Crime in Campaigns (3.5e Other)

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Crime can be a big thing in a campaign. There are different levels of organized crime, starting with a one- or two-man operation, and going all the way up to triads, which control entire cities. Campaigns can be centered around these organizations, or they can be added just for fun. The economy of the city or nation will influence the crime level. The weaker the economy, the more crime there is. Either way, these criminals will be a nice challenge for adventurers, since members of these organizations can be hard to find until they do something.

Levels of Criminal Organizations[edit]

List of Criminal NPCs[edit]

  1. Vandal
  2. Bandit
  3. Gangster
  4. Thief
  5. Pickpocket
  6. Murderer
  7. Highwayman
  8. Assassin
  9. Brigand
  10. Thug

How Crime Affects NPC Behavior[edit]

NPCs have 5 different types of behavior towards adventurers, hostile, unfriendly, neutral, friendly, and helpful. If an NPC is the victim of a crime and knows the adventurers are not doing anything about it when they said they would, there is a 50% chance his attitude towards the adventurers will go down. This percentage increases by 5% for each crime commited against them after the first one. Crime can also cause NPCs to become rowdy and attack law eforcement people when they see them. The resulting riots could destroy shops and make it harder to get the necessary equipment for adventures.

How PCs are Affected by Crime[edit]

The most obvious way that PCs are effected is that a valuable item they own could get stolen. But less obvious ways is that NPCs affected by crime will be less willing to help adventurers. Also, riots started by NPCs could ruin businesses, making it harder and more costly to get materials. NPCs are also more likely to become unfriendly towards the PCs. On the other hand, DMs can structure a campaign around getting rid of crime in a big city in return for a rather rare item. For example: a merchant's home in Erdhaven has been broken into, and a valuable item has been stolen. It's the PCs job to recover the item in return for discounts in his store in the future or a couple of less valuable, but more useful, items for the PCs.

Thieving Checks[edit]

  • Pickpocket rolls Dexterity check, PC makes Spot check. Natural 1 is automatic fail for thief, natural 20 succesful.
  • While sleeping, PC must make a Listen check (-5 for sleeping) opposing a Move Silently check.
  • Vandals must make a Move Silently check against a Listen or a Hide check against a Spot check.
  • Highwayman is a Hide check versus a Spot check.
  • Assassin uses a Move Silently and Hide check versus Listen and Spot. If one fails, a +5 bonus is applied to any other checks the target or guards make to locate the assassin. If another check is successful, assassin is caught.
  • Murderer counts as a regular monster.

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