
Level 25:[edit]
Level 26:[edit]
Level 27:[edit]
Level 28: Ability Score Increase[edit]
Training, practice, and experience have molded your abilities. Even as you near your final destiny, you continue to hone your talents for the tests you will soon face.
Benefit: You increase two ability scores of your choice by 1.
Level 28:[edit]
Level 29:[edit]
Level 30:[edit]