Demonspider (4e Creature)

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Demonspiders are demons spawned of the great web, and are usually in spider form. Like their mistress, Lolth, they are often deceivers, relying on trickery, lies, deceit and stealth to destroy their foes utterly.


Bebiliths are enormous, predatory, arachnid demons that hunt other demons. A bebilith has a body the size of a plow horse, with legs spanning more than 14 feet. It weighs more than two tons.
Bebiliths look like misshapen spiders with dark, mottled, chitinous bodies. Their forelegs end in wicked barbs, and their fanged mouths drip poisonous goo.

Level 8 Brute
Huge Elemental Beast (demon, spider, spiderkind)
XP 350
Initiative +10 Senses Perception +11
HP 104; Bloodied 52
AC 20; Fortitude 19, Reflex 20, Will 19
Speed 8, climb 8 (spider climb)
Basicmelee.png Claw ♦ at-will
Effect: +11 Vs. AC; 2d8 + 5 damage.
Melee.png Double Claw ♦ at-will
Effect: The bebilith makes two claw attacks.
Melee.png Bite ♦ at-will
Effect: +11 Vs. AC; 2d6 + 5 damage and ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends).
Ranged.png Web ♦ encounter
Effect: Ranged 5; +9 Vs. Reflex; The target is restrained until the start of the bebilith's next turn.
Skills Insight +11, Stealth +14
Str 17 (+7) Dex 20 (+9) Wis 14 (+6)
Con 14 (+6) Int 14 (+6) Cha 17 (+7)
Alignment Unaligned Languages Spydric

Bebilith Tactics[edit]

Bebiliths rely on basic tactics, charging their foes and using double claw and bite slay their foes. They use web to restrain fleeing foes or as a cover to flee themselves when bloodied.

Brain Spider[edit]

A brain spider is a parasitic, spider-shaped creatures that reproduces by laying its eggs in its prey's brain. A young brain spider grows inside the brain, controlling the mind of its host. Once mature, it bursts out of its prey, ready to infect others with its progeny.

Brain Spider
Level 23 Skirmisher
Large Elemental Magical Beast (demon, spider, spiderkind)
XP 5100
Initiative +23 Senses Perception +21; darkvision; tremorsense 6
HP 213; Bloodied 106
AC 37; Fortitude 30, Reflex 31, Will 30
Speed 8, climb 8 (spider climb)
Basicmelee.png Bite ♦ at-will
Effect: +28 Vs. AC; 3d6 + 8 damage, and ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends).
Melee.png Infection ♦ encounter
Effect: +28 Vs. AC; 4d12 + 8 damage, and brain spider infection (see below).
Melee.png Abyssal Fang ♦ encounter
Effect: +28 Vs. AC; 4d12 + 8 damage, and ongoing 15 necrotic damage (save ends).
Ranged.png Mindweb ♦ encounter
Effect: +26 Vs, Will; the target is dominated (save ends).
Skills Arachana +23, Athletics +23, Acrobatics +24, Intimidate +23, Stealth +24.
Str 24 (+18) Dex 27 (+19) Wis 21 (+16)
Con 21 (+16) Int 21 (+16) Cha 24 (+18)
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Abyssal, Spydric

Brain Spider Infection
Level 20 Disease
A demonic spider egg hatches in the unfortunate victims brain, and the spider controls his mind.

Stage 0: The target recovers from the disease.

Stage 1: the target takes a -2 penalty to its will defense.
Stage 2: the target is dominated for the first round of each encounter.
Stage 3: in the first round of the next encounter, the target is killed and a brain spider appears in the target's space.

Check: At the end of each extended rest, the target makes an Endurance check if it is at stage 1 or 2.
17 or Lower: The stage of the disease increases by 1.
18 - 24: No change.
25 or Higher: The stage of the disease decreases by 1.

Brain Spider Tactics[edit]

Brain spiders rely on their infection ability to infect a foe with brain spider infection. Brain spiders use mindweb to turn their enemies against each other and to bring their chosen victims to them.

Lesser Demonspider[edit]

Lesser demonspiders are weaker demonspiders which are generally used as "living shields".

Lesser Demonspider Minion
Level 5 Minion Skirmisher
Medium Elemental Magical Beast (demon, spider, spiderkind)
XP 50
Initiative +11 Senses Perception +8; tremorsense 6; darkvision
HP 1; Bloodied
AC 19; Fortitude 16, Reflex 17, Will 16
Speed 8, climb 8 (spider climb)
Basicmelee.png Bite ♦ at-will
Effect: +10 Vs. AC; 5 poison damage.
Skills Arachana +9, Bluff +9, Intimidate +9, Stealth +11
Str 15 (+4) Dex 18 (+6) Wis 12 (+3)
Con 12 (+3) Int 12 (+3) Cha 15 (+4)
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Common, Elven, Deep Speech, Spydric

Lesser Demonspider
Level 15 Minion
Medium Elemental Magical Beast (demon, spider, spiderkind)
XP 300
Initiative +17 Senses Perception +15; tremorsense 6; darkvision
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.
AC 29; Fortitude 24, Reflex 25, Will 24
Speed 8, climb 8 (spider climb)
Basicmelee.png Bite ♦ at-will
Effect: +20 Vs. AC; 8 poison damage.
Skills Arachana +17, Bluff +17, Intimidate +17, Stealth +18
Str 20 (+12) Dex 23 (+13) Wis 17 (+10)
Con 17 (+10) Int 17 (+10) Cha 20 (+12)
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Common, Elven, Deep Speech, Spydric

Lesser Demonspider Kel'ikor
Level 25 Minion
Medium Elemental Magical Beast (demon, spider, spiderkind)
XP 1750
Initiative +26 Senses Perception 23; tremorsense 6; darkvision
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.
AC 39; Fortitude 31, Reflex 33, Will 31
Speed 8, climb 8 (spider climb)
Basicmelee.png Bite ♦ at-will
Effect: +30 Vs. AC; 11 poison damage.
Skills Arachana +24, Bluff +24, Intimidate +24, Stealth +26
Str 25 (+19) Dex 28 (+21) Wis 22 (+18)
Con 22 (+18) Int 22 (+18) Cha 25 (+19)
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Common, Elven, Deep Speech, Spydric

Lesser Demonspider Tactics[edit]

Lesser demonspiders use their speed to outmaneuver their foes.

Progenitor Spider[edit]

Progenitor spiders can reproduce by injecting foes with eggs which hatch inside them. The newborn spiderlings feast upon the body of the unfortunate victim, until they have sufficient numbers to break out of the victims' body.

Progenitor Spider
Level 10 Elite Skirmisher
Huge Elemental Magical Beast (demon, spider, spiderkind)
XP 1000
Initiative +14 Senses Perception +12; Darkvision; Tremorsense 6
Despair (Fear) aura 5; Enemies within the aura suffer a -2 penalty to attack rolls against the progenitor spider.
HP 206; Bloodied 103
AC 26; Fortitude 20, Reflex 24, Will 22
Resist 10 variable, 10 poison
Saving Throws +2
Speed 10, climb 10 (spider climb)
Action Points 1
Basicmelee.png Bite ♦ at-will
Effect: Reach 3; +15 Vs. AC; 2d6 + 5 damage, and ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends).
Melee.png Progenition Fang ♦ recharge when first bloodied
Effect: Reach 3; +13 Vs. Fortitude; 4d8 + 5 damage, and the target contracts progenation (see below).
Skills Athletics +14, Arachana +14, Stealth +15
Str 18 (+9) Dex 21 (+10) Wis 15 (+7)
Con 15 (+7) Int 15 (+7) Cha 18 (+9)
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Common, Abyssal, Elven, Deep Speech, Spydric

Greater Progenitor Spider
Level 20 Elite Skirmisher
Huge Elemental Magical Beast (demon, spider,)
XP 5600
Initiative +23 Senses Perception +20; Darkvision; Tremorsense 6
Despair (Fear) aura 5; Enemies within the aura suffer a -2 penalty to attack rolls against the progenitor spider.
HP 292; Bloodied 146
AC 36; Fortitude 28, Reflex 31, Will 30
Resist 10 variable, 10 poison
Saving Throws +2
Speed 10, climb 10 (spider climb)
Action Points 1
Basicmelee.png Bite ♦ at-will
Effect: Reach 3; +25 Vs. AC; 3d6 + 8 damage, and ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends).
Melee.png Progenition Fang ♦ recharge when first bloodied
Effect: Reach 3; +25 Vs. Fortitude; 4d10 + 7 damage, and the target contracts progenation (see below).
Skills Athletics +21, Arachana +21, Stealth +23
Str 23 (+16) Dex 26 (+18) Wis 20 (+15)
Con 20 (+15) Int 20 (+15) Cha 23 (+16)
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Common, Abyssal, Elven, Deep Speech, Spydric

Level 10 Disease
Demonic spider eggs hatch inside the body of the unfortunate victim, feasting upon his flesh.

Stage 0: The target recovers from the disease.

Stage 1: The target gains vulnerable 5 poison.
Stage 2: The target gains vulnerable 10 poison.
Stage 3: At the beginning of the next encounter, the target is reduced to 0 hit points, and a swarm of progenitor spiderlings appears in the target's space.

Check: At the end of each extended rest, the target makes an Endurance check if it is at stage 1 or 2.
12 or Lower: The stage of the disease increases by 1.
13 - 17: No change.
18 or Higher: The stage of the disease decreases by 1.

Progenitor Spider Tactics[edit]

The progenator spider attacks viciously, using progenition bite to infect the body of its victim with progenition.

Progenitor Spider Swarm
Level 10 Brute
Large Elemental Magical Beast (demon, spider, swarm, spiderkind)
XP 500
Initiative +14 Senses Perception +12; tremorsense 6
Swarm aura 1; The progenitor spider swarm makes a basic attack as a free action against each enemy that begins its turn in the aura.
HP 125; Bloodied 62
AC 22; Fortitude 23, Reflex 22, Will 22
Resists: half damage from melee or ranged attacks; Vulnerable: 10 against close and area attacks.
Speed 6, climb 6 (spider climb)
Basicmelee.png Bite ♦ at-will
Effect: +11 Vs. Reflex; 3d6 + 5 damage, and ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends).
Melee.png Swarm of Fangs ♦ at-will
Effect: Close burst 1; +9 Vs. Reflex; 3d6 + 5 damage, and ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends).
Skills Athletics +14; Acrobatics +15; Stealth +15
Str 18 (+9) Dex 21 (+10) Wis 15 (+7)
Con 15 (+7) Int 5 (+2) Cha 18 (+9)
Alignment Unaligned Languages Spydric

Greater Progenitor Spider Swarm
Level 20 Brute
Large Elemental Magical Beast (demon, spider, swarm, spiderkind)
XP 2800
Initiative +22 Senses Perception +20; tremorsense 6
Swarm aura 1; The progenitor spider swarm makes a basic attack as a free action against each enemy that begins its turn in the aura.
HP 230; Bloodied 115
AC 32; Fortitude 28, Reflex 29, Will 28
Resists: half damage from melee or ranged attacks; Vulnerable: 10 against close and area attacks.
Speed 6, climb 6 (spider climb)
Basicmelee.png Bite ♦ at-will
Effect: +23 Vs. Reflex; 3d8 + 7 damage, and ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends).
Melee.png Swarm of Fangs ♦ at-will
Effect: Close burst 1; +23 Vs. Reflex; 3d8 + 7 damage, and ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends).
Skills Athletics +21; Acrobatics +23; Stealth +23
Str 23 (+16) Dex 26 (+18) Wis 20 (+15)
Con 20 (+15) Int 20 (+15) Cha 23 (+16)
Alignment Unaligned Languages Spydric

Progenitor Spider Swarm Tactics[edit]

Progenitor spider swarms are mindless, swarming around their foes and relying on weight of numbers to bring down their foes.


A retriever specializes in recovering lost or desired objects, runaway slaves, and enemies and bringing them back to its master. A retriever has a body the size of an ox, with legs spanning more than 14 feet. It weighs about 6,500 pounds.

Level 12 Lurker
Huge Elemental Beast (demon, spider, spiderkind)
XP 700
Initiative +16 Senses Perception +29; tremorsense 10; darkvision
HP 94; Bloodied 47
AC 26; Fortitude 22, Reflex 23, Will 22
Resist 10 variable
Speed 10, climb 10 (spider climb)
Basicmelee.png Bite ♦ at-will
Effect: +17 Vs. AC; 2d6 + 5 damage, and ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends)
Basicmelee.png Claw ♦ at-will
Effect: +17 Vs. AC; 1d8 + 5 damage.
Melee.png Slashing Claws ♦ at-will
Effect: The retriever makes 4 claw attacks, or 2 claw attacks and a bite attack.
Retriever's Eye ♦ recharge D6 (5).png D6 (6).png
Effect: The retriever can use one of the following eye rays;

1 — Fire Ray (fire): Area burst 2 within 10; +13 Vs. Reflex; 3d8 + 5 fire damage and ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends).
2 — Cold Ray (cold): Area burst 2 within 10; +13 Vs. Reflex; 4d8 + 5 cold# damage.
3 — Lighting Ray (lightning): Ranged 10; +15 Vs. Reflex; 4d10 + 5 lightning damage.

Skills Arachana +15, Insight +29; Stealth +17
Str 19 (+10) Dex 22 (+12) Wis 16 (+9)
Con 16 (+9) Int 16 (+9) Cha 19 (+10)
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Spydric

Retriever Tactics[edit]

A retriever attacks subtly, trying to ambush or outmaneuver its foes and using retriever's eye to destroy its foes. If it has been ordered to retrieve someone or something, it grabs that object.

Turmoil Spider[edit]

A turmoil spider is a creature of pure chaos, gaining and loosing powers as Lolth sees fit. A turmoil spider is amongst the most dangerous demonspiders, as it is truly unpredictable.

Turmoil Spider
Level 18 Lurker
Large Elemental Magical Beast (demon, spider, spiderkind)
XP 2000
Initiative +20 Senses Perception +18; darkvision; tremorsense 6
HP 171; Bloodied 85
AC 32; Fortitude 26, Reflex 28, Will 26
Resist 10 poison
Speed 8, climb 8 (spider climb)
Basicmelee.png Bite ♦ encounter
Effect: +23 Vs. AC; 2d8 + 7 damage and ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends).
Basicmelee.png or Basicranged.png Basic Attack
Effect: At the start of the encounter, roll 1d6. The turmoil spider gains one of the powers below based on the roll.

1— Swiftbite (standard; at will)♦Poison; Melee; The turmoil spider shifts 4 squares and makes a bite attack.
2— Spit Poison (standard; at will)♦Poison; Ranged 10; +21 Vs. Fortitude; 2d8 + 7 poison damage, and ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends).
3— Double Bite (standard; at will)♦Poison; Melee; The turmoil spider makes two bite attacks.
4— Spit Gum (standard; at will)♦Poison; Ranged 10; +21 Vs. Fortitude; 2d8 + 7 Poison damage, and the target is restrained (save ends).
5— Noxious Fang (standard; at will)♦Poison; Melee; +21 Vs. Fortitude; 1d10 + 7 damage and ongoing 15 poison damage.
6— Roll 1d6 twice. The turmoil spider gains two of the powers above based on the rolls. Reroll any duplicates or any rolls of 6.

Melee.png or Ranged.png Powers
Effect: Roll 1d6 twice. The turmoil spider gains two of the powers below based on the rolls. Reroll any duplicates or any rolls of 6.

1— Flurry of Fangs (standard; encounter)♦Poison; Melee; The turmoil spider makes four bite attacks. If the turmoil spider hits twice, the target takes ongoing 10 poison damage (save ends). If the turmoil spider hits three times, the target takes ongoing 15 poison damage (save ends). If the turmoil spider hits four times, the target takes ongoing 20 poison damage (save ends).
2— Spit Venom (standard; encounter)♦Poison; Area burst 2 within 10; +19 Vs. Fortitude; 4d10 + 7 poison damage and ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends).
3— Deadly Fang (standard; encounter)♦Poison Melee; +21 Vs. Fortitude; 4d12 + 7 poison damage.
4— Swiftfang (standard; encounter)♦Poison Melee; +23 Vs. AC; 4d10 + 7 damage, and ongoing 10 poison damage. The turmoil spider can shift 6 squares before or after the attack.
5— Spit Toxins (standard; encounter)♦Poison Ranged 10; +21 Vs. Fortitude; 4d10 + 7 poison damage and ongoing 10 poison damage (save ends).
6— Spit Toxic Gum (standard; encounter)♦Poison Ranged 10; +21 Vs. Fortitude; 4d10 + 7 poison damage and the target is restrained (save ends).

Greater Turmoil ♦ encounter
Effect: The turmoil spider re-rolls any of its at-will and encounter powers. If an encounter power it has expended is re-rolled, the power it gains in its place is still expended.
Skills Athletics +20, Acrobatics +21, Arachana +20, Stealth +21
Str 22 (+15) Dex 25 (+16) Wis 19 (+13)
Con 19 (+13) Int 19 (+13) Cha 22 (+15)
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Abyssal, Spydric

Turmoil Spider Tactics[edit]

Turmoil spiders modify their tactics based on power selection. With ranged powers, the turmoil spider will keep its distance, using allies as cover. With melee powers, the turmoil spider attempts to outmaneuver its foes.


The yochlol are the dreaded handmaidens of Lolth. They are shapeshifters, able to take many guises. They are feared throughout the world as Lolth's eyes and ears.

Level 15 Elite Controller
Medium Elemental Humanoid (demon, shapechanger, spiderkind)
XP 2400
Initiative +18 Senses Perception +16; darkvision; tremorsense 6
HP 290; Bloodied 145
AC 31; Fortitude 24, Reflex 27, Will 26
Saving Throws +2
Speed 6 or 8, climb 8 (spider climb) or fly 12 (see change shape)
Action Points 1
Basicmelee.png Corrupting Touch ♦ at-will
Effect: +20 Vs. AC; 2d8 + 6 necrotic damage. The yochlol must be in humanoid form to use this power.
Basicmelee.png Bite ♦ at-will
Effect: +20 Vs. AC; 1d10 + 6 damage, and ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends). The yochlol must be in spider form to use this power.
Basicmelee.png Tentacle ♦ at-will
Effect: +20 Vs. AC; 1d8 + 6 damage. The yochlol must be in ooze form to use this power.
Melee.png Tentacles ♦ at-will
Effect: The yochlol makes 8 tentacle attacks.
Melee.png Charming Kiss ♦ at-will
Effect: +20 vs. AC; on a hit, the yochlol makes a secondary attack against the same target. Secondary Attack: +19 vs. Will; the target is dominated (no save), and if the target is adjacent to the yochlol when the yochlol is targeted by a melee or a ranged attack, the target interposes itself and becomes the target of the attack instead. The effects last until the yochlol or one of its allies attacks the target or until the yochlol dies. If the target is still under the effect of this power at the end of the encounter, the yochlol can sustain the effect indefinitely by kissing the target once per day. The yochlol can affect only one target at a time with its charming kiss. The yochlol must be in humanoid form to use this power.
Melee.png Fang ♦ recharge when first bloodied
Effect: +20 Vs. AC; 4d8 + 6 poison damage, and ongoing 10 poison damage (save ends). The yochlol must be in spider form to use this power.
Change Shape ♦ at-will
Effect: The yochlol can assume the form of any medium-sized female human, elf, eladrin, drow or spider (including a unique individual), a cloud of oily-green gas, or a shapeless, tentacled ooze. In spider form, the yochlol has a speed of 8, climb 8 (spider climb), and in gasceous form it has a speed of fly 12. In its other forms it has a speed of 6. When the yochlol changes shape, any items worn in the assumed form fall off and land at the yochlol's feet.
Skills Acrobatics +13, Arachana +17, Bluff +17, Diplomacy +17, Insight +16, Intimidate +17, Stealth +18
Str 20 (+12) Dex 23 (+13) Wis 19 (+11)
Con 17 (+10) Int 20 (+12) Cha 20 (+12)
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Common, Abyssal, Elven, Deep Speech, Spydric

Greater Yochlol
Level 25 Elite Controller
Medium Elemental Humanoid (demon, shapechanger, spiderkind)
XP 14000
Initiative +25 Senses Perception +24; darkvision; tremorsense 6
HP 460; Bloodied 230
AC 41; Fortitude 31, Reflex 35, Will 33
Saving Throws +2
Speed 6 or 8, climb 8 (spider climb) or fly 12 (see change shape)
Action Points 1
Basicmelee.png Corrupting Touch ♦ at-will
Effect: +30 Vs. AC; 3d8 + 9 necrotic damage. The yochlol must be in humanoid form to use this power.
Basicmelee.png Bite ♦ at-will
Effect: +30 Vs. AC; 2d8 + 9 damage, and ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends). The yochlol must be in spider form to use this power.
Basicmelee.png Tentacle ♦ at-will
Effect: +30 Vs. AC; 1d8 + 9 damage. The yochlol must be in ooze form to use this power.
Melee.png Tentacles ♦ at-will
Effect: The yochlol makes 8 tentacle attacks.
Melee.png Charming Kiss ♦ at-will
Effect: +30 vs. AC; on a hit, the yochlol makes a secondary attack against the same target. Secondary Attack: +29 vs. Will; the target is dominated (no save), and if the target is adjacent to the yochlol when the yochlol is targeted by a melee or a ranged attack, the target interposes itself and becomes the target of the attack instead. The effects last until the yochlol or one of its allies attacks the target or until the yochlol dies. If the target is still under the effect of this power at the end of the encounter, the yochlol can sustain the effect indefinitely by kissing the target once per day. The yochlol can affect only one target at a time with its charming kiss. The yochlol must be in humanoid form to use this power.
Melee.png Fang ♦ recharge when first bloodied
Effect: +30 Vs. AC; 5d10 + 9 poison damage, and ongoing 10 poison damage (save ends). The yochlol must be in spider form to use this power.
Change Shape ♦ at-will
Effect: The yochlol can assume the form of any medium-sized female human, elf, eladrin, drow or spider (including a unique individual), a cloud of oily-green gas, or a shapeless, tentacled ooze. In spider form, the yochlol has a speed of 8, climb 8 (spider climb), and in gaseous form it has a speed of fly 12. In its other forms it has a speed of 6. When the yochlol changes shape, any items worn in the assumed form fall off and land at the yochlol's feet.
Skills Acrobatics +26, Arachana +24, Bluff +24, Diplomacy +24, Insight +24, Intimidate +24, Stealth +26
Str 25 (+19) Dex 28 (+21) Wis 24 (+19)
Con 22 (+18) Int 25 (+19) Cha 25 (+19)
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Common, Abyssal, Elven, Deep Speech, Spydric

Yochlol Tactics[edit]

Yochlol tactics vary depending on their form. In humanoid form the yochlol will use charming kiss to dominate a foe and turn it against its enemies, using corrupting touch on enemies that get close. If required, the yochlol will change form. In other forms, the yochlol will only change her form to humanoid form if every other option is exhasusted, as they are nude when they first assume humanoid form. In spider form, the yochlol will rely on her venom to slay her foes, while in ooze form she will rely on her many tentacle attacks. If the yochlol seems likely to loose, she will flee in gasceous form.

Demonspider Lore[edit]

A character knows the following information with a successful arachana or religion check.

DC 10 (arachana), DC 15 (religion): Demonspiders are Lolth's demons. They generally take spider form, though this is by no means an indication of their powers.
DC 15 (arachana), DC 20 (religion): Demonspiders are spawned from the arachania in the same way that demons are spawned from the abyss.
DC 20 (arachana), DC 25 (religion): Demonspiders often unite monstrous spiders into colonies, commanding them in the spydric war.

Encounter Groups[edit]

Demonspiders are generally found with other spiders, drow and draegloth.

Level 15 Encounter (XP 6000)[edit]
  • 1 Yochlol (Level 15 Elite Controller)
  • 1 Retriever (Level 12 Lurker)
  • 1 Progenitor Spider (Level 10 Elite Skirmisher)
  • 2 Bebiliths (Level 8 Brute)
  • 4 Lesser Demonspiders (Level 15 Minion)
Level 24 Encounter (XP 30700)[edit]
  • Greater Yochlol (Level 25 Elite Controller)
  • 1 Brain Spider (Level 23 Skirmisher)
  • 1 Greater Progenitor Spider (Level 20 Elite Skirmisher)
  • 2 Turmoil Spiders (Level 18 Lurker)
  • 1 Draegloth Favored One (Level 18 Controller)

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