Discussion:Newbie QnA. Starting a Character.

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Sk3tz0 (talk11:42, 28 January 2017 (MST)[edit]

HI all, i'm new to the DnD and this Wiki scene, I apologise if i do anything wrong here. I'd like to play the Lacundus Drakulum game that was posted here, and would like to thank GamerAim for pointing me in the right direction of getting my first character start, I have one or two question

Dice Rolling: as i never played a game in real world conditions i'dont actually own any dice. I found a Dice rolling Simulator on the Wizards of the Coast site after a google search and was wondering if this will be fine to use. having read through the Dice explanation given 6D means ur standard 6sided dice however in the character generation section of the game i wish to join there is a "You may use the following methods for ability score generation: IRON MAN: Roll 3d6 in order down the line, no rerolls." bit, I like some clarity on what is meant by "in order down the line."

Character: As i'm not familiar at all with DnD classes some input from the more experienced people will be great. I'm looking to create a Character that is balanced between a healer and a fighter. type of person that can toss out a healing spell to his fellow adventurers but also hold his own in combat if he gets ganked. Something like a Paladin but without the whole good 2 shoes Oath and such. (Alignment neutral i guess but will sway depending on the situation.) if this is at all even possible to do (still going through the basic rules and the website)

thank you in advance for all replies and comments.

--Sk3tz0 (talk) 11:42, 28 January 2017 (MST)