Castil (Iolis Setting)

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Map of Castil


Castil is the Eastern sub-continent of Iolis. It is famous for its many forests and is closely tied to the Faelands. It is bordered on the East by the narrow sea, farther across the sea is the edge of the world. Castil is divided into four regions, the mountains, the hills, the flat lands and the deserts. There are many rivers but little industrialization because of the proximity to the Faelands. Castil has been at war with Resbur for the last thousand years using the fae crossings to travel and attack their enemies.


The mountains are along the Zamonian border. There are three sub-regions, the barren mountains, with no trees; the pine mountains, covered in pine forests; and the south mountains, covered in deciduous forests. Herbs and timber are gathered in the mountains. The barren Mountains are home to many wild tribes of Orcs and Gnolls, but they rarely attack in the mountains.


The hills are between the mountains and the flat lands. There are three sub-regions as well, the barren hills, the pine hills, the south hills, each has the same vegetation as the mountains with the same name. Herbs and roots are gathers in the hills. The barren mountains are home to many wild tribes of orcs and gnolls, and there are many skirmishes with them along the borders.

Flat Lands[edit]

The Flat lands are between the hills and the deserts. There are five sub-regions; Bleakfall, which is the ice planes; the grass lands, which is in the north and freezes over in the winter; the moors, which has the capitol city of Ivas; the pine forests, and the south forests. The majority of the population of Casil is located in the flat lands.


In the south of Castil along the coast there are poor soil conditions that have led to the creation of the deserts. There are four sub-regions of the desert. There are the shrub lands, the grasslands, the desert and the dunes. There is little life in these areas, but also the greatest concentration of port cities.

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