Discussion:Grafter Questions

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Grafter Questions[edit] 04:17, 24 June 2008 (MDT)[edit]

hello everyone i had a few questions about the Prestige Class : grafter

  1. as i was looking around in the class.I wanted to know how the brewing skill works with it . example: i graft a healing potion( any kind doesn't matter) now can i use that on me as a graft or do i have to take it off and drink it?
  2. when i take the graft off of me and i leave it off of me for so many days. and it dies does the magic item come back or does it just disappear?
  3. is there anyway to get rid of or lower the amount of exp it takes to make an item?
  4. as you level up how many Prestige Classes can you have?
  5. "last one" if you are able to have more then 1 can you have a grafter/geomancer. witch takes on ability's as you level up in that class you change the way you look. so since as a grafter your grafts change the way you look and so does the geomancer would that work.

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