Discussion:Hey :) New Dm any tips?

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Character development[edit]

My primary tip would be to consider your characters (ie, the monsters, towns, environments, NPCs, big evil bad guy (BBEG), and traps) to require just as much character development as the players. participate with them developing their characters and concepts (without limiting tehm if able) and build your world at the same time. If they really want to fight undead, build an undead heavy campeign to match. If you have a really cool terrain idea, make sure their player characters match. In addition, don't jsut throw names and a stat sheet at your team. They have to fit into a single whole, with a reason for each member of team evil. The BBEG doesn't just attack the town for no reason, he has a purpose. The players might be able to thrwart (or assist) that purpose in numerous ways, only some of which lead to conflict and BBEG death.

- Krandor

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