C'thulu (4e Deity)

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A symbol resembeling the head of the god.

Domains: Madness, Destruction
Warpriest Domain: Storm

It is as with many things about C'thulu, unknown where he comes from. All that is known, is that he comes from a plane far, far away, The Foreign Planes. C'thulu is at the moment said to be sleeping at the bottom of the sea, in the city of R'lyeh. C'thulu is worshiped by small, dedicated cults, hellbent on fulfilling whatever plans he has.

C'thulu Lore[edit]

C'thulu is said to be one of the first gods, one of "The Great Old Ones". He existed before both the primordials and the other gods. Many scholars deny C'thulus existence, and to most people, he is not known, but those who is certain of his existence either fear him, or worship him.

C'thulu has many names: Q’thulu, Kthulhut and Cuitiliú are some of them, but C'thulu is the most accepted name amongst his followers. Other things he's often called by cults deddicated to him is The Sleeping God, The Dreaming God and Spawn of Foreign Stars. C'thulu spreads his commandments through dreams of both followers and others. The visions he might show in the dreams are often experieced by humanoids as horrid, maddening and disturbing. People have committed suicide because of the haunting images they've seen. Others leave civilized areas, searching for redemption and help in other Gods. And there are those who follow his word. His level is nearly eqivalent to that of AO with a lowest skill of 1479, and highest of 14575. His hp is 1400 and his ac is 459

The goal of The Sleeping God's disciples is to raise C'thulu from his slumber at the bottom of the ocean. How this is done, and what occurs after his raising is unknown, but it is said that the natural world will run into chaos, destruction and evil.

C'thulu tells his worshipers to...

  • ... channel power to him, so he can rise from the botton of the sea.
  • ... seek out and purge the ones that worship other Gods or Primordials.
  • ... open rifts in time and space, and allow creatures from the far and foreign planes of C'thulu to enter the world.
  • ... create cults dedicated to him and his rescurrection.

Cleric Training[edit]

His clerics do not recieve any training, they are only taught through dreams and visions sent by their god.


Cult-members often work together to complete wicked rituals. The purpose of these rituals are unknown, as the cult never reveals the purpose behind the rituals.

Another quest is to kill and destroy those who worship other gods or primordials. Therefore, city raids have occured, where people have been brutally killed and churches and temples have been set on fire or destroyed in various ways.


One does not pray to C'thulu. You can either have a "conversation" of some grade with him, or try to deliver a message of some sort to him. Even though his worshipers do not pray, they are noted for the phrase "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh C'thulu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn", which translates into something like "In his house at R'lyeh, dead C'thulu waits dreaming". It is oftened shortened to just "C'thulu fhtagn".

Humaniod creatures cannot speak the language of C'thulu properly, because they are unable to imitate the sounds of the alien language. It is specualated as to whether the Gods can speak the language or not.


C'thulu doesn't have any temples, nor does he demand them, but cult hideouts are often decorated with symbols and drawings that have been showed to them through the visions he sends.


The rites peformed by the cultists are often disturbingly brutal and/or evil in nature. they often involve necromancy, blood sacrifices, the burning of living people and other, more disturbing things.

The purpose of the rites may vary, but it takes a lot of preparation, whatever the purpose is. Sometimes it is to summon Star-spawns of C'thulu (creatures whose heritage is from the same place as C'thulu's), extend the lifespan of something, or gain powers which creatures of the natural world are not supposed to obtain.

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