Classes of Gondwana and Xolteca (Setting Supplement)

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There are four subclasses that were crafted for the setting; the Barbarian Jaguar Warrior, The Wizard Archmagi, The Cleric Voudun, the Ranger Medjey

The Subclasses of Greater Gondwana

Jaguar Warrior (5e Subclass) The Jaguar Warrior; The Fearsome Jaguar Warrior (barbarian Subclass) mixes the ferocity of the Berserker with the resilience of the Bear Totem Warrior. They can be stealthy and defensive or fly into a deadly rage but at the right time, much like their Ancestral Totem the Jaguar.

Medjey (5e Subclass) The Medjey is an Arcane Ranger who uses Divination, Illusions and Abjuration to nullify Arcane horrors that spring across the desert and leave their pyramid prisons.

Ushtabi Guardian (5e Subclass) The Ushtabi Guardians are Arcane Paladins who defends the prison pyramids and use their potent defensive magic to resist the elements of Djinn, demiurges and so forth.

Arch-Magi (5e Subclass) The Arch-Magi are elite generalists from the Wizard's universities of Suqqatra and Qajjari. They are known to blend magic together at times for devastating effects.

Voodun Domain (5e Subclass) The "Serpents of the Light" also known as the Voodun domains, mainly practiced in Walata, Tlaxcala, Njani, Suqqatra, Axum and Gwongo. This religion falls into three houses of spirits, Loa, Rua and Ghede... also known as the "Serpents of the Light" "The Wild Host" and "The Court of the Dead". Tragically much maligned this religion and its followers can use both White Magic, Black Magic and Grey Magic but harnessing some of these powers require either a personal sacrifice or deal to be worked with these potent spirits. Zombies can be used by these practitioners but generally only from the corpses of the most vicious criminals... hence there are rules to be applied to the power of the Voodoo priests that the more powerful spirits like Baron Samedi and Damballa demand of their followers.

Rastafarian (5e Subclass) The Rastafarian Bards are somewhere between a healer and a soothing song singer, many of them are vegetarians and pescatarians who refuse to consume unclean things like pork and this lifestyle of cleanliness also comes down to marital status, place of living and only using herbs and Ganja during ceremonial processes. They can sing and perform in two diametrically opposite styles of music, one is the soothing rhythms of Roots and the other the wild festival music of Ragga.

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