Cultures and Religion (Phærl Supplement)
Regional Foods[edit]
Pantheon Believers[edit]
The Believers in the Twelve[edit]
The Dark Gods[edit]
Those who believe in a handful of different darker mostly evil aligned gods, these folks mainly live in the underworld.
The general belief is as the whole list of gods is just a pantheon and a way of simply knowing something cool to do on a Saturday or Wednesday to pass the time between sacrifices and cabbage fairs.
Spinner in the Dark[edit]
The Spinner in the Dark encourages... Fanaticism among their subjects, as a sign of their loyalty they are to be mutilated in some way depending upon their relation to the Spinner in the Dark. If you believe you have the courage to be their right hand subject you will lose you right hand, believe you could be the head of their religion: Off with your head. But those who sacrifice something for this holy task get a boon in some way, what was lost will be replaced, the hand would be an eight fingered hand of spider like formation, the head would be a spiders head with 12 piercing eyes. But some followers believe there would only be one proper way to praise your allegiance, the Soul Melt Tattoo.
Soul Melt Tattoo[edit]
Soul Melt Tattoo is a form of BSTF, Body-Soul Transfer.
Minor Cults[edit]
This Category is just for small cults, not to major.