Circle of Faezres (5e Subclass)
Circle of Faezres[edit]
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"Woodmancer" by Thiago Almeida |
Druid Subclass
Dedicated to the unnatural order of the Underdark, Druids of this Circle seek balance in the magics of the mushroom forests and the realm's darkest reaches.
The Skies are False[edit]
Due to their dedication to the magics of the Underdark Druids of this Circle forsake the Skies of the Lands above. You lose access to the following Spells: Moonbeam, Call Lightning, Sleet Storm, Daylight, Icestorm, Sunbeam, Fire Storm, Sunburst, and Storm of Vengeance.
- Druids of this order still retain access to the following 8th Level Spell: Control Weather, because the Underdark does have its own weather system.
Haunting Illumination[edit]
As they delve deeper into the dark places of the world a Druid of this Circle finds light to be a rare and precious commodity. At level 2 you gain one of the following Cantrips: Light or Dancing Lights
Bound by Faezres[edit]
The Power of the Faezres flows through the Druids of this Circle, leading them on an ever darkening quest to find more of it, but also to be wary of the many horrific dangers inherent of the Underdark surrounding the Faezres they seek out so hungrily. At level 2 you gain all of the following Spells in addition to the one of your choice you'd normally receive at Level 2: Detect Magic, Detect Evil and Good, and Detect Poison and Disease
A Glowing Power[edit]
A Druid of the Faezres becomes adept at finding things in the Underdark, but whether this is through an expanded upon ability to glow or a greater connection to the Faezres itself depends on the Circle member in question. At level 4 a Druid of this Circle must choose how best to serve in the dark. They may take on either the Power of Detection or An Eternal Glow.
- Power of Detection
The Power of Detection increases the range of the Circle Member's Detect Magic Spell to 90 feet.
- An Eternal Glow
The Eternal Glow removes the component requirements of the Circle Member's Dancing Lights or Light cantrip.
Upon reaching Level 14 An Eternal Glow will also increase the base radius of the glow by up to another 30 feet, and the dim light produced by it up to another 60 feet. (The Druid would retain the ability to choose the size of the Light within this new range)
Darkened Understanding[edit]
The Circle of Faezres learns many secrets in the dark of the world, whether it be the insane knowledge of Llolth and her Spider servants or how to manifest sustenance from the innate magic of the Faezres itself matters little. Knowledge is precious and they will have it. At level 5 a Druid of this Circle learns the following Spells: Create Food and Water, as well as Identify. However a Druid of this Circle may substitute the owl feather component for the husk of a spider.
Pact of the Deep Roads[edit]
At Level 6 a Member of the Circle of Faezres reaches into the arcane magics of the Faezres itself and binds them self to it forever. This binding grants the Circle member several advantages, including knowledge over the Language Undercommon if not already known. They also gain the Dark Passage Ability and the Soul Reading Ability as detailed below.
- Dark Passage
The Druid is no longer subject to the effects of natural or magically occurring difficult terrain. The Druid can also ignore any Madness or Fear checks not caused by a being specifically targeting them, and in such a case always roll with advantage.
- Soul Reading
The Druid can sense and read the souls of others in a targeted area of 15 feet and may select any location, creature, or object in their sight as the place of the Spell's Origin. This Ability works as though the Spell: Soul Reading but does not take up a Spell Slot, and only requires the Druid's Focus to function properly.
Eyes of the Deep[edit]
At Level 10 a Member of the Circle has connected to the Underdark and the Faezres within on an intimate level providing them with further insight into the realms beneath. They gain Awakened Detection, and Deep Sight as detailed below.
- Awakened Detection
The Circle member gains the See Invisibility Spell as well as the Detect Thoughts Spell, and from here on out may cast any one of their detection spells without paying its Spell-Slot Cost Once Per Long Rest.
- Deep Sight
The Circle member chooses one of the following Spells: Arcane Eye or Scrying enabling them a safer method of seeing into the depths of the Underdark.
One with the Faezres[edit]
At Level 14 a Member of the Circle has bonded wholely with the Faezres gaining access to Forbidden Knowledge, Freedom from Base Components, Resist Me Not, and their choice of any one of the three Aura options. The Aura chosen will be able to be used Once Per Long Rest.
- Forbidden Knowledge
The Circle Member gains advantage on any Knowledge Check.
- Freedom from Base Components
Any Spell of Level 3 or lower no longer requires material components to be cast by the Druid.
- Resist Me Not
Any Creature or Entity of roughly the same power level as you (or lower) that would be immune to a Spell Cast by you is instead treated as being resistant. Likewise any Creature or Entity of roughly the same power level as you (or lower) that would be resistant to a Spell Cast by you is instead treated as if the Spell were cast upon them without a resistance.
- Aura of Madness
The Circle Member can choose to protrude an Aura of Madness that goes out 15 feet in all directions from the Druid's Focus or a Targeted Beast in line of sight for up to 1 minute. All Beings caught in the Aura must roll against the Druid's Spell DC or roll on the Madness table.
- Aura of Visions
The Circle Member can choose to protrude an Aura of Visions that goes out 15 feet in all directions from the Druid's Focus or a Targeted Beast in line of sight for up to 1 minute. All Beings caught in the Aura gain advantage on any Perception, Investigation, or Insight rolls while within the Aura.
- Aura of Revelations
The Circle Member can choose to protrude an Aura of Revelations that goes out 15 feet in all directions from the Druid's Focus or a Targeted Beast in line of sight for up to 1 minute. All Beings caught in the Aura can use the Soul Reading Ability of the Druid while they remain within the Aura.
Becoming an ArchSeeker[edit]
At Level 20 the Circle Member has obtained the highest rank possible and becomes an ArchSeeker as well as an Archdruid. As an Arch Seeker the following Spells now count as Spell-Like Abilities and function like Cantrips that do not take up a Spell-Slot. (They can however, still be used in Higher Level Spell-Slots if necessary)
Detect Evil and Good, Detect Magic, Detect Poison and Disease, Detect Thoughts, Detect Secrets, Detect Weapons, Soul Reading, Light, Dancing Lights, and if known somehow Discern Lies.
As an Archseeker the Druid is no longer subject to the effects of blindness or deafness, and if not already known to this degree obtains Darkvision up to 120 feet.
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