Electryte (D20 Modern Creature)

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Late One Night[edit]

Dakar rolled to one side and snapped off a shot that hit the terrorist square in the face. Reloading his rifle, he ducked behind a crate as bullets peppered the ground all around him. Quickly, he pulled a grenade from his belt and yanked out the pin, preparing to jump up and throw-


The lights went out; the computer screen went black. One second later, they came on again.

David Karthas, so-called gamer extraordinaire, threw back his head and screamed.

Ever had the transformer at the top of your street melt for no reason- often just after you put that new ice cream in the freezer? Ever experience one of those one-second power outages that are just enough to wipe all 14 pages of your college thesis when you're almost done?

Well, say hello to the source. Electrytes are elementals of electricity, nasty little buggers who can only go where the power goes. Back in older times, this limited them to lightning strikes and the occasional magnet, but in today's world of country-spanning power grids and satellite connections, electrytes have almost limitless mobility across the planet. They don't seem to recognize all the trouble they cause when they stop moving at any point, though we do- the electric charge they hold is sufficient to cause all sorts of nasty trouble.

Electrytes are, for the most part, Small, usually weighing no more than twenty pounds when they decide to jump out of the power grid for whatever reason. At least one instance has been logged, however, of an electryte getting into the generating coil of a major power plant and then jumping off. It was the size of a house and weighed 4000 pounds.

Electrytes tend to be drawn to sources of heavy power use, such as junction boxes or overloaded power sockets. They can also be drawn to sources of power production, though those are normally putting out so much power that it shunts the electryte away from them. In general, the more power is being used or produced at the point where the electryte jumps off the grid, the bigger it will be. Electrytes almost never group together, and sightings of two or more together are extremely rare.

Species Traits[edit]

  • Elemental: Electrytes are immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, and stunning. They are not subject to critical hits, flanking, or the effects of massive damage. They cannot be raised from the dead.
  • Shocking (Ex): Electrytes are heavily charged with electricity: an electryte's slam attack deals bludgeoning damage as well as electric damage from the body. Creatures attempting to attack an electryte with natural weapons, unarmed attacks, or metal melee weapons take electric damage as though hit by the creature's attack. Electrytes emit heavy amounts of electronic "friction" (similar to what an atom bomb emits after detonation), and any electronic device that comes within 5 feet of a manifested electryte is disabled for 1d6 hours.
  • Touche (Ex): Any water-based creature attacking an electryte as mentioned above takes double damage. But, contact with any other water that does not lead back to the user will disperse some of the electryte's energy and take it down a size category. (Example: a garden hose will take the electryte down a size category, but the stream of water leading back to the hose becomes electrified and deals the user electric damage. A thrown bucket of water will take it down a size category and not cause any damage to the thrower.)
  • Current Jump (Ex): Due to their base nature, an electryte cannot stray too far from some source of power (outlet, power line, generator) while manifested. The base distance is 20 feet, with another 10 for every increase in size (Tiny = 20 feet, Small = 30 feet, etc.). If they are moved out of this radius, they immediately dissapate, but provide none of the normal results for destroying them (like XP). If the electryte's health drops below 50%, they may attempt to jump back into the power grid provided that they are within 5 feet of a power source and pass a DC check of 25. After an electryte is defeated or driven back into the grid, no more electrytes will attempt to materialize within a half-mile radius of the original manifestation for 1d6 days.
  • Electryte, Tiny: CR 1: Tiny elemental; HD 1d8+2; hp 10; Mas -; Init +0; Speed 10 ft; Defense 15; touch 11; flat-footed 16 (+2 size, +4 natural); BAB 1; Grap -5; Atk +4 melee (1d6+3 plus 1d4 electric, slam); Full Atk +4 melee (1d6+3 plus 1d4 electric, slam); FS 2 ft by 2 ft; Reach 0 ft; SQ elemental, shocking, Touche, Current Jump, darkvision 60 ft; AL none; SV fort +1, Ref +0, Wil +0, Rep +0; Str 12, Dex 10, Con 11, Int 4, Wis 11, Cha 11.
  • Skills: Listen +2, Spot +3
  • Feats: Power Attack
  • Possessions: None
  • Advancement: 1HD (Tiny)
  • Electryte, Small: CR 3: Small elemental; HD 2d8+2; hp 20; Mas -; Init +1; Speed 15 ft; Defense 17; touch 11; flat-footed 18 (+1 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural); BAB +1; Grap -1; Atk +5 melee (1d6+4 plus 1d4 electric, slam); Full Atk +5 melee (1d6+4 plus 1d4 electric, slam); FS 3 ft by 3 ft; Reach 5 ft; SQ elemental, shocking, Touche, Current Jump, darkvision 60 ft; AL none; SV fort +4, Ref +0, Wil +0, Rep +0; Str 13, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 4, Wis 11, Cha 11.
  • Skills: Power Attack
  • Possessions: None
  • Advancement: 3HD (Small)
  • Electryte, Medium: CR 5: Medium elemental: HD 4d8+12; hp 30; Mas -; Init +1; Speed 20 ft; Defense 19; touch 11; flat-footed 19 (+2 Dex, +8 natural); BAB +3; Grap +6; Atk +6 melee (1d8+4 plus 1d6 electric, slam); Full Atk +6 (1d8+4 plus 1d6 electric, slam); FS 5 ft by 5 ft; Reach 5 ft; SQ elemental, shocking, Touche, Current Jump, darkvision 60 ft; AL none; SV Fort +7, Ref +2, Wil +1, Rep +0; Str 14, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 4, Wis 11, Cha 11.
  • Skills: Cleave, Power Attack
  • Possessions: None
  • Advancement: 5-7 HD

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