Discussion:Help making a Ninja

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== So, as the headline reads, I need help making a ninja. I made one for the campaign I did on Saturday, but I didn't really bring anything outstanding to my party. I disabled some traps, killed a few things, and even managed to get my sword stuck in a wall (sad panda face.) I just want to bring some, shall we say, OOMPH to the party. I will lay out the basics of my character and any help would be greatly appreciated :) Lvl1 Rogue/ Lvl5 Ninja ( NOTE!!!!!: another lvl in wait, just lvled) (Human) Str 16 HP: 60 Dex 18 Saves: (As Is, no buffs) Con 12 Feats: Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Combat Reflexes Int 14 Significant Loot: Boots of Elven Kind, +1 Ghost Touch Katana, Vest of Escape. Wis 18 Char 11

Ghost Step:

Path I walk: Shunshin (Body Flicker aka 1 extra square) NOTE!!!!: I get another one If I lvl again into Ninja)

There's a good chunk of what I have, I'd have to go get my sheet but that's off the top of my head :)

Any suggestions at all: AS in, lvling in a different way, prestige classing, redoing feats, path I walk, etc.

NOTE!!!!: I can pretty much make my character over again, but I WILL NOT deviate from the ninja-esque/assassin/Sam Fisher persona, I love it too much :)

Restraints In Campaign:

Off the top of my head, we cannot be any type of evil, no summoning, errrmmmmm O!

We are in a super max esque dungeon, so not really anything outdoorsee (tried to ask if I could be a dragon rider but he shot that down haha.) Although we HAVE encountered outdoor like areas, such as right now we are going through a lava/ice area, been in some foresty areas, etc. But the majority of it is simple stone/dully lit rooms.


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