Cosmology (Veatis)

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Traveling the Planes[edit]

the physical Plane[edit]

the mortal relm[edit]

the relm of Fayworld[edit]

replaces the faywildes

the relm of Shadowmeld[edit]

replaces the ethereal plane and shadowfell

the relm of subterra[edit]

replaces the underdark

The maelstrom[edit]

replaces the astral plane

The Plane of gods[edit]

After the leviathan wars Sanctus created the plane of gods and the realms with in it, each acing as a home, a kingdom and if the time were to ever come, a cage for the god that commanded it. many gods letting there most devote followers and greatest champions join them within these relms

The Battlegrounds[edit]

The hall of heroes[edit]

the eternal garden[edit]

The great forge[edit]

The Plane of Titans[edit]

the realm of fire[edit]

The realm of Water[edit]

The realm of earth[edit]

The realm of air[edit]

the dark void[edit]

The Positive and Negative Planes[edit]

The lost plane[edit]

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