Dense Mana Field (5e Environment)

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Dense Mana Field[edit]

A Dense Mana Field is an area coated in thick mana.


These occur around mana veins occasionally and in elemental planes.


These areas can be as small as a village or as big as an entire mountain range.



While a player is in a Dense Mana Field the area is considered difficult terrain. If you don't have proficiency in either Arcana or Survival, you will gain a level of exhaustion every hour. With proficiency in either Arcana or Survival, you gain exhaustion every 4 hours or after finishing a short rest. If you have double proficiency in one or have proficiency in both you gain exhaustion after every 8 hours or after a long rest. You are immune to gaining exhaustion levels if you have double proficiency in one skill and proficiency in the other. You are completely unaffected if you have double proficiency in both.


Sigil holders must make a DC 14 Survival check or else have all their sigil's powers nullified once every hour. A sigil's passive effects are always nullified in a Dense Mana Field. The usage of a sigil's active ability causes 1d6 necrotic, radiant, thunder, lightning, fire, cold, or force (chosen by the DM) damage to the user.

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