Character Creation (BoF Supplement)

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Rules for Character Creation[edit]

Within this page are rules for creating a character within the world of Estriea, a Breath of Fire campaign setting. These are guidelines to follow if the DM wishes, and may change from campaign to campaign. Feel free to choose your own level of play and rules for character creation as these are simply the rules I see working for creating characters within this world to resemble D&D versions of their video game counter-parts.

Ability Scores[edit]

You may choose between point buy of 50 points, following the normal rules there-of, or roll the dice for a randomized stat set. If you choose to roll your stats, then roll 4d6 re-rolling 1's and dropping the lowest dice result. This way of rolling will give you six stats ranging from 6 to 18, with an average of 13. Causing the players to be above-average to exceptional with the chances of being well below average.


Flaws and Traits
  • You may gain up to two approved flaws during character creation.
  • You must gain two approved traits during character creation.
  • Flaws and Traits from Unearthed Arcana and other sources are allowed, though under GM discretion. Furthermore, Flaws and Traits from other sources are encouraged, as the ones from Unearthed Arcana tend to be underwhelming.
  • You may use either Str or Cha for Intimidate, whichever is higher. Using Strength with your Intimidation is a much more brutish type of intimidation, often taking the form of some type of musclebound act meant to demoralize another, such as denting a wall nearby without saying anything.
  • You may use either Dex or Cha for Perform, whichever is higher. Using Dexterity for performances is more of a way to show grace and agility in the performance than moving those that hear/see the performance through emotional ties. This is more appropriate of movement based performance skills, such as dancing or a martial display.
Hit Points
Spell Points
  • All spell-casters will gain a limited amount of Spell Points, or Mana Points, that they use to power their spells. If you use a spell-casting class that is not listed on the page for Spell Points, use the closest resembling class that is listed for the purpose of Spell Points.

Classes & Races & Alignment[edit]

Some small changes to class dynamics have been made, and, while limited, will probably affect which classes you may want to play.

  • The Paladin's Code of Conduct is somewhat more relaxed. Given that the Paladins of Estriea are followers of a religion based around, or are directly related to, a particular Endless. They are allowed more freedoms in their alignments and their actions, as long as they do not 'cross' their lords/ladies views or goals.
  • Paladins can be Any Good Alignment.
  • The Shadowknight's Code of Conduct is somewhat more relaxed. Given that the Shadowknights of Estriea are followers of a religion based around, or are directly related to, a particular Daemon. They are allowed slightly more freedoms in their alignments and actions, as long as they follow their Daemons orders.
  • Shadowknights can be Any Evil Evil Alignment.

Homebrew and Other Supplements[edit]

Anything not listed in this campaign setting is recommended on being ignored, as this is set up to resemble the video game series of Breath of Fire in as close a detail as I can manage with current resources, and without killing balance (hopefully). However, it is entirely up to the DM that is running the campaign based off of this setting on what is and is not allowed. If in doubt, ask your DM.


"Characters are expected to act accordingly to their class and personality. Advancement largely occurs as per normal, though certain events may cause spontaneous growth in characters, such as the gaining of feats, traits, and flaws through accomplishments and trials in the actual campaign rather than simply as a by-product of gaining experience." ~ Jwguy (Tirr Advancement)

These are majorly meant to reward good role-play or to encourage the players to actually play their characters, instead of trying to play the game.


"Alignment is important. It determines the types of deities your character associates with, the classes he might take, and the kind of influence he has on the group, as well as vice versa. While evil alignments are difficult to cope with, a skilled DM can allow it. The only restriction is that the Neutral alignment be given particular attention, as determining actual reason for a character to even participate in the conflicts that the party is likely to endure is difficult for such. That said, freedom from alignments is applicable, as not every Lawful character is completely without his bit of random behavior, every now and then, and the same is for many others." ~ Jwguy (Tirr Alignment)

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