D20 Modern Character Optimization Preload

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<onlyinclude>== Introduction == <!-- An intro to your optimization --> == References == <!-- Rule books and/or other sources used in this build --> == Game Rule Components == === Race and Templates === <!-- Race and templates in this build --> === Classes === <!-- Class used in this build --> === Feats === <!-- Feats taken in this build --> === Spells, Powers, Items === <!-- spells, powers, and items used in this build --> === Miscellaneous === <!-- class or racial features used in this build --> == Progression == <!-- be sure to include starting ability scores --> {| class="d20" style="text-align: left;" |- ! ECL !! Class/HD/LA !! Feats !! Special |- | 1st || <!-- class, racial HD, or LA --> || <!-- 1st-level feat(s) --> || <!-- special abilities that contribute to the optimization of this build --> |- class="even" | 2nd || <!-- class, racial HD, or LA --> || <!-- feat(s) --> || <!-- special abilities that contribute to the optimization of this build --> |- | 3rd || <!-- class, racial HD, or LA --> || <!-- feat(s) --> || <!-- special abilities that contribute to the optimization of this build --> |- class="even" | 4th || <!-- class, racial HD, or LA --> || <!-- feat(s) --> || <!-- special abilities that contribute to the optimization of this build --> <!-- repeat as needed --> |} == Highlights == <!-- How and why this build works --> == Munchkin-Size Me == <!-- Take it to the next level --> ---- {{d20 Modern Character Optimizations Breadcrumb}} <!-- REMOVE THIS ENTIRE LINE (and only this line) BEFORE YOU SAVE!!! --><nowiki> [[Category:D20M]] [[Category:User]] [[Category:Character Optimization]] </nowiki>