Apprentice of Charon (5e Feat)

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Charon Apprentice

Prerequisites: Ability to cast at least one spell that regains hit points or deals necrotic damage
The study of your spells have allowed you to start mastering the arts of combining life magic with necrotic magic. You gain the following benefits:

  • Necrotic Lore:

You gain access to all spells of the school of necromancy.

  • Equilibrium:

You know how to use your own life force to empower your healing and necrotic spells. You can use your hit dice to increase the level of a spell that regains hit points or deals necrotic damage, but with this way of spellcasting there's a risk of overexerting your own energy and harming your physical body. When you use this feature, you must roll an amount of used hit dice spent and take the rolled damage as a necrotic damage.

Hit Dice Spent Spell Level Increase
1 +1
2 +2
4 +3
5 +4
6 +5
8 +6

(2 votes)

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