Clans (Demon Slayer Supplement)

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In the world of Demon Slayer are clans that have established themselves deep within the organization of the Slayer Corps. You may choose from one of the options below, each clan having their own benefit.



Ability Score Increase. You will increase your Charisma,and Dexterity scores by 1.
Blessed Lineage. +1 to hit with all forms or arts, and +1 to all of your DC.
Kindly Soul. Proficiency in Persuasion


Ability Score Increase. You will increase your Intelligence,and Wisdom scores by 1.
Wariness is Survival. Advantage on Insight and Perception checks made against creatures.
Deep Biological Understanding. Proficiency in Medicine


Ability Score Increase. You will increase your Intelligence,and Dexterity scores by 1.
Tactical Understanding. As a reaction grant a d4 bonus to a save or check. You can use this as many times as your Proficiency bonus per long rest.
Incredible Sight. Proficiency in Perception


Ability Score Increase. You will increase your Charisma,and Strength scores by 1.
Blazing Resolve. Resistance to fire damage.
Warm Heart. Proficiency in Persuasion


Ability Score Increase. You will increase your Intelligence,and Dexterity scores by 1.
Fleet of Foot. +15 to movement speed, and attacks of opportunity against you are made with disadvantage.
Musically Inclined. Proficiency in Performance


Ability Score Increase. You will increase your Constitution,and Charisma scores by 1.
Incredible Bodily Control. Advantage on death saves, and you can change the roll of a limb table roll against you by 1 in either direction.
Relentless will. Proficiency in Survival


Ability Score Increase. You will increase your Charisma Score by 3, and decrease your Constitution by 1.
Malevolent Presence. All creatures must make a Charisma saving throw, DC equal to your Charisma score, upon first seeing you. if they fail, you have advantage on Persuasion, Intimidation, Deception against them permanently.
Unholy Demeanor. Proficiency in Intimidation


Ability Score Increase. You will increase your Wisdom,and Dexterity scores by 1.
Born Wise. The Urokodaki family is naturally gifted with wisdom, being excellent teachers and mentors. Whenever you're trying to teach something to someone, it will take half as long for them to learn. In addition, any checks relating to teaching will be rolled with advantage.
Hard to deceive. Proficiency in Insight


Ability Score Increase. You will increase your Intelligence,and Strength scores by 1.
Good Eye. The Haganezuka family have a good eye for weapons and other materials. You will have advantage in any checks related to weapons or finding materials.
Eye for detail. Proficiency in Investigation


Ability Score Increase. You will increase your Intelligence,and Dexterity scores by 1.
Incredible Tacticians. The Kocho family tries to always have a plan against their enemies. You will gain advantage on all of your actions on your first turn, and as a reaction you may give advantage to a saving throw of an ally within sight range. You may use this feature as much as your Intelligence modifier per long rest.
Knowledgeable chemist. Proficiency in Medicine


Ability Score Increase. You will increase your Constitution,and Strength scores by 1.
Durable Body. The Shinazugawa family were born with strong bodies, making them have great endurance. You will gain advantage in any Constitution saving throws related to disease or poison. In addition, you will gain 1 additional hit point to your maximum, and each time you gain a level you will gain another hit point
Scarred appearance. Proficiency in Intimidation


Ability Score Increase. You will increase your Dexterity,and Wisdom scores by 1.
Cold and Calculated. As a Tomioka family member, you always have a calm mind. You have advantage in saving throws against being frightened, charmed, Berserk, Bloodlusted.
Silent Spectator. Proficiency in Perception


Ability Score Increase. You will increase your Strength,and Charisma scores by 1.
Powerful Build. You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift..
Natural Strength. Proficiency in Athletics


Ability Score Increase. You will increase your Strength,and Constitution scores by 1.
Physical Prowess. The Himejima family members are always proud of their body, using their physique to help others. You can ignore the "Heavy" and "Two-Handed" properties of weapons due to your amazing physical strength.
Supernatural Strength. Proficiency in Religion


Ability Score Increase. You will increase your Dexterity,and Intelligence scores by 1.
Tainted Heritage. The Iguro family's dark past and connection to the Snake Demon have left an indelible mark on your character. You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened. In addition, when you make a saving throw against an effect that would impose the charmed or frightened condition, you can roll an additional d4 and add the number rolled to the saving throw.
Survivors Instinct. Proficiency in Stealth


Ability Score Increase. You will increase your Dexterity,and Charisma scores by 1.
Gone Without a Trace. The Tengen clan is known for doing the job and going away without a trace. Whenever you take the dash action, until the end of the next round you will gain advantage in Stealth checks.
God of Festivals. Proficiency in Performance


Ability Score Increase. You will increase your Wisdom,and Intelligence scores by 1.
Legacy of Sacrifice. The sacrifices made by your family to combat demons inspire you. You have advantage on saving throws against features coming from fiends or undead.
Foresight’s Blessing. Proficiency in Insight


Ability Score Increase. You will increase your Wisdom, Strength, and Dexterity scores by 1.
Marked Since Birth.. You’re a blessing to the world. You gain 1.5x slayer mark refinement. Additionally you count as a marked individual for others gaining the slayer mark even if you do not have the slayer mark feat.
One with the Sun God. Proficiency in Religion


Ability Score Increase. You will increase your Strength,and Constitution scores by 1.
Soryu Training. You've trained to become the strongest. Natural and strength based melee attacks have their damage die tier increased by one stage.
Improved body. Proficiency in Athletics or Acrobatics


Ability Score Increase. You will increase your Dexterity,and Charisma scores by 1.
Escape plan. The Murata’s were not known for anything of great importance but this hasn’t stopped them from surviving. You can take the disengage action as a bonus action.
Survivor’s senses. Proficiency in Perception


Ability Score Increase. You will increase your Dexterity,and Intelligence scores by 1.
Fast Learner. Tokito’s seem naturally quicker to learn. You take half as much time to learn anything that can be taught. Any checks made to learn something are made with advantage.
Silent as Mist. Proficiency in Stealth


Ability Score Increase. You will increase your Wisdom,and Intelligence scores by 1.
Veteran’s Resolve. The Kuwajima family is known for the steadfastness and experience facing adversity. Once per long rest when you fail a saving throw you can choose to reroll it and you must use the new result.
Enduring Wisdom. Proficiency in Survival


Ability Score Increase. You will increase your Wisdom,and Charisma scores by 1.
Radiant Grace. The Kanzaki family is known for their calming and inspiring presence. As a bonus action you can grant an ally within 30ft. of you with advantage on their next saving throw or ability check. You can use this feature as many times up to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1) per long rest.
Soothing aura. Proficiency in Medicine