Class Guide (Vermadad Setting)

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Vermadad Class Guide[edit]

This page goes into detail about the classes in the world Vermadad and where in they belong along in the setting with any modifications that may be needed for convenience they are organized by book

Classes of the Players Handbook[edit]

The classes in the Players Handbook all have defined roles in world of the Vermadad, none are excluded


Just like most campaigns barbarians are powerful individuals that don't live in a "civilized" society and either live in a tribal society or independently in nature

Barbarian Races[edit]

Barbarians tend to be Orcs as the most Orcs live in the Orcan Mountains, having no central or even a real tribal order tends to make the orcs great warriors out of necessity, many humans lives in these mountains and become barbarians for the same reason, as the offspring of humans and orcs, half-orc also live these mountains and become barbarians. While barbarians are relatively rare outside of those three races, they do exist, barbarians also form outside the Orcan mountains usually from those who were kick out of their societies, being forced to fend for themselves.

Barbarian Adventurers[edit]

Those in the Orcan mountains lack much attachment the mountains and might find themselves simply wander off and wind up in civilized and becoming an adventures, however other Barbarians might tire of there situation and since adventuring would be the only thing they might be able to do, they choose to adventure

Barbarian Religion[edit]

Barbarians tend to worship Pendalla the goddess of strength and independence, though some Barbarians of other races might worship the god of their race, Orc, Half-Orc or even Human Barbarians that don't worship Pendella are incredibly rare. Keep in mind that Barbarians from the seven kingdoms worship no god what so ever.

Barbarian Alignment[edit]

Barbarians cannot be Lawful, and tend to be chaotic, barbarians tend to be listed as evil (as they worship Pendella), and have a tendency towards being chaotic do to the wild, uncivilized nature of barbarian

Rule Changes[edit]

Barbarians function the same as described in Players Handbook


Bard's in Vermadad are those born with the Mark of the Arcane Musician, a birth mark that looks like an Orange Musical Note, given by the goddess Perezina at birth to indicate that they have been blessed with the power to create arcane magic with music, however not all those born with the mark, choose to pursue the class (either due to lack of interest or being born with another arcane mark that they choose to study). If one is not born the mark they cannot get the mark later in life

Bard Races[edit]

The mark of the musician are most commonly found (at least by percentage of the population), in Half-Gnomes, (some say because Perezina likes to reward such unions of Gnomes and Humans), after that they are very common in Gnomes, and after that they are decently common found in Humans (especially humans living in Gnome society), and the marks are also not unheard in Mixlings, Half-Elves, and Half-Dwarves. The mark of musician is somewhat rare in Elves, Dwarves, and Halflings (with Gold-Hairs Dwarves being the more common, and the 3 castes of being less common) but they are know to occur in these races, most people guess as a good will gesture from the Perezina to the god of those races, and rare among Half-Orcs, Half-Aquan, and Half-Kobolds, and especially rare among Orcs, Ans, Half-Goblins, and Reptilianfolk (and even rarer that one born with such a mark would choose to follow the path), finally it is believed that no Goblin has ever received the mark of the arcane musician (or any arcane mark for that matter), this is not true, it happens about once a generation or so, usually it's not a particularly powerful but it does happen. It is also rare for someone from the southern lands to become a bard (Perezina tends to treat them with as much apathy as they do to her)

Bard Adventurers[edit]

A lot of Bard Adventures are those coming from Gnomish community to make money to send to back home, (the only money the bards keep is for basic communities), but it could also be those who tire of supporting there communities and trying to get away from there family

Bard Religion[edit]

Bards thankful for the blessing from Perezina, tend to worship her as a thanks even if they were from race that don't normally worship her, however some still do worship the god that someone of the area or race would normally worship

Bard Alignment[edit]

Unlike standard D&D rules, Bards can be Lawful, that being said they tend to be Chaotic, because of their traveling tendency, and tend to considered good because they usually worship Perezina

Rule Changes[edit]

As mentions in the Alignment section, Bards in Vermadad are allowed to be lawful without falling, but few usually are. No other changes.


Clerics in Vermadad are like the preachers of the god they either travel across the land trying to convert others, or they aiding and helping those in their community. Clerics in Vermadad get their power quite simply, an individual prays to a god to grant them powers for a stated reason such as "Dear Perezina, I need the power of healing to aid my town, I promise to remind of them for your words" or "Dear Jestus, I ask for your blessing in helping in my humble attempt help those sinners see the error of their ways", if the God feels the reason is strong enough and the individual is wise and devout worship of them the God will grant them their power.

Cleric Races[edit]

Clerics exist in every race, Elves tend to worship Turelezo, Dwarves tend to worship Jestus, Gnomes tend to worship Perezina, Halflings tend to worship Codicallo, Kobolds tend to worship Sabrindo, Goblins (and Hobgoblins) tend to worship Intellgra, Orcs tend to worship Pendella, Aquans tend to worship Verastol, and humans will worship any god, also those of the seven kingdoms tend not be Clerics, because of there apathy for the gods.

Cleric Adventurers[edit]


Cleric Religion[edit]

All clerics worship a god in Vermadad (with the except of Clerics of Intellgra who do not technically worship her), not worshiping and following the philosophy a god and being a cleric is unthinkable to those in Vermadad, you can preach in ideal that is different then those of one of the gods, but no deity will grant divine power for doing so, it should be noted that Vermana and Dadlemom while gods do not have clerics, has neither wish to preach a philosophy or ideology as such they have no Clerics.

Cleric Alignment[edit]

Due to the lack of any "Neutral" deity, clerics can not be Neutral on the good-evil axis. Due to the way alignments work in Vermadad, Clerics always the same on the Good-Evil as their god. Clerics tend to be the same alignment on Chaos-Lawful axis as their god but they are allow to deviate a bit (A cleric of Jestus is allowed to Neutral Good but can not be Chaotic Good).

Rule Changes[edit]

As stated in the religion section, unlike other campaign setting clerics must worship one of the 8 gods that grant individuals cleric powers. Clerics are due the very nature of good evil axis (see the main page of the campaign), all clerics must (and always should be unless they fail follow there gods mantras) match their deities alignment on the good-evil axis, also since there no such as thing as a "Neutral" deity (on the good evil scale anyways) that grant cleric abilities clerics can not be neutral (on the good-evil axis) in Vermadad.

Since Clerics are the servitudes of specific gods with different philosophy each deity has different code of conduct cleric must follow, referred to there 10 Commandments to find out a clerics restrictions and punishments for failing to following the Gods 10 Commandments, it should be noted that Druid must also follow Turelezo's 10 Commandments, Paladins must follow Jestus's 10 commandments, Warlocks must also follow Perezina's 10 Commandments, and Divine Minds must follow Intellgra's 10 Commandments. Unlike other settings just because a cleric worships a "Good" God does not necessarily mean they turn undead or spontaneously cast cure spells, it also not necessarily true that a cleric who worships an "Evil" God, rebukes undead and spontaneously cast inflict spell, whether a cleric turns or rebuke undead, or spontaneous cast cure or inflict spells depends on the deity. For in-depth detail click here:

Also due the definition of Alignment some spells on the Cleric's spell list no long have certain alignment tags.


Druids are protector of nature with powers granted by Turelezo. They are very similar to Clerics of Turelezo however have one distinict deference: A Clerics job to spread the word of Turelezo, a Druid's job is to protect and maintain nature.

Druid Adventurers[edit]

Druids aren't the most adventurous types. They tend to prefer stay in nature to protect it, but that isn't to stay Druids don't ever adventure, they adventure for many reasons, to get more power to be better protector, to gain knowledge of new plants and animals, or to stop a force that is threating to nature.

Druid Religion[edit]

Since Turelezo exclusively grants druid powers, Druids have to worship Turelezo.

Druid Alignment[edit]

Unlike Base 3.5, druid can be Chaotic good or Lawful Good, and must be good aligned. They are most commonly Neutral Good due there dutiees generally ignore the moral issues of law.

Rule Changes[edit]

As stated above Druids have to worship Turelezo and as there powers are granted by him, they have to follow his ten commandments (see "The Deities and their Commandments) for reference. Instead of the Druids normal alignment restrictions, the Druids are only allowed to be Lawful Good, Neutral Good, and Chaotic Good.

The following spell have their evil tag removed: Contagion.


Rangers in Vermadad are a unique class not generally for player characters.

Ranger Races[edit]

Almost all Rangers in Vermadad are Drow or some form of Half-Drow. However they are a few crazies of other races that decide for one reason or another to join the Drow, as they can't listen to the voice themselves, Drows have less trust in these non-Drow ranger to remain loyal but since for some reason another the voice has granted them ranger abilities they generally begrudgingly accept them as part of there community.

Rule Changes[edit]

It's recommended this section is only used as a reference for DMs making Ranger NPCs and enemies.

Rangers are always considered Evil Aligned, and must worship "The Voice", an enity that while techinally not a god is worshiped as such and for unknown reasons grants Divine magic to rangers.

Replace Cure Light Wound with with Inflict Light Wound, Cure Moderate Wounds with Inflict Moderate Wounds, and Cure Serious Wounds with Inflict Serious Wounds

Rangers may only choose a Humanoid Type as a favored as a favored Enemy.


Rule Changes[edit]

The following Sorcerer and Wizard spells no longer have the evil tag: Animate Dead, Contagion, Create Greater Undead, Great Undead, Eyebite, Symbol of Pain.

Classes of Expanded Psionics Handbook[edit]


Psions are those that use the Mental Energy of the world granted by Intellgra. All creatures can use mental powers but only some of them choose to learn and have enough mental energy to be useful at it

Rule Changes[edit]



Wilders are rare group granted with a mark of the Psionic abilities granted easily with minimal training, this Psionic mark acts very much in the same way as Arcane marks right down the fact that it's based on social grace.

Classes of Players Handbook II[edit]


Bard's in Vermadad are those born with the Mark of the Arcane Trickster, a mark signified by a orange (TBA)


Like other types of Arcane Markings the mark of the arcane tricker is most commonly found (at least by percentage of the population), in Half-Gnomes, (some say because Perezina likes to reward such unions of Gnomes and Humans), after that they are very common in Gnomes, and after that they are decently common found in Humans (especially humans living in Gnome society), and the marks are also not unheard in Mixlings, Half-Elves, and Half-Dwarves. The mark of musician is somewhat rare in Elves, Dwarves (more so in Gold-Hairs than the other 3 castes), and Halflings but they are know to occur in these races, most people guess as a good will jester from the Perezina to the god of those races, and rare among Half-Orcs, Half-Ans, and Half-Dragon-folk, and especially rare among Orcs, Ans, Half-Goblins, and Dragon-folk (and even rarer that one born with such a mark would choose to follow the path), finally it is believed that no Goblin has ever received the mark of the arcane trickster (or any arcane mark for that matter). It is also rare for someone from the Seven Kingdoms to recieve the mark of the trickster. (Perezina tends to treat them with as much apathy as they do to her)

Dragon Shamans[edit]

Dragon Shamans are those with take the ritual to become a protector of dragons. These powers are most commonly found in the Dragon-folk (Particularly the Dragonborn, less so Kobolds). Their power is Divine and they must follow the code of conduct of a Perezina (see The Deities and their Commandments)

Rule Changes[edit]

Dragon Shamans


Duskblades are those with the somewhat rare Arcane mark called the "Mark of the Guardian", generally found during times of great war or conflict are generally expect to arise within the mark holders lift time.


Knights act like they do in any setting they are loyal soldiers of any group, they most commonly found in human lands such Nacultor and Scarder.

Classes of Complete Adventurer[edit]


Ninjas are most commonly found in the Seven Southern Kingdoms were ninja orders are frequently found.


Scout's act as they do in any other setting.


Spellthieves are those with The Arcane Mark of the Thief.

Classes of Complete Arcane[edit]


Warlocks are those that made a pact with the Goddess of Arcane Magic and granted some limited magical power in exchanege for a Cleric like deal with her, but rather than acting as someone who converts people she will occasionally call a Warlock to do random deeds for her.


Warmage are those with The Mark of the Spell Slinger which grants the user

Wu Jen[edit]

Wu Jen is an alternate form of Wizardry that was discovered the Seven Southern Kingdoms. It relies on spefically plants and fungus as the magic source rather than random materials in Wizardry magic.

Classes of Complete Divine[edit]

Favored Soul[edit]

Favored Souls are those granted naturally with Cleric-like powers from birth granted by specific god. Mostly these occur with the races strongly associated with the god.

Spirit Shaman and Shugenja[edit]

Spirit Shaman and Shugenja are not part of Vermadad. Asian-style Divine classes have no natural place considering the fact that the Asian-style culture has intentional apathy to the gods, and divine powers must be granted by those who worship an entity or at least granted by an entity. Also spirit based powers do not really exist in Vermadad as spirits are separate from the material plane and not something that can be called upon.

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