Disgraced Soldier (5e Background)

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This is a variant roleplay feature for the official Soldier background.

Feature: Dishonorable Discharge[edit]

You assaulted a superior officer. Maybe you had a good reason, but it was still enough to get you stripped of your title, uniform, and any benefits your rank might have gotten you. You aren't unwelcome in your home country, per se, but military members and common folk who sympathize with the war effort will look at you with scorn and suspicion. If people allied with opposing forces learn of your prior affiliation, they may still see you as an enemy despite your discharge. However, overselling your treason may help gain their favor. When speaking with a creature who shares your language and is not actively hostile toward you, you can make a Persuasion or Deception roll vs the creature's Insight. If you succeed, the creature is Charmed by you for 1 minute.

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