Cheat Fate (4e Feat)

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Cheat Fate

Once per day you may reroll any attack or skill check you disapprove of, but you must take the second result, even if it is lower, and your next attack or skill check made is treated as an automatic failure.
Prerequisite: You may only take this Feat at 1st level.
Benefit: You gain the Cheat Fate Daily Power.

Cheat Fate Feat Power
You have a knack for denying the cruelest, most unfortunate of fates, but it is clear fortune is a fickle mistress and swiftly enacts retribution for your cheating.
Immediate Interrupt Ranged 20
Trigger: Yourself or a creature makes an attack or skill check.
Target: You or the triggering creature.
Effect: You may reroll any attack or skill check made by you, an ally, or an enemy, and must take the second result, even if it is lower. However, the next attack or skill check you make automatically fails and cannot succeed. This automatic failure is not the same as a natural 1 on the dice, and is simply a failure to succeed.
Special: Your next roll following the use of Cheat Fate cannot be the subject of another Cheat Fate.

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