Dogfolk (5e Template)

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Dogfolk are more like the pet canids that you would have in your home rather than the werewolf type creature.


Dogfolk started as a joke between two prepubescent Wizards attempting the level 9 transmutation: True Polymorph which was well above their skill level. By attempting to transform each other into dogs, some part of the spell went wrong which resulted in them being stuck as anthro-canines. With the features, limbs and tail of a dog, but the body and mind of a human.


Must have been a Wizard prior to becoming a Dogfolk Creature.


Abberation, Medium, Neutral

Abilities. STR 12/+1 DEX 8/-1 CON 9/-1 INT 10/+0 WIS 9/-1 CHA 11/+0

The creature gains the following traits:

Speed: +10 due to being able to run about like a canine.

Bite: The Dogfolk have the ability to bite with 1 to 2-inch canines that it gained from being transformed.

Spellcasting: May use spells that do not require any materials or hand gestures due to having paws now

Damage Immunities.


Damage Resistances.

Bludgeoning, Cold

Condition Immunities.


Languages Canine and Common

Skills Dogfolk gain proficiency in Perception, Survival +1, Nature +1

Alignment Dogfolk are generally neutral but can be any alignment.


Darkvision- Can see in the dark up to 60 feet


Bite- Melee - 1d4 Piercing damage

Slap- Melee - 1d4 Bludgeoning damage

CR Calculation[edit]

CR Rating: 1/8

Hit Points: 25

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