Dungeon Room Generator (DnD Other)

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Dungeon Room Generator[edit]

You will need: a deck of playing cards, a coin, a d%, a d10, and something to work as a d3 To use this system you draw a card from the deck and put it aside, draw two more cards and put them aside, if you drew more than one "trap card" you discard all but one "trap card" if you end up with more than one face card of the same type (for instance two kings) discard to one of those face card types, at this point you must keep drawing (following the same rules from above) until you have three number cards under 8 those are you room's dimensions, other than that it's pretty self explanitory


Face = Monster in room

  • Ace = Monster with treasure
  • King = Monster with minions
  • Queen = Mutated monster
  • Jack = Monster with magical


Numbers from 8-10 = room with trap

Numbers from 2-7 = Length/width/height of room

  • 7 = roll a percent die
  • 6 = 35 ft
  • 5 = 30 ft
  • 4 = 25 ft
  • 3 = 20 ft
  • 2 = 15 ft


Roll a d3 1 = MM 2 = MM2 3 = MM3 Then roll 2d100 and use the monster on that page, if that page contains no monsters/does not exist, re-roll.


Roll a d2 1 = magical trap 2 = mechanical trap If mechanical roll a d20

  1. poison needle
  2. fake door monster
  3. acid spray
  4. pit
  5. swinging axes
  6. arrows
  7. cave in
  8. flood
  9. some parts of the floor are fake
  10. crushing walls
  11. airless room with closing portcullis
  12. room fills up with grass
  13. room fills up with gas
  14. room fills up with sand
  15. BOMB!!!
  16. poisoned irresistible food (DC WILL 15)
  17. levers that do... DM'S choice :)
  18. exploding walls
  19. lever that turns the floor upside down (dropping players into... IDK)
  20. Re-roll twice*

If magical roll a d20

  1. fireball
  2. lightning
  3. anti gravity room with spikes on ceiling
  4. door disappears behind you
  5. door on far side of room leads out of the door behind you
  6. room fills with flying paper strips enchanted by the "keen" ability
  7. testing room for dangerous/ unstable magic
  8. stacks of carnivorous skulls
  9. room is the stomach of a large creature
  10. flash freeze
  11. flood then flash freeze
  12. room acts as though affected by a blizzard
  13. tornado
  14. Time is sort of, oh I have a headache
  15. this room is the still beating heart of the tarrasque
  16. DM's choice
  17. in the middle of this room is a sheep... It may be normal, savage, or explosive
  18. the kitchen of a monster hotel... Staffed.
  19. this room has a complex puzzle in the middle, The door you came through isn't there, and none of the players can talk until they get out ( if you want to be really mean you can make a timer (crushing walls, flooding room, spreading magical flame O.O))
  20. re-roll twice*
  • if you roll this number twice restart the trap process.

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