Discussion:Homebrew class might need balancing.

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IanGMs (talk12:41, 5 August 2017 (MDT) .[edit]


I've been a gm on and off for the past year and would like to think I know 5e fairly well. This coming year, I'm looking to play in a game verses lead it. I'm making a character and I had an idea for this magical inventor type person that can create clockwork devices and (at higher levels) enchanted items for himself and his party members.

I found this [1] inventor class and both added and changed it to suit my ideas.

The Question[edit]

That said, I'm worried I may have done too much. I want the guy to be able to survive a fight, not necessarily squash a few orcs on his own; especially since we're starting at level one. I want him to do cool things for both himself and his party. Make the party shine a bit brighter than him.

Bellow I've attached the full documentation for this class. Let me know your opinion. Does the class seem fine to you or does it need tweaking? If it needs tweaking, what would you suggest?

Fair warning: this is the first THING I've ever homebrewed, let alone first class. Their may be some glaring mistakes in there that I don't know are an issue. Don't be afraid to bring them up, but try to forgive me for making them.

Thank you for your help!

The Class[edit]

Bellow is the class I've brewed up.

Tinkerer [2]

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