Earthe' Pantheon(3.5e Pantheon)

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  • Galactic Powers
    • Titans

The Titans are beings of incredible power. They are the manifestations of ideals and aspects on a Galaxy level.
The Titans created the Gods that rule over each Crystal Sphere.
The Titans are un-numbered and countless.
Titans do not have mortal followers or clerics, and they do not grant divine spells, nor do they require worship.
They can be Patrons to Warlocks.

  • Crystal Sphere Powers
    • Dieties

The Deities of the Saule' System have dominion over their respective portfolios within the entire Crystal Sphere.
The Galaxy has it's own Pantheon of Titans from which the system gods were created.

  • Ruling Dieties

    • Ma'ata'kai. (f). Ruling Goddess:
    • Portfolio: Fate; Destiny; Language; Writing.
    • Animal: Snake.
    • Colors: Purple, Green, Yellow

    • Gamayuan. (m) Husband of Ma'ata'kai.
    • Portfolio: Math; Knowledge; Symbols; Numbers
    • Animal: Caracal
    • Colors: Green, Red, White

  • General Pantheon

    • Kel. (f) Goddess
    • Portfolio: Land, Nature on Land, Birth
    • Animal: Elephant
    • Colors: Green, Gold

    • Aneptz. (m) God
    • Portfolio: Oceans, Lakes, Rivers, Balance
    • Animal: Toothed Whale.
    • Colors: Blue, Black, Green

    • Teiwaz. (m) God
    • Portfolio: Sky, Rain, Wind, Clouds, Storms
    • Animal: Goat
    • Colors: Red, Blue, Silver

    • Tabit Saule'. (m) God
    • Portfolio: Sun, Light, Truth, Protection. Teacher to the Masculine.
    • Animal: Phoenix
    • Colors: Gold, Red, White
    • Holy Days: Equinox.

    • Ausrin. (f) Goddess
    • Portfolio: Night, Darkness, Deceit, Hidden Things, Teacher to the Feminine.
    • Animal: Bat
    • Colors: Black, Grey, Dark Violet
    • Holy Days: Eclipse.

    • Selune. (f) Goddess
    • Portfolio: Moon, Twilight, Song, Tides, The Hunt.
    • Animal: Stag.
    • Colors: Silver, White, Green
    • Holy Days: Full Moon

    • Donn. (m) God
    • Portfolio: Travel, Freedom, Helpful Wind, Ferry of the Dead
    • Animal: Condor
    • Colors: Silver, Blue

    • Tynosis. (m) God
    • Portfolio: Joy, Wine, Actors, Music
    • Animal: Lyre Bird
    • Colors: Lavender, Purple, Light blue

    • Rukmini. (f) Goddess
    • Portfolio: Wealth
    • Animal: Bee
    • Colors: Gold, Silver, Copper

    • Sondhur. (m) God
    • Portfolio: Lord on high, King eternal, God of Elven Peoples
    • Animal: Stag
    • Colors: Green and Gold

    • Aysus. (f) Goddess
    • Portfolio: Goddess on high, Queen eternal Goddess of Old Magic and Elves
    • Animal: Peacock
    • Colors: Blue and Gold

    • Lilit. (f) Goddess
    • Portfolio: Weaving, Arachnids and Secrets
    • Animal: Ten Legged Spider
    • Colors: Red and Black

    • Durin. (m) God
    • Portfolio: Crafting and Creator of the Dwarves
    • Animal: Mountain Goat
    • Colors: Gold and Silver

    • Dana. (f) Goddess
    • Portfolio: Mountains and Dwarves
    • Animal: Mountain Leopard
    • Colors: Gray, Dark Gray, and White

    • Frode. (m) God
    • Portfolio: Mining
    • Animal: Mole
    • Colors: Iron and Copper

    • Nabu. (m) God
    • Portfolio: Gems and Creator of the Gnomes.
    • Animal: Golden Beetle
    • Colors: Ruby and Emerald

    • Gromash. (m) God
    • Portfolio: Conflict, Violence, Perserverence, Strength, Yrch (Orcs)
    • Creator of the Yrch Race.
    • Animal: Warthog
    • Colors: Gred, Red,

    • Lemn. (m) God
    • Portfolio: Perserverence and Creator of Gobalins
    • Animal: Oppossum
    • Colors: Green, Blue, Orange

    • Nepthys. (f) Goddess
    • Portfolio: Prophecy, Magic
    • Animal: Peacock
    • Colors: Green, Violet, Red

    • Nergal. (m) God
    • Portfolio: Calamity, Judgement, Retribution, Vengeance
    • Animal: Bull
    • Colors: Yellow, Orange, Black

    • Annan. (f) Goddess
    • Portfolio: War, The Depravities of War, Pain, Loss, Devastation
    • Animal: Locust
    • Colors: Red, Black, Green

    • Brigid. (f) Goddess
    • Portfolio: Hearth, Home, Family
    • Animal: Robin
    • Colors: Red, Dark Brown, Yellow

    • Astarte. (Ø) Diety
    • Portfolio: Love, Hope, Compassion
    • Animal: Ermine.
    • Colors: Gold, Red.

    • Omus. (m) God
    • Portfolio: Dreams and Imagination
    • Animal: Lunar Moth
    • Colors: Green, Pink

    • Jubilex. (m) God
    • Portfolio: Corruption, Slimes, and Oozes
    • Animal: Gelatinous Cube
    • Colors: Gray, Green, Yellow

    • Orcus. (m) God
    • Portfolio: Undead
    • Animal: Skeleton
    • Colors: Black, White, Red

    • Zugtomoy. (f) Goddess
    • Portfolio: Rot
    • Animal: Rat
    • Colors: Brown, Yellow

    • Esyn. (f) Goddess
    • Portfolio: Lizards, Reptiles and Zakala (Scaled Folk)
    • Animal: Rat
    • Colors: Brown, Yellow

    • Dagon. (m) God
    • Portfolio: Sahaugin, Kua-Toa, Sharks, the Deeps of the Ocean.
    • Animal: Megaladon
    • Colors: Blue, Blue Green, White

    • Idohr. (m) God
    • Portfolio: Birds, Avians, Creator of the Volanc' Race.
    • Animal: Hummingbird
    • Colors: Blue, Black, Red

    • Chisn. (m) God
    • Portfolio: Insects
    • Animal: Locust
    • Colors: Green, Red, Black

    • Luzzotz (m) God
    • Portfolio: Fungus, Myconids, and Flumphs.
    • Animal: Campestri
    • Colors: Red and White

    • Bast (f) Goddess
    • Portfolio: Felines and Mysteries
    • Animal: Black Panther
    • Colors: Black, Red, and White

    • Yktar (m) God
    • Portfolio: Savanah, Hyenas, and Creator of the Gnolls.
    • Animal: Hyena
    • Colors: Brown, White, Black

    • Tolias (m) God
    • Portfolio: Rodents and Vermin
    • Animal: Hare
    • Colors: Tan, White, Black

    • Oneyer (f) Goddess
    • Portfolio: Beasts
    • Animal: Bison
    • Colors: Dark Brown, Rust, Red

    • Akadi (f) Goddess
    • Portfolio: Elemental Air
    • Sign: Air Elemental
    • Colors: White and Light Blue

    • Kossuth (m) God
    • Portfolio: Elemental Fire
    • Sign: Fire Elemental
    • Colors: Red and Orange

    • Grumbar (m) God
    • Portfolio: Elemental Earth
    • Sign: Earth Elemental
    • Colors: Brown, Grey, Umbar

    • Esyn (f) Goddess
    • Portfolio: Elemental Water
    • Sign: Water Elemental
    • Colors: White, Blue, and Green

    • Melusine (f) Goddess
    • Portfolio: Mother of Dragons and Dragon Magic
    • Sign: Dragon facing left
    • Colors: Red, Silver, Amethyst

    • Velas (m) God
    • Portfolio: Father of Dragons and the Elements
    • Sign: Dragon facing right
    • Colors: Blue, Gold, Diamond

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