Chef (5e Class)

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A rugged half-elf fells a ferocious owlbear with a flurry of knives. His mouth salivates as he stands over the carcass, imagining the wondrous flavors it must hold. In the midst of battle, a steadfast human reaches into her chef's pouch, hastily looking for something that could save her injured friend. She grabs a recipe she had prepared earlier and shoves it down her ally's throat, smiling as the magical flavours close mortal wounds. Focused and determined, a gnome samples the strange food from a far off realm. With each bite, his mind surges with ideas, and a new recipe is born. The greatest strength of the chef is their bizarre creativity. Able to turn the mundane into the marvellous, chefs never waver when faced with a challenge.

Masters of Food[edit]

While most adventurers find reward in riches, others seek a treasure of a different kind. Chefs travel far and wide to uncover new foods and long lost flavours, delving into the most dangerous locations in search of key ingredients to perfect their recipes. Chefs who take on a life of adventure are few and far between, and fewer still live long enough to see their pursuits fulfilled. Nevertheless, those Chefs who do choose this path are considered to be the pioneers of their profession. To survive as an adventurer, a chef relies on the magic they imbue into their food and their skill with culinary items. Chefs strive to perfect the myriad applications of their utensils, studying their form as a warrior studies his weapon. In the hands of a chef, an ordinary pan or ladle can be utilized for deadly purpose, and an ordinary meal can save an ally from the brink of death.

Creating a Chef[edit]

When creating your chef, you should consider the nature of their training, and their initial life afterward. They may have been trained by a relative or the servant of a great king. Alternatively, they could have learned the trade as a means of survival within a poor urban district. These decisions may help you decide on your character traits as well as your choice of recipes.

Quick Build

You can make a Chef quickly by following these suggestions. First, Wisdom should be your highest ability score, followed by Strength or Dexterity. Second, choose the Chef background. Third, choose 5 rations and an explorers pack.

Class Features

As a Chef you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d8 per Chef level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Chef level after 1st


Armor: Light Armor
Weapons: Simple Weapons
Tools: Cooking Utensils
Saving Throws: Wisdom, Dexterity
Skills: Perception, Medicine, Performance, Nature, Survival and Sleight of Hand.


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) Iron Pot or (b) 5 Rations
  • (a) Scholars Pack or (b) Explorer's Pack
  • A set of cook's utensils, a cookbook and a chef's pouch.
  • If you are using starting wealth, you have If you are using starting wealth, you have 7d4*10 in funds. in funds.

Table: The Chef

Level Proficiency
Recipes Known Features
1st +2 3 Recipes, Culinary Arts
2nd +2 4 Gourmet Senses
3rd +2 5 Healing Dish, Culinary Specialty
4th +2 6 Ability Score Improvement
5th +3 7 Practised Chef, Culinary Specialty Feature
6th +3 8
7th +3 9
8th +3 10 Ability Score Improvement, Speedy Treats
9th +4 11
10th +4 12 Fast Food, Culinary Specialty Feature
11th +4 13
12th +4 14 Ability Score Improvement, Well Fed Soldiers Will Win the War
13th +5 15
14th +5 16 Culinary Specialty Feature
15th +5 17
16th +5 18 Ability Score Improvement, Enchanted Entrée
17th +6 19 Culinary Specialty Feature
18th +6 20
19th +6 21 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 22 Master Chef


Beginning at 1st level, you learn three recipes that can be used to aid yourself and your allies. Each time you gain a level in this class, You learn an additional recipe, as shown in the class table. The recipes are kept inside your cookbook and are all detailed at the end of the class description. When you reach 5th level in this class and again at 11th and 17th levels, each of your recipes gains an additional benefit, or increases in potency.

Chef's Pouch

You carry with you a chef's pouch which contains all the ingredients you need to create your recipes. During a long rest, you can create a number of recipes from your cookbook equal to your Wisdom Modifier + half your chef level (rounded up, minimum 1), which are kept inside your chef's pouch. You can create multiple of the same recipe, or several different recipes. You must have your cookbook and chef's pouch with you for the duration of the long rest in order to create recipes. Any unused recipes spoil when you create new ones during a long rest.

Using a recipe

Any creature that possesses one of your recipes can use a bonus action on their turn to consume it and gain its benefits, provided they have a free hand to do so. Alternatively, they can feed the recipe to a willing creature within 5 feet using a free hand. A creature must be conscious to consume a recipe. The effects of different recipes add together while their durations overlap, but the effects of the same recipe consumed multiple times don't combine.

A recipe's abilities

Wisdom is the ability score you use for your recipes. You use your Wisdom modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a recipe and when a recipe calls for an attack roll to be made. Recipes always use the Recipe Save DC and Recipe Attack Modifier of the chef that created them, even if the meal is consumed by another creature, and any damage caused by a recipe is considered magical. Additionally, when a recipe refers to the chef, it refers to the person who created the recipe.

Recipe Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier

Recipe Attack Modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier

Culinary Arts[edit]

Also at 1st level, you are able to use your Cook's Utensils to their fullest potential. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses your Cook's Utensils. In addition, you can make use of your Cook's Utensils during combat. Among other items, your Cook's Utensils contain a Pan, a Ladle and 10 chef's knives of various shapes and sizes. You can equip these items as though they were weapons. They have the following statistics when wielded by a Chef:

Chef Weapons

Pan 1d8 bludgeoning two-handed, special

Chef's Knife 1d4 slashing finesse, light, thrown (30/90), special

Ladle 1d4 bludgeoning ammunition (30/120), special

Pan: Wielding a pan increases your armor class by 2.

Chef's Knife: When you engage in two weapon fighting using a pair of chef's knives, you add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack.

Ladle: While wielding a ladle, you can feed a creature a recipe from up to 30 feet away. The creature you feed must use its reaction to catch and consume the recipe.

Gourmet Senses[edit]

At 2nd level, your heightened senses brought on by your culinary training grant you advantage on Wisdom and Intelligence checks that rely on smell and taste.

Culinary Specialty[edit]

At 3rd level, you chose a Culinary Specialty. Choose between Head Chef and War Chef, both detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at 3rd level and again at 5th, 10th, 14th and 17th level.

Healing Dish[edit]

At 3rd level, you learn the spell Goodberry and can cast it at will. In addition, at level 5, the Goodberries health increase becomes 2, and it increases again at level 10, to 3, 15, to 4, and 20, to 5. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your chef level divided by two, rounded down.

Ability Score Improvement[edit]

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Practised Chef[edit]

At fifth level, you have refined your already impressive chef’s skills. You gain the benefits of the Chef feat, without having to forgo an ability score increase.

Speedy Treats[edit]

At eighth level, you refine your ability to make treats (See chef feat, as mentioned above), bolstering your speed in making them. You can now make an amount of treats equal to double your proficiency bonus. Additionally, these treats now give an amount of temporary hit points equal to 1.5 times your proficiency bonus, rounded down, and they last indefinitely.

Fast Food[edit]

At 10th level, you can create additional recipes during a long rest equal to half your Wisdom Modifier (rounded down, minimum 1). These recipes must be consumed within 10 minutes of completing the long rest or they expire.

Well Fed Soldiers Will Win the War[edit]

At 12th level, you and your party’s constant supply of delicious food has increased their physical ability. While you accompany them, your party can travel twice as fast, long rests take half the time, and you cannot be surprised.

Enchanted Entrée[edit]

At 16th level, you learn to create a special entrée dish which can re-energize your companions. When a creature consumes your entrée, one ability they regain use of after a short rest is restored, one spell slot (if they have them) of 5th or less level is restored and one ability score of their choice gains a +2 bonus for five minutes. You may make up to three entrées per long rest.

Master Chef[edit]

At 20th level, your mastery of the culinary arts allows you to whip up recipes with blinding speed. Once per day when you take a short rest, you can create a number of recipes equal to your Wisdom Modifier. You cannot create new recipes this way, instead replacing recipes that have been consumed since you last finished a long rest. In addition, you gain proficiency in any skills from your class you did not take before.

Head Chef[edit]

The Head Chef subclass is a master of both the culinary and leadership arts, blending the power of food with unparalleled tactical brilliance on the battlefield. A Head Chef doesn’t just prepare meals; they command the kitchen and the fight itself, inspiring allies and managing their resources with expert precision. Whether they’re dishing out a quick healing stew or issuing orders to rally their companions, a Head Chef leads with both charisma and skill.

Leading Chef

At third level, when you choose this subclass, you gain proficiency in charisma saves. In addition, while an ally is within five feet of you, you have advantage on attack rolls.

Cook Commander

At fifth level, you learn to direct your allies. When you take the Attack action on your turn, you can forgo one of your attacks and use a bonus action to direct one of your companions to strike. When you do so, choose a friendly creature who can see or hear you. That creature can immediately make one weapon attack, adding your proficiency bonus to the attack's damage roll. Can be used up to your proficiency bonus times per long rest.

Chef's Assistant

At 10th level, you can employ others to help you with your work, under your leadership. You can choose a willing creature to help you prepare food. You may double the number of treats, Goodberries or recipes you can make when attempting to make them. If the worker is proficient in cooking utensils, you may triple the amount of food you can make. This requires and action spent from the person helping.

Chef Patron

At 14th level, your reputation as a master chef combined with your charismatic presence results in you gaining an extreme way with words. You gain proficiency in the intimidation, persuasion and deception skills. In addition, you gain the ability to summon a chef assistant. The assistant acts on your turn, and you may order him as a bonus action. They have the statistics of a Thug, but share your alignment, have proficiency in cooking utensils and possess chef’s knives and a pan instead of their usual weapons.

Culinary Captain

At 17th level, you have mastered your ability to work with others. You may employ two extra creatures to aid in cooking. As such, the number of food items you can make is tripled automatically when you have two creatures helping, with it being quadrupled if one or both have proficiency in cooking utensils. In addition, you can summon an extra chef assistant.

War Chef[edit]

The War Chef subclass is a master of transforming the kitchen into a battlefield, wielding culinary tools with deadly precision. Specializing in a unique blade modeled after a carving knife, the War Chef uses their kitchen implements not only to prepare meals but to cut down enemies with brutal efficiency. With the sharp edge of a chef’s knife in hand and a cooking pan as a shield, the War Chef turns everyday tools into instruments of war.

Butcher's Blade>

At 3rd level, when you choose this subclass, you gain the Butcher’s Blade, a large greatsword in the shape of a carving knife. It has this additional property: When you score a critical hit with the Butcher’s Blade, the target must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or suffer a severe wound. This wound causes the target to bleed, taking 1d6 damage at the start of their next turn. You automatically have proficiency in this weapon. In addition, you gain proficiency in strength saving throws.

Salt in the Wound

At 5th level, you've learned how to lace your chef's knives with a healthy serving of stinging salts. Your chef's knives deal an extra 2d4 acid damage on a hit, and if they hit a creature that is concentrating, the creature has disadvantage on the saving throw it makes to maintain concentration. This only applies to the first weapon to do damage if dual wielding or using extra attack feature.

Violent Chopping

Beginning at 10th level, you may attack twice instead of once when you take the attack option on your turn. In addition, your Salt in the Wound feature now does 3d4 additional damage.

Dextrous Hands

At 14th level, your skill with wielding your weapons have drastically improved. You may now dual wield any non-two-handed melee weapon. In addition, you can draw or stow up to two items from your Cook's Utensils instead of one, and your Salt in the Wound now does 4d4 additional damage.

Corpse Butcher

At level 17, you learn to make a victim’s corpse into a revitalising dish in the span of a moment. Whenever you kill a creature that is not a construct, you can cause any creature around you to regain a number of hit points equal to half the slain creature’s max hit points. In addition, your Salt in the Wound now does 5d4 extra damage.


Black Pepper Jerky

Eating Time: 1 bonus action

Duration: 1 hour

This lean, dry strip of meat is complimented by a light seasoning of pungent peppercorn. Once consumed, you gain the ability to transpose for the duration. As an action, you choose a creature within 15 feet and transpose with them. If the creature is willing, you both teleport, swapping places. The creature you choose must be the chef or another creature under the effects of a Black Pepper Jerky recipe created by the chef.

5th Level: The range you can transpose increases to 30 feet.

11th Level: The range you can transpose increases to 45 feet.

17th Level: The range you can transpose increases to 60 feet.

Blazing Braised Gizzard

Eating Time: 1 bonus action

Duration: 1 minute

This tender poultry is braised in stock, oyster sauce and a few pinches of chilli powder. Once consumed, you perspire at a rapid rate for the duration. Whenever you move, the space you previously occupied is covered in a pool of sweat. The pool has the same size as you, and persists for the duration of the recipe. Any creature that enters a pool of sweat must make a dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the creature falls prone. On a success, they can freely move through any of your sweat pools until the start of their next turn. The recipe ends early if you drink at least 1 pint of water or milk. If the recipe persists for it's full duration, you gain one level of exhaustion as a result of dehydration.

5th Level: Pools of sweat created by this recipe count as difficult terrain.

11th Level: You no longer become exhausted as a result of the recipe lasting it's full duration.

17th Level: For the duration, you cannot be grappled or restrained by non-magical means, and your movement is unaffected by difficult terrain.

Broiled Scorpion on a Stick

Eating Time: 1 bonus action

Duration: 1 hour

This crusty arachnid is skewered and sprinkled with sweet and nutty flavours to intesify the bug's fatty inside. Once consumed, you gain a bonus to all dexterity checks you make for the duration. The bonus is equal to the chef's wisdom modifier.

5th Level: You gain a climb speed equal to your walking speed for the duration.

11th Level: Until the recipe ends, you do not take damage from falling unless you fall further than 10 x the chef's wisdom modifier in feet.

17th Level: You add the chef's wisdom modifier to any dexterity saving throws you make for the duration.

Bull's Eye Soup

Eating Time: 1 bonus action

Duration: 1 round

This savoury bowl includes a bull’s eyeball chopped, battered and placed in a salty broth. Once consumed, you can add the chef’s wisdom modifier to the next attack roll you make before the end of your next turn.

5th Level: The attack bonus increases to 1 + the chef’s wisdom modifier.

11th Level: The attack bonus increases to 2 + the chef’s wisdom modifier.

17th Level: The attack bonus increases to 3 + the chef’s wisdom modifier.

Creamy Milk Risotto

Eating Time: 1 bonus action

Duration: 1 minute

This deliciously smooth recipe is full of fresh herbs and served in a leaf of lettuce. Once consumed, for the duration, you gain a bonus to all constitution saving throws you make to maintain concentration. The bonus equals the chef’s wisdom modifier.

5th Level: the duration of the recipe increases to 10 minutes.

11th Level: the duration of the recipe increases to 1 hour.

17th Level: the duration of the recipe increases to 8 hours.

Croque Madame

Eating Time: 1 bonus action

Duration: 8 hours

This sandwich is the perfect breakfast treat, combining several morning flavors in one dish. Once consumed, you gain a bonus to AC equal to the chef’s wisdom modifier for the duration. This bonus cannot increase your AC above 16.

5th Level: The maximum AC obtainable from the bonus increases to 17.

11th Level: The maximum AC obtainable from the bonus increases to 18.

17th Level: The maximum AC obtainable from the bonus increases to 19.

Devilled Sausage

Eating Time: 1 bonus action

Duration: Instantaneous

This recipe consists of a delicately fried sausage chopped up and drizzled in garlic, onion and sliced apple. Upon consuming this recipe, you can immediately attempt to absorb its magic and regain an expended spell slot. To do so, you must succeed on Constitution Check (DC = 10 + the level of the spell slot). The spell slot you wish to regain can be no higher than first level, unless it is a spell slot gained through the Pact Magic Feature.

5th Level: The spell slot you attempt to regain can be up to second level.

11th Level: The spell slot you attempt to regain can be up to third level.

17th Level: The spell slot you attempt to regain can be up to fourth level.

Fireball Truffle

Eating Time: 1 bonus action

Duration: 1 minute

This spicy ball of chocolate contains cayenne pepper and a sprinkle of popping candy. Once consumed, your body begins to radiate intense heat in a 5-foot radius around you. For the duration, any creature that ends its turn within the area must make a constitution saving throw, taking 1d4 + the chef's wisdom modifier fire damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.

5th Level: the damage increase to 2d4 + the chef's wisdom modifier.

11th Level: the damage increase to 3d4 + the chef's wisdom modifier.

17th Level: the damage increase to 4d4 + the chef's wisdom modifier.

Garden Curry

Eating Time: 1 bonus action

Duration: 8 hours

This fresh and mild curry contains a variety of healthy fruits and vegetables. Once consumed, you gain a telepathic link with the chef and any other creature under the effects of a garden curry recipe created by the chef. For the duration, you can communicate telepathically with any of these creatures, provided they are within 30 feet of you.

5th Level: The link's range extends to 60 feet.

11th Level: The link's range extends to 90 feet.

17th Level: The link's range extends to 120 feet.

Herb Grilled Slider

Eating Time: 1 bonus action

Duration: 1 hour

This snack-sized burger is filled with beef mince grilled in parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme. Once consumed, you gain a bonus to all constitution checks you make for the duration. The bonus is equal to the chef's wisdom modifier.

5th Level: Your hit point maximum cannot be reduced for the duration. Any pre-existing reduction is suppressed until the recipe ends.

11th Level: You are immune to exhaustion for the duration. If your exhaustion level is greater than 0 when you consume this recipe, it is reduced to 0 until the recipe ends.

17th Level: You add the chef's wisdom modifier to any constitution saving throws you make for the duration.


Eating Time: 1 bonus action

Duration: 1 round

This recipe appears as a regular mud cake, but it is subtly laced with syrup of ipecac. Once consumed, the contents of your stomach begin to boil and rise. Until the end of your next turn, you can use your action to launch projectile vomit towards a creature within 30 feet of you and end the recipe. Make a ranged recipe attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage. Hit or miss, the vomit then splatters in a 5-foot radius around the target. The target and each creature within this radius must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 1d6 + the chef's wisdom modifier acid damage. If you fail to perform this action before the duration of the recipe ends, you must take this action on your next turn, targetting yourself. If this occurs, you automatically hit with the attack roll and automatically fail the saving throw.

5th Level: The acid damage increases to 2d6 + the chef's wisdom modifier.

11th Level: The acid damage increases to 3d6 + the chef's wisdom modifier.

17th Level: The acid damage increases to 4d6 + the chef's wisdom modifier.

Lasagne El Forno

Eating Time: 1 bonus action

Duration: 1 hour

This small slice of lasagne is filled with ricotta, chopped onion and ground beef. Once consumed, you gain a bonus to all wisdom checks you make for the duration. The bonus is equal to the chef's wisdom modifier. If the chef's wisdom modifier already applies to the check, double it instead.

5th Level: You gain darkvision out to a range of 60 feet for the duration.

11th Level: Until the recipe ends, you can take the search action as a bonus action on each of your turns.

17th Level: You add the chef's wisdom modifier to any wisdom saving throws you make for the duration. If the chef's wisdom modifier already applies to the saving throw, double it instead.

Memory Lane Pastry

Eating Time: 1 bonus action

Duration: 1 hour

This pastry is made with lemon pie crust, whipped cream and forest berries. Once consumed, you gain a bonus to all intelligence checks you make for the duration. The bonus is equal to the chef's wisdom modifier.

5th Level: For the duration, you can use your action to discern the weakness of a creature you can see. Choose one condition or damage type. If the target has resistance, immunity or vulnerability to the chosen condition or damage type, the DM shares this information with you.

11th Level: You gain proficiency in one skill or tool of your choice for the duration. alternatively, you can learn to speak, read and write one langauge of your choice until the recipe ends.

17th Level: You add the chef's wisdom modifier to any intelligence saving throws you make for the duration.

Oak Smoked Schnitzel

Eating Time: 1 bonus action

Duration: Instantaneous

This delicate cut of veal is crumbed and smoked inside an oaken log. Once consumed, you can immediately expend hit dice to regain hit points, as if you had just finished a short rest.

5th Level: You can add the chef's wisdom modifier to the total amount of hit points regained using this recipe.

11th Level: If the chef is willing, you can use their hit dice to regain hit points as well as your own.

17th Level: Instead of adding it to the total, you can substitute the chef's wisdom modifier in place of your constitution modifier when expending hit dice with this recipe.

Orange Cake

Eating Time: 1 bonus action

Duration: Instantaneous

This cake is mixed with orange zest and coated in orange juice icing. Once consumed, you regain a number of hit points equal to 1d6 + the chef's wisdom modifier.

5th Level: the healing increases to 2d6 + the chef's wisdom modifier.

11th Level: the healing increases to 3d6 + the chef's wisdom modifier.

17th Level: the healing increases to 4d6 + the chef's wisdom modifier.

Pan Fried Skewer

Eating Time: 1 bonus action

Duration: 1 minute

This skewer is layered with a variety of meats and vegetables then fried until soft and crunchy. Once consumed, you become invigorated by a momentary boost of power. whenever you make a damage roll during the recipe's duration, you can choose to deal bonus damage equal to the chef's wisdom modifier and end the recipe. the bonus damage is the same type as the damage roll.

5th Level: the bonus damage increases to 1d4 + the chef's wisdom modifier.

11th Level: the bonus damage increases to 2d4 + the chef's wisdom modifier.

17th Level: the bonus damage increases to 3d4 + the chef's wisdom modifier.

Red Velvet Cupcake

Eating Time: 1 bonus action

Duration: Instantaneous

This sweet and sticky treat is made with copious amounts of sugar and natural cocoa. Once consumed, you may immediately re-roll the saving throw against one effect that is causing you to be charmed or frightened, adding the chef's wisdom modifier to the total.

5th Level: the range of conditions this recipe can counteract now includes poisoned.

11th Level: the range of conditions this recipe can counteract now includes stunned.

17th Level: the range of conditions this recipe can counteract now includes blinded and deafened.

Salmon Teriyaki

Eating Time: 1 bonus action

Duration: 1 minute

This tasty fish is deboned and marinated in a sauce made from garlic, ginger, soy, maple and mirin. Once consumed, your speed increases by 10 feet for the duration.

5th Level: your speed increases by an additional 5 feet (15).

11th Level: your speed increases by an additional 5 feet (20).

17th Level: your speed increases by an additional 5 feet (25).

Seasoned Sea Crab

Eating Time: 1 bonus action

Duration: 1 hour

This crunchy crustacean is seasoned with ginger, coriander and crushed garlic. Once consumed, you gain a bonus to all charisma checks you make for the duration. The bonus is equal to the chef's wisdom modifier.

5th Level: you come under the effects of a disguise self spell for the duration.

11th Level: you come under the effects of a tongues spell for the duration.

17th Level: You add the chef's wisdom modifier to any charisma saving throws you make for the duration.

Sodium Rock Lobster

Eating Time: 1 bonus action

Duration: 1 round

This recipe consists of a lobster tail stuffed with several sodium rocks. Once consumed, you stomach begins to fill with gas. Until the end of your next turn, you can use your action to propel a violent belch in 15-foot cone originating from you and end the recipe. Each creature inside the cone must succeed on a constitution saving throw or take 1d8 + the chef's wisdom modifier poison damage. If you fail to perform this action before the duration of the recipe ends, you must take this action on your next turn, expelling the belch in a random direction determined by the DM.

5th Level: The poison damage increases to 2d8 + the chef's wisdom modifier.

11th Level: The poison damage increases to 3d8 + the chef's wisdom modifier.

17th Level: The poison damage increases to 4d8 + the chef's wisdom modifier.

Thick 'N' Juicy Steak

Eating Time: 1 bonus action

Duration: 1 hour

This small slice of steak is grilled in rosemary and red peppercorn. Once consumed, you gain a bonus to all strength checks you make for the duration. The bonus is equal to the chef's wisdom modifier.

5th Level: until the recipe ends, You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.

11th Level: your jump distance is doubled for the duration. In addition, every 2 feet you jump only costs you 1 foot of movement.

17th Level: You add the chef's wisdom modifier to any strength saving throws you make for the duration.

Veggie Medley Stew

Eating Time: 1 bonus action

Duration: 1 minute

This savoury stew appears as a striking rainbow of assorted vegetables. Once consumed, you gain resistance to one damage type of your choice for the duration.

5th Level: you gain resistance to two damage types of your choice for the duration.

11th Level: you gain resistance to three damage types of your choice for the duration.

17th Level: You can choose to gain immunity to one damage type, instead of gaining any resistances.


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Chef class, you must meet these prerequisites: Wisdom 13 or higher, proficiency in Cook's utensils.

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the <!-class name-> class, you gain the following proficiencies: None

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