Discussion:150 DC... how?

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150 DC... how?[edit]

I just wondered how one can actually turn a hostile creature into a fanatic one.

The only modifers I can find are +15 for feats and +30 for an enhanced item. With only these modifers, I would need to have a character level of 102. Granted, with synth. boni I would need level 100... And the modifers from WIS and CHA maybe would also cover a little bit, but even that isn't much more than a drop in the bucket... Since this just can't be I wanted to ask what else could help to increase my Diplomacy Skill. VB99 (talk) 10:32, 2 October 2013 (MDT) 11:47, 2 October 2013 (MDT)[edit]

Having a divine rank helps a bit.

I can make a 117:[edit]

feats: +15 Item: +30 Level 20: +23 Synergies: +6 33 CHA: +11 <- Edit that as you can Warlock Invocation: +6 Incarnate(3) ability: +12 Half-Elf: +2 Rogue(10)[Skill mastery]+"Saavy Rogue" feat: take 12

You can increase this to a total 126 by continuing to level 22. Which is good enough for Unfriendly -> Fanatic You could always go: Hostile -> Helpful: DC50 Helpful -> Fanatic: DC50 If you can make DC50, you can do it in 2 steps, rather than 1 Atlas (talk) 19:10, 24 June 2014 (MDT)

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While this might be true, I don't think the DM will just randomly allow me to gain divine ranks... Still, thanks for replying. VB99 (talk) 14:21, 9 October 2013 (MDT)


There was something my friend once did by using monk move speed, run and other feats (Complete Warrior for some i think). anyway he did something crazy like jump to the top of a 20 story tower and the entire town worshipped him. He named his character The Jumplomancer.Mordred the dark (talk) 19:21, 13 October 2014 (MDT)