Discussion:Suggest a Feat!

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Suggest a Feat![edit]

Currently playing a campaign and I've just Multiclassed into Barbarian from Fighter making my a lvl 4 Fighter and a lvl 1 Barbarian. Stats are STR 21, DEX 16, CON 16, INT 12, WIS 14, CHA 8. I am currently quite a succesful tripper using a spiked chain and have acquired Improved Trip, Improved Disarm, and the prereqs for those feats. I was thinking of taking power attack at level 6 to help increase my damage when not tripping. Anyone have a better idea? Keep in mind that this is a CORE RULES only game. For us that means DMG, Handbook, and Monsters. Thanks!

TK-Squared 11:20, 24 January 2009 (MST)[edit]

First order of business, how did you qualify for Improved Trip? It requires Int 13 (so does Combat Expertise and Improved Disarm, for that matter). Second order of business, take Power Attack.

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