Drilbur (5e Race)

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- Rek the Excadrill

Drillbur & Excadrill.jpg

Physical Description[edit]

Drilbur is a chubby mole-like Pokémon. It has a plump black body with blue streaks along with a white snout and white claws. It has blue round spot on its palms. Drilbur has wide eyes that are almost completely white but contain a single black dot-like pupil. It has oval shaped feet that have three toes. It has three sharp white claws on each arm. Its claws are almost connected, but the three lines show three claws.


The Drillbur line has little history, most of it dating to their discovery. Dillbur's are often considered to be pests by farmers as they will often either purposefully or accidently dig up roots of crops but Excadrills are always approached with extra caution for their reckless nature.


Drillburs live deep underground and don't usually diversify in groups of more than five or three, often with an Excadrill as a leader, they stick to the dark underground they are familiar with until they evolve at which point they are driven away by the lead Excadrill. Excadrill on the other hand is a very reclusive pokemon, never being accompanied by other of its kind other than a few Drillburs, they are far more aggressive and bad tempered than there previous evolution.

Drillbur Names[edit]

Drillburs, and therefore Excadrills, follow a simple three letter naming process, communication is usually linked to short barks so the shorter the name, the shorter the warning cry.

Male: Kaï; Ruk; Tex

Female: San; Vee; Ren

Drillbur Traits[edit]

A small, swift mole Pokémon that burrows underground.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2.
Age. Drillburs mature and evolve at the age of 9, the general lifespan for Excadrill is little less than 12 years due to their constant fighting but some can live much longer if the proper foes are avoided.
Alignment. The general evolutionary line is neutral in nature, usually becoming chaotic after evolution.
Size. Drillburs generally measure 1ft in height, your size is tiny.
Speed. You have a base walking speed of 30 feet, and a burrowing speed of 30 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Ample Digger. Your main line of attacking is ambush from below, as an action you may dig underground for a maximum of 3 turns before needing to resurface. Digging through the hard dirt makes your long claws natural weapons, they deal 1d6 + Dexterity modifier. This can allow you to make surprise attacks from beneath as a bonus action but in doing so you resurface. (Friends and Foes can use the tunnels you make if they are your size or smaller)
Mold Breaker. You gain a proficiency in the Athletics skill.
Sand rush. You have resistance against Poison but a vulnerability against cold damage.
Mud slap. You hurl a small mass of mud at a target, the target must succeed on a Dexterity Check, DC 12 + Dexterity modifier, on a failure the target receives 1d4 worth of damage and is blinded for a round.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Terran.

Racial Evolution Feats[edit]

To mimic evolution growth, when you reach level 6 you can take this feat. When you do, your very form changes.


Prerequisite: Drillbur
You grow tougher, and develop your ferocity and size a bit, to about 2,04 feet, your size is small.

  • Your Burrowing speed increases to 35ft, the amount of rounds you can stay underground for goes from 3 to 5.
  • Your darkvision range increases to 120 feet. And gain a 10ft Tremorsense.
  • Double Strike When you make an attack with your claws, you may expend your bonus action to make another claw attack. The second attack increases from a d6 to a d8. You must take a short rest before using this ability again.
  • Your resistance to Poison becomes an immunity. You are no longer vulnerable to cold damage but fire damage instead.
  • Sand Leap Whilst burrowing you jump out from beneath, slamming into you opponent, and return underground with little issue. The target must fail a DC 8 + Dexterity modifier + Profiencicy Bonus, the damage dealt is 1d6.

Mega Excadrill[edit]

Prerequisite: Excadrillite (requires attunement)
(A large marble-like spherical magical stone, the faint tint of rainbow is visible within) If an Excadrill comes in possession with an Excadrillite they can grow to a level of power far superior than ever thought possible.

  • Your darkvision range increases to 160ft
  • You develop a 40ft Tremorsense, you may remain underground for 6 rounds
  • your claw attacks increase from a d6 to a d8 and a d8 to a d10
  • Your burrowing speed increases to 45ft
  • your Sand Leap damage increases from 1d6 to 2d6
  • You have a temporary advantage on Dexterity saving throws and checks.

The mega evolution is only temporary for it is extremely energy consuming, you retain your mega-evolution for a d4+2 amount of rounds before needing to revert, you must make three long rests before using your mega-stone again.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

1′ 00'' +1d4 18 lb. × (1d8) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

(one vote)

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