Daaolin (3.5e Vestige)
Daaolin, the Kobold[edit]
Level: 1
Binding DC: 15
Special requirement: No
Daaolin was always bullied. Though he had great skill, he was very weird. Even when he died, his tormentors had him condemned to be a vestige.
The symbol of Daaolin seems to move in a twisting, curving manner. When Daaolin appears, he jumps if he sees a kobold, though this doesn't effect the binding process.
Your skin takes on the texture of a kobold.
Daaolin is terrified by kobolds. Should you see one you'd run in terror. You take a −1 penalty to Will saves as long as you believe a kobold is within 30 feet.
Granted abilities[edit]
Along with kobold dexterity, you gain a other language of reptilian origins.
Kobold Size: Your size becomes Small.
Kobold Nimbleness: You have a +2 bonus to Dexterity.
Minor Darkvision: You have darkvision out to 10 feet.
Tough Scales: Your hard kobold skin grants you immunity to fire.
Poison Spit: Your spit is poison; you may consult the DM to roll when biting to give a poison effect, but this does not penetrate armor.
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