Divination Subschools (Pathfinder Alternate Class Feature)
Card Reader Subschool[edit]
Class: Any class with the Divination arcane school.
Replaces: The following school powers replace the diviner’s fortune and scrying adept powers of the divination school.
In the Cards (Su): You are adept at focusing your spells through a deck of cards. You may substitute a deck of cards for the material components of any divination school spell where the material cost is less than 100 gp.
Blessing of the Cards (Su): At 8th level you can do a card reading for yourself and up to six other people once per day. The card reading takes one hour, and the effects last for one hour per caster level.
To do the card reading, shuffle a card deck and have each player draw a card. Depending on the suit of the card, they gain a different benefit.
- Hearts: 10 temporary hit points
- Clubs: +2 deflection bonus to AC
- Spades: +2 luck bonus to attack rolls
- Diamonds: +2 enhancement bonus to a single attribute (chosen by the drawer).
Source Call to Arms from Fat Goblin Games
Foretelling Subschool[edit]
Long ago, ancient wizards embraced the sin of sloth in order to enhance their conjuration spells. You follow a similar discipline and have learned to harvest the sin of sloth, taking it easy and allowing your conjured minions to fight for you.
Class: Any class with the Divination arcane school.
Replaces: The following school power replaces the diviner’s fortune and the scrying adept powers of the divination school.
Arcane Prophecy (Sp): Once per day, while preparing spells, you can meditate on a specific question, receiving a flash of insight into the matter. This functions as the spell commune, except that you may ask only one question each day. “Unclear” is still an acceptable answer, but should be based on whether a powerful deity would be likely to know the answer to the question, despite the fact that no deity is actually involved in this process. The answers contain no special bias.
Foresee (Su): At 8th level, you gain the ability to peer moments into the future, and determine whether or not a spell you cast will succeed. Before casting a spell which allows for a saving throw, you may declare that you are using this ability, naming the spell you are intending to use, and the creature you intend to cast it on. The DM then secretly rolls that creature’s saving throw and declares “weal” or “woe”, indicating whether it would be a good use of your spell to the best of his ability. If you choose to cast that spell on that creature, it uses this saving throw. If not, the saving throw is wasted and you take a different action instead.
Source Advanced Arcana I from Necromancers of the Northwest
Revealer Subschool[edit]
A revealer knows the power of drudging up the past or offering glimpses of the future, and they use their abilities to good effect. By sharing their vi¬sions with others, they can change the flow of battle.
Class: Any class with the Divination arcane school.
Replaces: These abilities replace the Diviner’s Fortune and Scrying Adept abilities of the divination school.
Reveal Deeds (Su): As a standard action, you show a target a glimpse of their past deeds. Choose one target within 30 feet and decide whether you show them their greatest successes or their biggest failures.
If you show the target their failures, they take a morale penalty equal to 1/3 your wizard level (minimum 1) on all checks for 1 minute unless they suc¬ceed at a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your wizard level + your Intelligence modi¬fier). If you show them their successes, they instead gain a morale bonus equal to 1/3 your wizard level (minimum 1) on all checks for 1 minute.
You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intel¬ligence modifier. This is a mind-affecting effect.
Reveal Death (Su): You show the target their exact time of death, a moment sure to disturb even the most stoic of warriors. Pick one target within close range (25 ft. + 5 ft./level). If that target fails a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your wizard level + your Intelligence modifier) they gain the frightened condition. If that target’s current hit points are lower than half their maximum, they gain the panicked condition instead. Even if the target succeeds at their save, they gain the shaken condition. This is a mind-affecting fear effect.
Regardless of which condition they receive, the effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to 1d4 + your Intelligence modifier.
You can use this ability once per day at 8th level and an additional time per day for every four levels beyond 8th. This ability may not be used to stack fear effects with itself, though other effects which increase a target’s fear severity function normally.
Source Diviner’s Dissertation from Abandoned Arts
Shifting Luck Subschool[edit]
While human scholars are still baffled by the gobowin’s ability to seemingly twist fate, gobowins continue to do so with little or no effort.
Class: Any class with the Divination arcane school.
Race: Any gobowin.
Replaces: The following school powers replace the diviner’s fortune power of the divination school.
Call Luck’s Name (Sp): As a swift action, a footha may attempt to give good luck to anyone within 30 feet. She may call high (11-20) or low (1-10) and then roll a d20. If she is correct, she may grant one creature a +2 luck bonus. If the footha wishes, she can call a specific number and then roll a d20. If she is correct, she may grant one creature a +20 luck bonus.
Source Wicked Fantasy Companion from John Wick
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