Cursed Greatsword of Man's End (3.5e Equipment)

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Cursed Greatsword of Man's End: This weapon is a +4 Greatsword for all purposes except when a non True Neutral creature picks it up. If a non True Neutral creature grasps this weapon (Closes his/her hand on it, just touching it will have to effect), the sword remains stuck in his/her hand until death or removed by a remove curse spell. For every day the sword remains in a non True Neutral person's hand, said person must roll a Fortitude save (DC18) or loses 1d3-1 (minimum of 0) levels.

Strong Necromancy; CL 18; Energy Drain, Wizard/Sorcerer level 12; Cost 8600 gp, 9340 xp; Weight: 8 pounds lb.; Market Price: 1,000,000

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