Discussion talk:Pixie warlock
The Pixie Warlock combination is a fairly straight forward one. The pixie is well suited to be a warlock; with it's greater invisibly and ability to fly, the pixie can be a very nasty magic user at a warlock. Unlike the sorcerer and wizard classes, the warlock's invocations are limitless in use. Thus a well constructed warlock pixie can put the beat down on any number of opponents while remaining hidden and maneuverable. What more, where a normal warlock would be faced with concealment issues and ensuring his safety with invocations, taking up valuable time, the pixie warlock can rush into battle very easily.
Though the pixie warlock is limited in the number of invocations known, this really doesn't detract from the combination, and rather compliments the pixie's racial spell like abilities.
A certain option would be a gestalt pixie rogue warlock, or multiclassed pixie rogue warlock.
Example Pixie Warlock: Carv (example Pixie Warlock)
Male Pixie Warlock 10 Chaotic Neutral
Strength 8 (-1) Dexterity 21 (+5) Constitution 16 (+3) Intelligence 15 (+2) Wisdom 12 (+1) Charisma 20 (+5)
Size: Small Height: 2' 10" Weight: 31 lb Skin: Silvery Eyes: Violet Hair: Blond Straight; Beardless
Total Hit Points: 67
Speed: 30 feet
Armor Class: 19 = 10 +2 [leather] +5 [dexterity] +1 [small] +1 [pixie]
Touch AC: 16 Flat-footed: 14 DR 12/cold Iron
Initiative modifier: +5 = +5 [dexterity] Fortitude save: +6 = 3 [base] +3 [constitution] Reflex save: +8 = 3 [base] +5 [dexterity] Will save: +8 = 7 [base] +1 [wisdom] Attack (handheld): +7/+2 = 7 [base] -1 [strength] +1 [small] Attack (unarmed): +7/+2 = 7 [base] -1 [strength] +1 [small] Attack (missile): +13/+8 = 7 [base] +5 [dexterity] +1 [small] Grapple check: +2/+-3 = 7 [base] -1 [strength] -4 [small]
Light load: Medium load: Heavy load: Lift over head: Lift off ground: Push or drag: 20 lb. or less 20-40 lb. 41-60 lb. 60 lb. 120 lb. 300 lb.
Languages: Common Elven Halfling Sylvan
Light Crossbow [1d6, crit 19-20/x2, range inc 80 ft., 2 lb, piercing]]
Leather armor [light; +2 AC; max dex +6; check penalty 0; 7.5 lb.]
Dodge Point Blank Shot Quick Draw Spell Penetration Intensify Darkness [hand-edit as needed]
Skill Name/ Key Ability/ Skill Modifier/ Ability Modifier/ Ranks
Misc. Modifier Appraise Int 2 = +2 Balance Dex* 5 = +5 Bluff Cha 5 = +5 Climb Str* -1 = -1 Concentration Con 7 = +3 +4 Craft_1 Int 2 = +2 Craft_2 Int 2 = +2 Craft_3 Int 2 = +2 Diplomacy Cha 5 = +5 Disguise Cha 5 = +5 Escape Artist Dex* 9 = +5 +4 Forgery Int 2 = +2 Gather Information Cha 5 = +5 Heal Wis 1 = +1 Hide Dex* 13 = +5 +4 +4 [small] Intimidate Cha 5 = +5 Jump Str* -1 = -1 Knowledge (arcana) Int 10 = +2 +8 Knowledge (religion) Int 6 = +2 +4 Knowledge (planes) Int 6 = +2 +4 Listen Wis 7 = +1 +4 +2 [pixie] Move Silently Dex* 9 = +5 +4 Perform_1 Cha 5 = +5 Perform_2 Cha 5 = +5 Perform_3 Cha 5 = +5 Perform_4 Cha 5 = +5 Perform_5 Cha 5 = +5 Ride Dex 5 = +5 Search Int 4 = +2 +2 [pixie] Sense Motive Wis 5 = +1 +4 Spellcraft Int 8 = +2 +4 +2 [Knowledge, arcane] Spot Wis 7 = +1 +4 +2 [pixie] Survival Wis 1 = +1 Swim Str** -1 = -1 Use Magic Device Cha 9 = +5 +4 Use Rope Dex 5 = +5
- = check penalty for wearing armor
* -4 strength, +4 dexterity, +2 intelligence, +2 charisma (already included)
* Fly 60 feet (god)
* Low-light vision
* Free "dodge" feat
* Level adjustment +4, or +6 if can use Otto's irresistible dance
* Fey
* Damage reduction 10/cold iron
* Greater invisibility
* Spell resistance 15+class level
* Core class from "Complete Arcane"
* Save vs. a warlock's magic is 10 + equivalent spell level + charisma modifier
* At level 10:
o Know 3 invocations of lesser or least level
o Know 3 invocations of least level
o Eldritch blast 5d6
o Detect magic at will
o Deceive item
o Damage reduction 2/cold iron
o Fiendish resilience 1
o Energy resistance 5 (choose 2 kinds) (Acid and Fire)
Class HP rolled Level 1: Warlock 6 Level 2: Warlock 5 Level 3: Warlock 4 Level 4: Warlock 5 +1 to charisma Level 5: Warlock 5 Level 6: Warlock 3 Level 7: Warlock 2 Level 8: Warlock 2 +1 to constitution Level 9: Warlock 1 Level 10: Warlock 4
Carv (example Pixie Warlock)'s Equipment:
10 lb 1 lb 1 lb 2 lb 1 lb 1 lb 1 lb 1 lb 1 lb _____ 19 lb Weapons / Armor / Shield (from above) Crossbow bolts (quiver of 10) x1 Bag of Holding, Bag of Sand
- the following is in the bag of holding*
Bedroll Candle Flint and steel Ink vial Ink pen Lantern (hooded) Mirror Oil flasks x1 Parchment sheets x5 Sealing wax Vial (for ink or potions) x5 Thieves' tools twine
Total 13 lbs
Invocations: Least: Eldritch Spear, Darkness, Devil's Sight, Earthen Grasp Lesser: Brimstone Blast, Voidsense and Voracious Dispelling.
(Hint: using the intensify darkness feat with the darkness invocation makes all darkness invocations deeper darkness. Casting that on a clump of wet sand will transfer the spell to each particle of sand once dried.)
Example Pixie Rogue 6 Warlock 4 level (Note there is a rule for level adjustment with the pixie, rather than taking on a full level adjustment with HD, the pixie can forgo monstrous HD and level straight form level one in his or her base class (rogue, warlock etc) and then gains slowly the powers of a pixie with each level. That is why I'm not showing a huge level adjustment here. And showing level 10 character examples.)
Rarv (Example Character)
Male Pixie Fey 1 / Rogue 4 / Warlock 5 Chaotic Neutral
Strength 10 (+0) Dexterity 17 (+3) Constitution 15 (+2) Intelligence 16 (+3) Wisdom 11 (+0) Charisma 20 (+5)
Size: Small Height: 3' 0" Weight: 34 lb Skin: Tan Eyes: Blue Hair: Blond Straight; Beardless
Total Hit Points: 56
Speed: 30 feet
Armor Class: 18 = 10 +3 [studded] +3 [dexterity] +1 [small] +1 [pixie]
Touch AC: 14 Flat-footed: 18 [uncanny dodge]
Initiative modifier: +3 = +3 [dexterity] Fortitude save: +6 = 4 [base] +2 [constitution] Reflex save: +10 = 7 [base] +3 [dexterity] Will save: +7 = 7 [base] Attack (handheld): +7/+2 = 6 [base] +1 [small]
Weapon Finesse: +10/+5 = 6 [base] +3 [dexterity] +1 [small]
Attack (unarmed): +7/+2 = 6 [base] +1 [small] Attack (missile): +10/+5 = 6 [base] +3 [dexterity] +1 [small] Grapple check: +2/+-3 = 6 [base] -4 [small]
Light load: Medium load: Heavy load: Lift over head: Lift off ground: Push or drag: 25 lb. or less 26-50 lb. 50-75 lb. 75 lb. 150 lb. 375 lb.
Languages: Abyssal Common Elven Halfling Sylvan
Rapier [1d4, crit 18-20/x2, 1 lb., one-handed, piercing]
Hand Crossbow [1d3, 19-20/x2, range incr 30 ft., 1 lb., piercing]
Studded armor [light; +3 AC; max dex +5; check penalty -1; 10 lb.]
Combat Reflexes Dodge Quick Draw Weapon Finesse Intensify Darkness [hand-edit as needed]
Skill Name /Key Ability /Skill Modifier /Ability Modifier /Ranks /Misc. Modifier Appraise Int 5 = +3 +2 Balance Dex* 3 = +3 Bluff Cha 9 = +5 +4 Climb Str* 0 = +0 Concentration Con 10 = +2 +8 Craft_1 Int 6 = +3 +3 Craft_2 Int 3 = +3 Craft_3 Int 3 = +3 Decipher Script Int 5 = +3 +2 Diplomacy Cha 7 = +5 +2 Disable Device Int 5 = +3 +2 Disguise Cha 5 = +5 Escape Artist Dex* 7 = +3 +4 Forgery Int 5 = +3 +2 Gather Information Cha 9 = +5 +4 Heal Wis 0 = +0 Hide Dex* 11 = +3 +4 +4 [small] Intimidate Cha 7 = +5 +2 Jump Str* 0 = +0 Knowledge (arcana) Int 7 = +3 +4 Knowledge (local) Int 5 = +3 +2 Knowledge (religion) Int 5 = +3 +2 Knowledge (planes) Int 5 = +3 +2 Listen Wis 6 = +0 +4 +2 [pixie] Move Silently Dex* 8 = +3 +5 Perform_1 Cha 5 = +5 Perform_2 Cha 5 = +5 Perform_3 Cha 5 = +5 Perform_4 Cha 5 = +5 Perform_5 Cha 5 = +5 Ride Dex 3 = +3 Search Int 9 = +3 +4 +2 [pixie] Sense Motive Wis 4 = +0 +4 Sleight of Hand Dex* 7 = + +4 Spellcraft Int 11 = +3 +8 Spot Wis 11 = +0 +9 +2 [pixie] Survival Wis 0 = +0 Swim Str** 0 = +0 Use Magic Device Cha 7 = +5 +2 Use Rope Dex 3 = +3
- = check penalty for wearing armor
Spellcraft >=5 ranks gives +2 on use magic device checks on scrolls.
* -4 strength, +4 dexterity, +2 intelligence, +2 charisma (already included)
* Fly 60 feet (god)
* Low-light vision
* Free "dodge" feat
* Level adjustment +4, or +6 if can use Otto's irresistible dance
* Fey
* Damage reduction 10/cold iron
* Greater invisibility
* Spell resistance 15+class level
* Core class from "Complete Arcane"
* Save vs. a warlock's magic is 10 + equivalent spell level + charisma modifier
* At level 5:
o Know 3 invocations of least level
o Eldritch blast 3d6
o Detect magic at will
o Deceive item
o Damage reduction 1/cold iron
* Sneak Attack +2d6
* Trapfinding
* Evasion (level 2)
* Trap Sense (level 3)
* Uncanny Dodge (level 4)
* Improved Uncanny Dodge (level 8)
* Special Abilities (choices begin at 10th level)
Class HP rolled Level 1: Fey 6 Level 2: Rogue 4 Level 3: Rogue 3 Level 4: Rogue 6 +1 to charisma Level 5: Rogue 2 Level 6: Warlock 3 Level 7: Warlock 2 Level 8: Warlock 3 +1 to charisma Level 9: Warlock 5 Level 10: Warlock 2
Rarv (Example Character)'s Equipment:
12 lb 1 lb 2 lb 4 lb 5 lb 2 lb 4 lb 8 lb 1 lb 3 lb 10 lb 1 lb 10 lb 1 lb 8 lb 1 lb 1 lb 1 lb 1 lb 1 lb 1 lb _____ 78 lb Weapons / Armor / Shield (from above) Crossbow bolts (quiver of 10) x1 Bag of Holding, Bag of Sand
- The following is in the bag of holding*
Bell Caltrops Candle Chain (10 feet) x2 Crowbar Fishhook Flint and steel Ink vial Ink pen Lantern (hooded) Locks x4 Manacles x4 Mirror Oil flasks x3 Paper sheets x2 Pick Rations (1 day) x4 Rope (50', hempen) x1 Sealing wax Signet ring Spade / shovel Spyglass Vial (for ink or potions) x4 Waterskins x1 Whetstone Climber's kit Thieves' tools
Total 15 lbs
Invocations: Darkness, Hideous Blow, Devil's sight (Or Voidsense...)
Hints about this character: Darkness again with the feat intensify darkness as above, hideous blow can be used with normal weapon damage and sneak attack. Sneak Attack can also apply to a normal Eldritch Blast.