Chemist, Variant (5e Class)
Author's Note[edit]
I am aware of comments that have been given to me by others. I will have to wait until I get more experience with classes to make this one more original.
Chemist (2nd Draft)[edit]
At last, leaving the school's dormitory for the first day out in the field. The chemistry student double-checks that they have everything they need for their long journey on a scroll. They worked hard for this day, achieving high honors to get the Stone as a reward for their efforts. Now with this grant of money, your advisor sends you out on your way to use this Stone to test an untested theory of theirs. They haul up a hefty bag of equipment, something that they stumble to get a grip on and stand upright. It is a little nerve-wracking for them: a student with their noses in books going off into the wild. But they remember they have their wits and their knowledge on them. They've committed everything to memory, now all that's left is experience. The caravan awaits them outside, the horses idling by tapping their hooves. With a deep breath and a lot of perspiration, our young chemist takes their first step.
Scientists in Training[edit]
Utilizing almost little to no magic in their arsenal, chemists are masters of manipulating the physical properties of different materials to their advantage. Whether that be creating valuable pharmaceuticals, flammable liquids, electroplating armor, or animating artificial flesh. They are scientists at heart, thorough investigators of the universe to solve problems. Because of the rigor from studies, working methodically in laboratories, and a high inclination to put order and structure to the universe, most scientists and chemists are aligned to be lawful. So-called "mad" scientists and chemists are either much eviler or much more chaotic in alignment.
The Power of the Chemist's Stone[edit]
All adventuring Chemists, as well as Chemists doing field research, make use of a Stone that can conjure the chemicals they need. It can be in the form of a small crystal, a marble, or a gemstone. It's an alchemical stone, rocks that were invented in laboratories. Word is, they are becoming much less scarce than they used to be. Think about how your character came across that Stone. Were you a student who got away with stealing from their headmaster's cache? Was it a gift given to you for outstanding work at a college? Or maybe you were a rogue scientist, part of a mercenary group trying to steal one to get the upper hand in a political fight. Or were you an underdog in your studies, wanting to be a scientist, but never getting the agency you could have? And then one day you find a Stone, a shimmering glass bead washed ashore on an otherwise unremarkable beach. Or did you somehow engineer it as part of a project, and now assigned to test it out?
Creating a Chemist[edit]
![]() |
"The Chemist" - Charles Louis Muller |
Chemists come from all sorts of backgrounds, but they all are highly interested in the sciences, regardless of academics. When you create a chemist, think about what motivates them to learn and study more. Was it part of their lineage? A family of great scientists that want to pass down their legacy? Was it a mercenary pulling out some books from the library to learn a few new tricks up their sleeve? Or was your character an underdog, getting the short end of the stick in groups, but studying to help gain some notoriety? Maybe they read about famous alchemists but never had the funds to get a higher education. Or maybe your character started out as a commoner but had their own home laboratory in a pastoral home. They were pretty humble until, by chance, a scouter saw their work and invited them to join their research group.
- Quick Build
You can make a chemist quickly by following these suggestions. First, Intelligence should be your highest ability score, followed by Constitution. Second, choose the Sage or Noble background. Third, choose Alchemist's supplies, Explorer's Pack, and 5 glass vials with stoppers for starting equipment.
- Chemist's Ability DC
Ability DC = 8 + Proficiency Bonus + Intelligence Modifier
Ability Attack Modifier (AAM) = Proficiency Bonus + Intelligence Modifier
Class Features
As a Chemist you gain the following class features.
- Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d8 per Chemist level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Chemist level after 1st
- Proficiencies
Armor: Light Armor, Medium Armor
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons with the Finesse or Light Property
Tools: Alchemist's Supplies
Saving Throws: Constitution, Intelligence
Skills: Choose four from Arcana, History, Investigation, Medicine, Nature, Perception, Sleight of Hand, and Survival.
- Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- Any simple weapon and Studded leather armor.
- (a) Explorer's Pack or (b) Scholar's Pack
- (a) Alchemist's Supplies or (b) Healing Kit or (c) Tinker's Tools
- (a) Component pouch or (b) 5 glass vials with stoppers
- (a) hand crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) Shortbow and a quiver of 20 arrows
- If you are using starting wealth, you have 5d4 x 10 gp in funds.
Level | Proficiency Bonus |
Stone Energy | Features | Stone I Abilities | Stone II Abilities | Stone III Abilities | Stone IV Abilities |
1st | +2 | 3 | Safety First,Chemist's Stone I Abilities | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2nd | +2 | 5 | Chemist Job | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
3rd | +2 | 7 | Material Sensory | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
4th | +2 | 9 | Ability Score Improvement | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
5th | +3 | 11 | Material Fixing, Organic Reconstruction | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
6th | +3 | 13 | Job Feature | 6 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
7th | +3 | 15 | Chemist's Stone II Abilities | 6 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
8th | +3 | 17 | Ability Score Improvement | 6 | 2 | 0 | 0 |
9th | +4 | 19 | Tar Ball | 6 | 3 | 0 | 0 |
10th | +4 | 21 | Job Feature | 6 | 4 | 0 | 0 |
11th | +4 | 23 | Chemical Immunity | 6 | 5 | 0 | 0 |
12th | +4 | 25 | Ability Score Improvement | 6 | 5 | 0 | 0 |
13th | +5 | 27 | Organic Deconstruction | 6 | 5 | 0 | 0 |
14th | +5 | 29 | Job Feature | 6 | 5 | 0 | 0 |
15th | +5 | 31 | Chemist's Stone III Abilities | 6 | 5 | 1 | 0 |
16th | +5 | 33 | Ability Score Improvement | 6 | 5 | 2 | 0 |
17th | +6 | 35 | Chemist's Stone IV Abilities | 6 | 5 | 3 | 1 |
18th | +6 | 37 | Academic Hardening | 6 | 5 | 4 | 2 |
19th | +6 | 39 | Ability Score Improvement | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 |
20th | +6 | 45 | Chemist's Stone V Abilities | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 |
Safety First[edit]
At 1st Level, you know the fundamentals of handling chemicals with care and protecting yourself from harm. You have +2 to all Wisdom-related checks in matters of chemicals and in an emergency.
Chemist's Stone I Abilities[edit]
At 1st level, you have a special stone called the "Chemist's Stone".
- This Stone will imbed itself inside whatever glove the chemist chooses. The chemist’s stone creates a spot in the glove but does not alter any other properties in the glove.
- If you happen to lose the Stone for whatever reason, it will reappear in your inventory. It takes 1 action to place the stone back in a glove. (The chemist’s stone does not need to be in a glove, but holding it will take up one free hand).
- At the cost of energy, the Stone creates all the chemicals necessary for the chemist to use in their exploits.
- Any ability which is without a specified action time or done when attack occurs, costs a bonus action.
- If the chemist’s stone is separated from you, you can still activate all abilities, with the chemist’s stone acting as the origin point, provided you still see it or sense it in another way, such as through material sensory. You can move the chemist’s stone 60 feet in any direction provided it stays on a surface (the surface can be liquid, as the stone floats).
- The energy charges will reset after finishing a long or short rest.
- You start by knowing 1 available ability out of the twelve below.
- Follow the above table to see the amount you can know per level.
- You can change any of your known abilities after finishing a long rest.
- Tier II, III, and IV abilities will appear at the 7th, 15th, and 17th levels respectively.
- Stone I Abilities
- 1. Corrosive Weapon
- Spend 1 energy from the Stone to add 1d8 acid damage to a successful hit from a weapon.
- The ability scales up by 1d8 when you reach 5th lvl (2d8), 11th lvl (3d8), 14th lvl (4d8), and 17th lvl (5d8).
- 2. Endothermic Weapon
- Spend 1 energy from the Stone to add 1d8 cold damage to a successful hit from a weapon.
- The ability scales up by 1d8 when you reach 5th lvl (2d8), 11th lvl (3d8), 14th lvl (4d8), and 17th lvl (5d8).
- 3. Toxic Weapon
- Spend 2 energy from the Stone to poison a target on a successful hit.
- At the beginning of their turn, they must succeed on a Con DC equal to your Ability DC or take 1d8 poison damage.
- The ability scales up by 1d8 when you reach 5th lvl (2d8), 11th lvl (3d8), 14th lvl (4d8), and 17th lvl (5d8).
- 4. Sulfuric Cloud
- Spend 1 energy from the Stone to create a foul stench on a target within 5 feet of you.
- The target must succeed on a Con DC equal to your Ability DC or otherwise have disadvantage on attack rolls for their next turn.
- The next attack roll against the target by an attacker other than you has advantage if the attack is made before the start of your next turn.
- 5. Smoke Screen
- Using an action, by spending 1 energy from the Stone, you create a thick smoke from your glove in a 30-foot cone.
- Anything within the cone must succeed on a Wis DC equal to your Ability DC or have -3 to any/all attack rolls on their next turn.
- 6. Anti-Poison
- By spending 1 energy from the Stone, and having your glove over food and drink, you create a chemical antidote to replicate the effects of the 'Purify Food and Drink' spell.
- Its details are on p.270 of the PHB.
- 7. Generate Water
- By spending 1 energy from the Stone, you're able to create up to 10 gallons of clean water in a container.
- Alternatively, can be used to extinguish flames in a 30-foot cone extending from the palm.
- 8. Excited Noble Gas
- Spending 1 energy per hour, you maintain a steady bright light in the palm of your hand.
- Lights up an immediate area of 20 feet and with dim light for an additional 20 feet outwards.
- 9. Chaotic Concoction
- Spending 1 energy you slam together random chemicals to try and create something usable. roll a d100.
- 10. Weaves of Carbon
- By spending 2 energy from the Stone, you or a willing creature's AC becomes equal to 16, if it's less than 16.
- Lasts for one hour.
- Your AC cannot fall below 16 during this time.
- 11. Dry Ice
- By spending 1 energy from the Stone, you conjure a 1 pound block of dry ice.
- If it's placed on the ground, it will extinguish and prevent any fires from happening within 10 feet of it.
- Any creature close to the ground inside the radius risks suffocation.
- It will freeze any liquids it comes in contact with.
- Alternatively, can be formed in the shape of shards, which can then be fired at a target in a range of 60 feet.
- Make an attack roll using AAM.
- When the shards hit the target, they deal 2d8 cold damage, and reduces its speed by 10 feet until the start of its next turn.
- The ability scales up by 1d8 when you reach 5th lvl (3d8), 11th lvl (4d8), 14th lvl (5d8), and 17th lvl (6d8).
- 12. CO Poisoning
- By spending 2 energy, you can blast CO in a 15ft cone from yourself. Creatures in this range must make a Con Saving Throw or take 1d6 poison damage and have their speed reduced by 15 feet, they are unable to speak, and they have disadvantage on all attacks until the end of their next turn.
Material Replication[edit]
By spending 3 energy from the Stone, you can copy a liquid you can see within 5 feet of you into the stone. The stone retains the information on how to replicate each material you copy. By spending 1 action and a set amount of energy from the stone, you can create up to 8 ounces of a liquid. This ability cannot work in tandem with anything created from the stone.
- Mundane liquids (water, glue, dye, etc.) can be created at no cost. Common magic liquids cost 1 energy to produce.
- This can replicate Uncommon liquids and under. At level 10, you can replicate Rare liquids. At level 15, you can replicate Very Rare Liquids. At level 20, you can replicate legendary liquids. The energy cost is equal to 2 multiplied by the rarity (Uncommon=1,Rare=2,Very Rare=3,Legendary=4)
Starting at level 5 you can copy and replicate solids as well. Magical solids are impossible to copy or create. The object must be able to fit within a 5ft by 5ft block, and you must have the space to be able to create it.
Below are a list of alchemical solutions you can create with your stone.
Chemist Job[edit]
At 2nd level, you can choose between 4 different chemist jobs: Incendiary, Biochemist, Pharmacist, and Metallurgist.
Material Sensory[edit]
At 3rd Level, you've gained a curious ability to sense and focus on particular materials.
- Can be used once after finishing a short rest.
- Closing your eyes, you pick a specific material your mind wants to focus on, or your Chemist Orb.
- You send out an arcane pulse that detects objects containing that material within a 100-foot sphere surrounding you.
- It must be a material you’ve encountered before in the past and have a clear idea of what it is.
- It must be a tangible object, like air, water, dust, stone, vegetation, flesh, etc.
- It can’t be something that isn’t an object, like a vacuum or a shadow.
- Materials will appear as bright lights against a black background with white outlines of other objects.
- After finishing a short rest, you can change your desired material. You can always sense your Chemist’s stone.
In addition, you have advantage on any Investigation rolls.
Material Fixing[edit]
At 5th level, you’ve become skilled with willing the stone to aid you in your crafts. You get the Mending Cantrip, but it only takes an action for you. Otherwise, the same restrictions and limitations apply.
Organic Reconstruction[edit]
At 5th level, you’ve gained great proficiency in manipulating the chemicals of organisms. As a bonus action, you can alter yourself as per the “Alter Self” spell. These alterations do not use concentration, but last for 30 minutes. You can use this ability (or maintain it if you are already using it) a number of times equal to your Chemist class level. You use your AAM instead of a spellcasting modifier.
You also gain another way to transform yourself. As a bonus action, you can cause your genetic material to enter a volatile state. You can become a Gray Ooze, for the duration, with the chemist’s stone at the center. Any objects you wear or carry disappear and become a part of you for the duration as well. You gain the ooze’s hit points, and when it falls to 0, you revert to your original form, with any extra damage that is dealt being taken by you. Finally, you keep your mental ability scores, as well as any proficiencies and skills you possess. At 7th level, you can also become a Gelatinous Cube. Both monsters are detailed in the Basic Rules.
Chemist's Stone II Abilities[edit]
At 7th Level, the Stone expands its capabilities.
- 1. Quicksilver Speed
- Using an action, and spending 2 energy, you can increase a target willing creature's speed by 15 feet.
- Has a range of 30 feet.
- Lasts for 8 hours.
- 2. Chlorine Gas
- Using an action, you can send out chlorine gas in a 10-foot cone.
- Takes 3 energy from the Stone.
- Any creature standing within the cone must succeed on a Dex DC equal to your Ability DC or otherwise suffer 3d10 poison damage and become poisoned. Their speed is reduced by 15 feet.
- At the start of the afflicted's next turn, they must succeed on a Con DC equal to your Ability DC or take a level of exhaustion. On a success, all levels of exhaustion are removed. This has no effect on Undead creatures.
- Scales up at 9th lvl (3d10 poison), 11th lvl (4d10 poison), 14th lvl (5d10 poison), and 17th lvl (6d10 poison.)
- The gas appears as a pale yellow transparent cloud.
- 3. Flash Coolant
- Using an action, you can send out a steady stream of flash coolant to target within 30 feet.
- Takes 2 energy from the Stone.
- Make an attack roll using AAM.
- On hit, it deals 4d10 cold damage to the target, and, if the target must succeed on a DEX DC against your Ability DC or have its speed reduced to 0 until the start of its next turn. Otherwise, it’s speed is only reduced by 5 feet.
- Scales up at 9th lvl (5d10 cold), 11th lvl (6d10 cold), 14th lvl (7d10 cold), and 17th lvl (8d10 cold.)
- 4. Tear Gas
- Using an action, you can send out tear gas to attempt to blind a target within 10 feet.
- Takes 2 energy from the Stone.
- Target must make a Con DC equal to your Ability DC, or be blinded.
- At the beginning of the target's turn, they must make another Con DC equal to your Ability DC, or be blinded again for another round.
- 5. Aqua Regia
- Using an action, you can fire a stream of powerful acid in a line.
- Takes 4 energy from the Stone.
- Make an attack roll using AAM.
- Deals 4d10 acid damage on a successful hit.
- If the attack lands on an armored target, it will eat away at the armor, reducing their base AC (before any Dex mods) by one-half permanently.
- A second successful hit on the same target will destroy the remainder of their armor.
- If the attack lands on an unarmored target, it will deal an extra 1d10 acid damage, and the target has disadvantage on the next attack roll it makes.
- Base damage scales up at 9th lvl (5d10 acid), 11th lvl (6d10 acid), 14th lvl (7d10 acid), and 17th lvl (8d10 acid.)
- 6. Oxygen Supplement
- Using 2 energy from the Stone, you can reset the countdown for suffocation on a target in melee range.
- 7. Caffeinated Drink
- Using 3 energy from the Stone, you can create a stimulating drink that you or a target willing creature in melee range can consume.
- Can be placed in a vessel for later drinking.
- Drink effects last for 1 minute.
- When drank, the creature gains double speed, +2 AC, has advantage on Dexterity saving throws, and gains an additional attack per turn. Attacks with Finesse or Light Weapons can add your AAM to the attack roll and damage roll.
- When the duration ends, the creature can't move or take actions until after its next turn from the caffeine crash.
- 8. Quartz Ward
- Using an action, you can spend 3 energy from the Stone to give a defensive quartz shield to a target willing creature within 5 feet.
- The quartz shield floats around the creature for 1 hour to raise its AC to 18 if it's less than 18.
- Provides resistance to poison and acid damage from external sources.
Tar Ball[edit]
By 5th level, you’ve been practicing creating different chemicals to sway the battlefield. As a bonus action, a ball of tar splashes onto a target spot at most 30 feet away. It has a radius of 10 feet from the target point. Anyone who starts their turn in the radius has their speed reduced by 15 feet. Lasts until washed away.
Chemical Resistance[edit]
By 11th level, you've worked with hazardous chemicals so much that you've figured out how to use the Stone to passively make you resistant to both poison and acid damage.
Chemist's Stone III Abilities[edit]
At 15th level, the Stone further expands its capabilities.
- 1. Liquid Nitrogen
- Using an action, you can spend 4 energy from the Stone to launch a 2-foot diameter ball of liquid nitrogen to a target space within 20 feet.
- It bursts open in midair, spreading the liquid over a 5-foot radius.
- Any liquids on the ground in the radius are instantly frozen and take a strong flame to unfreeze them.
- Any creature standing within the radius must make a Dex DC equal to your Ability DC.
- Failed saves result in 6d12 cold damage plus one limb is unusable from it being supercooled. Roll 1d6. On a 1-3, they are knocked prone. On a 4-6, they are knocked prone and are unable to make any attacks for a minute or unless they take a minimum of 10 fire damage.
- Sucessful saves result in half the normal damage, and reduces its speed by 10 feet until the start of its next turn.
- As the liquid air turns back into a gas, it forms a thick fog that clings to the ground.
- 2. Chloroform
- Using an action, you can spend 4 energy from the Stone to spray a single target within 10 feet with chloroform.
- The target must then make a Con DC equal to your Ability DC or otherwise take 1d12 poison damage and become unconscious.
- 3. Dirty Bomb
- Using an action, you can spend 4 energy from the Stone to create a ball of heavy fine metallic powder.
- The glove fires it from the palm of your hand in a straight line to a spot at most 30 feet away, spreading into a circle of radius 10 feet.
- Anyone that stands inside the circle at the start of their turn takes 3d12 necrotic damage.
- At the start of your turn, you must succeed on an Int DC 16 to maintain its effect.
- 4. Nerve Gas
- Using an action, you can spend 4 energy from the Stone to cast a powerful nerve agent in a cone of 20 feet.
- Any creature standing within the cone must succeed on a Con DC equal to your Ability DC or otherwise suffer 6d12 poison damage and become poisoned.
- At the start of the afflicted's next turn, they must succeed on a Con DC equal to your Ability DC or otherwise take 6d12 poison damage and retain 'poisoned' status.
- The gas appears as a burnt-orange cloud.
- 5. Diamond Ward
- Using an action, you can spend 4 energy from the Stone to give a defensive diamond shield to a target willing creature within 5 feet.
- The diamond shield floats around the creature for 1 hour to raise its AC to 20 if it was less than 20.
- Provides resistance to poison and acid damage from external sources.
- 6. Lead Ward
- Using an action, you can spend 4 energy from the Stone to give a defensive lead shield to a target willing creature within 5 feet.
- The lead shield floats around the creature for 1 hour to raise its AC to 20 if it was less than 20.
- Provides resistance to radiant and necrotic damage from external sources.
Organic Deconstruction[edit]
At 13th level, you can deconstruct another organism’s very structure. The target must make a Dex DC against your Ability DC. If they fail, you place your hand on their head, and, after a flash of golden light, you will cause them to take 6d6 psychic damage and cause them to become petrified for 1 minute. On a failed save, they take half damage and have their movement reduced to 0 until the start of their next turn.
Chemical Precautions[edit]
At 15th level, your handling of dangerous chemicals has made you more reflexive in dangerous situations, so you now have proficiency in Dexterity saving throws.
Chemist's Stone IV Abilities[edit]
At 17th level, you understand completely how the Stone works. And its energies course throughout you.
- The Vitality Formulae
- You've researched the exact chemical make-up to make yourself age more slowly using the Stone.
- From this point onwards you now effectively age at a rate of 1 year for every 10 real years, at a maximum possible age of 1000.
- Your veins now glow a subtle orange from the vitality fluid that's been added.
- 1. Uranium Flare
- Using an action, you can spend 8 Stone energy, exotic flames burst from your gloves in straight lines towards all creatures within 30 feet. Alternatively, pick a point within 120 feet of yourself. The exotic flames burst cover a 30 foot radius centered around that point.
- Creatures within this range must make a Dex DC saving throw equal to your Ability DC.
- On a failed save, they take 16d8 radiant damage and 16d8 necrotic damage and gained the poisoned condition. At the start of the afflicted’s turn, they will take one level of exhaustion. This poison can only be cured by a Greater Restoration spell.
- On a successful save, they take half the normal amount.
- 2. Diamond Armor
- Using an action, you can spend 8 energy from the Stone to give diamond armor to a target willing creature within 5 feet.
- The diamond armor raises the target's AC to 24 if it was less than 24.
- Lasts for one hour until it disintegrates into graphite dust.
- Provides immunity to poison and acid damage from external sources.
- Any radiant damage dealt by the target is doubled.
- 3. Semiconductor Cube
- Using an action, you can spend 8 energy from the Stone to manifest a 1-foot floating cube of germanium and silicon at melee range.
- The Cube floats alongside you for one hour until it disintegrates.
- Any ally within 60 feet in line of sight gets a holographic projection from the cube telling them where to hit, gaining +10 to any attack rolls, and 18, 19, and 20 on a d20 count as critical.
Academic Hardening[edit]
At 18th level, if your total for any Intelligence based skill check is less than your Intelligence score, you can use your Intelligence score in place of the total.
Chemist’s Stone V Abilities[edit]
At 20th level, you have mastered the stone’s abilities to the point where you can alter living organisms at will. You gain the 2 abilities below. These abilities do not cost energy, but you can only use 1 Stone V ability per long rest.
1. Deoxyribonucleic Acid
2. Ribonucleic Acid
Ability Score Improvement[edit]
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Often having a very "shotgun" approach to solving problems, incendiaries are chemists who are primarily concerned with fire, vapors, and crafting explosions. Some of them may have had their origins in working with munitions for a military group. Or maybe they lived in a fuming bog, somehow charmed by the idea of selling refined gases and other chemicals. Or they might have helped out with making fireworks for an entertainment group.
- 2nd Level Feature
- Tinker’s Tools Proficiency
- You now have proficiency with Tinker’s Tools.
- Ignite Natural Gas
- Using an action and 1 energy from the Stone, you ignite the gas in front of you in a 30ft cone. Anyone in the cone must make a Dex DC equal to your Ability DC or take 4d6 damage. You can spend an additional 1 stone energy to change this damage type to radiant.
- Starting from 5th level, you also deal 2d6 acid damage, which can be changed to necrotic damage. The damage increases by 2d6 as well.
- Igniting natural gas has disastrous effects. Welts and boils appear all over the bodies of those who fail their save. These last for 1 minute, or until the affected is healed by a healing spell or a medicine kit (DC 15). While they are affected, they have disadvantage on all saving throws.
- The ability scales up by 2d6 when you reach 5th lvl (6d6), 11th lvl (8d6), and 17th lvl (10d6).
- 6th Level Feature
- Phosphorus Flash
- Using an action and 2 energy from the Stone, you can create a bright flash of light.
- Creatures within 15 feet of you must succeed on a Dex DC equal to your Ability DC or else take 3d10 fire damage and be blinded until the beginning of your next turn. On a fail, they take half damage.
- Alternatively, can be used with melee attacks. On a successful hit, you can spend 2 energy to add 2d8 fire damage to the hit. When the target starts their turn, they must make a Con DC equal to your Ability DC or take an additional 2d8 fire damage.
- The ability scales up by 1d10 or 1d8 when you reach 11th lvl, and 17th lvl.
- 10th Level Feature
- Burning Petroleum
- Using an action and 4 energy from the Stone, you can replicate the 'Wall of Fire' spell along with its limitations.
- Its details are on p.285 of the PHB.
- The ability scales up by 1d8 when you reach 12th lvl (6d8), 14th lvl (7d8), 16th lvl (8d8), 18th lvl (9d8), and 20th lvl (10d8).
- It appears as a clear yellow fluid that's ignited.
- 14th Level Feature
- Saltpeter Explosion
- Using an action and at least 3 energy from the Stone, you can shoot an explosive charge.
- Pick a point within 120 feet of yourself.
- It deals 5d12 bludgeoning damage and Ed12 fire damage in a 30-foot radius, where "E" is the extra energy spent from the Stone. It deals double damage to structures and objects that are not worn or carried.
- Additionally, whenever a chemist’s stone ability deals fire or radiant damage, you can increase that amount by Ed10, where “E” again is the extra energy spent from the stone.
A chemist that is primarily concerned with making inanimate objects animate, and making animate objects think. Separate from necromancy, as their targets are not necessarily dead. However, their aberrations might stir up anger from druids who consider them affronts to the majesty of nature. These people probably grew up as an apprentice to a sorcerer or attended several years researching alchemy at a university.
Their primary interests stem from figuring out the origins of life and how it was ultimately triggered into existence by the gods. How did inanimate become animate? How did animate gain a mind to think? There must be some solution. Some may not necessarily agree with their pragmatic philosophy, but the results of their creations are undeniable.
- 2nd Level Feature
- Primordial - Medium Aberration, Unaligned.
- Using 3 Stone energy, the glove sends an animating chemical in a patch of organic material (soil, dirt, vegetation, tar, etc.)
- The organic material then amalgamates into a creature with mottled grey skin, thick white fur, and an average muscle/fat consistency that helps to protect it.
- Only 1 primordial allowed at any time. Attempting to make another will dissolve the other into grey goo.
- Primordial Base Statistics
- AC 13
- HP (Level)d8+Int
- Speed 30, Climb 20
- Str 11, Dex 10+SoL, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 12+SoE, Cha 4
- Perception+4, Acrobatics+2
- Passive Perc' 14
- Claw Attack: 1d8+Str, Melee
- It has 1d4 sets of black glossy eyes (SoE) and 1+1d4 sets of legs (SoL).
- Primordial Rules
- It can use its hit die to restore health during a short rest.
- Primordials can attack, dash, disengage, or dodge.
- It takes its turn on your initiative, though it doesn't take an action unless you command it to.
- On your turn, you can verbally command it where to move (no action).
- Add your proficiency bonus to the primordial's AC, attack rolls, damage rolls, saving throws and skills it is proficient in.
- If you are incapacitated or absent, the primordial acts on its own, focusing on protecting you and itself.
- If the primordial dies for whatever reason, you can repeat the spell on another patch of organic material.
- 6th Level Feature
- Carbon Research
- You gain a bonus action with which to command the Primordial to attack.
- On any of your turns when the primordial doesn't attack, you can use a bonus action to have it use the dash, disengage, dodge, or help action on its turn.
- Primordial creations now take 4 Stone energy.
- Any primordials created get the equivalent of 1 ASI.
- Using an action, you can spend 1 energy from the Stone to restore 1d8 hit points to you or the primordial at melee range.
- 10th Level Feature
- Silicon Research
- You've figured out how to add inorganic compounds from the Stone to permanently give both you and your primordial +2 AC.
- Primordial creations now take 5 Stone energy.
- Any primordials created get the equivalent of 2 ASIs.
- 14th Level Feature
- Biological Awareness
- You and your primordial's hit die change from d8 to d10.
- Any primordials created get the equivalent of 3 ASIs.
These dutiful researchers work hard beside their doctors and patients, synthesizing cures for poisons, diseases, parasites, and tumors. They have an almost innate bedside manner. They know how to be comforting, but at the same time taking no nonsense from otherwise impatient patients. Expert pharmacists and apothecaries are sought out by doctors across the continents seeking remedies for their clients.
- 2nd Level Feature
- Vitality Research
- By spending 1 energy from the Stone, you can replicate the effects of the Detect Poison and Disease spell along with its limitations.
- Additionally, you can use Anti-Poison with it taking a slot or costing energy.
- Its details are on p.231 of the PHB.
- Healing Stimulant
- By spending at 1+E energy from the Stone, you can replicate the effects of the Cure Wounds spell along with its limitations.
- Its details are on p.230 of the PHB.
- Use AAM for spellcasting ability modifier.
- Ability uses an additional d8 for each E spent.
- 6th Level Feature
- On-site Doctor
- You now have proficiency with both a Healer’s Kit and an Herbalism Kit.
- Antibiotics
- By spending 3 energy from the Stone to replicate the effects of the 'Heal' spell along with its limitations.
- Its details are on p.250 of the PHB.
- It appears as a thin stream of clear fluid that injects itself through the skin.
- 10th Level Feature
- Triage
- By spending 5 energy from the Stone, you can replicate the effects of the 'Mass Cure Wounds' spell along with its limitations.
- Its details are on p.258 of the PHB.
- Use AAM for spellcasting ability modifier.
- Affliction Research
- By spending 5 energy from the Stone, you can replicate the effects of the 'Greater Restoration' spell along with its limitations.
- Its details are on p.246 of the PHB.
- It appears as a fine mist, absorbed into the skin.
- 14th Level Feature
- Regenerate Proteins
- By spending 7 energy from the Stone, you can replicate the effects of the 'Regenerate' spell along with its limitations.
- Its details are on p.271 of the PHB.
Experts in the field of electricity, metals, and improving their quality. They are the most exposed to acids, as they etch metals, plate weapons. They are also the chemists with more time around the forge than other classes, knowing how to extract metals from an ore and synthesize flux. A metallurgist could’ve been a part-time miner, excited to see a vein of silver for the first time in their life. They know how metals can conduct electricity, and they wish to expand their utility in this regard. And, perhaps, become a notorious inventor someday.
- 2nd Level Feature
- Voltaic Reaction
- Before a melee attack, by expending 1 energy from the Stone, you can replicate the effects of the 'Shocking Grasp' spell along with its limitations.
- Its details are on p.275 of the PHB.
- Use AAM instead of the usual spell attack modifier for the attack roll.
- Just like the spell, the ability scales up by 1d8 when you reach 5th lvl (2d8), 11th lvl (3d8), and 17th lvl (4d8).
- Iron Defense
- You now have proficiency with Heavy armor and one martial weapon of your choice.
- 6th Level Feature
- Silver Plating
- By expending 3 energy from the Stone, you can make a weapon plated in silver to overcome magical defenses. The weapon also becomes heavier, dealing an additional 1d8 damage if the creature wielding the weapon has 15 STR or more. A creature with less than a 15 STR deals 1d8 less damage. This lasts for 8 hours.
- This can apply to your and any willing creature's weapon
- 14th Level Feature
- Magnetic Grip
- As a reaction to being disarmed, you can spend 1 energy from the Stone to magnetize the grip and prevent disarming.
- As a reaction to being attacked by a successful attack roll from a melee weapon that has metal in it, you can spend 5 energy to force the target to either succeed on a Dex DC equal to your Ability DC or be disarmed and deal no damage for that attack.
- Internal Titanium Reinforcement
- You gain +2 to AC, as you have reinforced it using the stone. Additionally, you can shove creatures by barreling towards them. Once per turn, you can move a creature within 5 feet of you 15 feet in any direction. You then move in the same direction until you are within 15 feet of them. This does not require a save.
Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Chemist class, you must meet these prerequisites: Con 13, Int 13.
Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Chemist class, you gain the following proficiencies: Alchemist's Supplies, Investigation.
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