Bonedagger Clan (5e Subrace)

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Dwarf Subrace[edit]

As much as dwarves tend to love the earth, digging deep into it to mine, and for some, make their home, they find the oceans an unknown and dangerous place. But denizens of the city of Ragnustad did not get the choice to avoid it. The dwarves sunk with the city, too deep to reach the surface without great risk, and were forced to adapt or die. The Bonedagger clan is one who chose to adapt.

Members of this subrace are slenderer than the dwarves of the surface; better acquainted to quick swimming. Their fingers and toes have webbed, and their spines are raised on their backs. Beady black eyes sit on the sides of their faces, with a thick, bulbous nose between. Their skin is grey, with pale white splotches that help identify them to each other.

When Ragnustad first sank, the Bonedagger clan had the most experience of anyone as fisherfolk, so they took to the role of hunters and gatherers for the dislocated city. They struggled at first, proving better at the hunting than the gathering, but over time, found themselves taking to it more and more. They developed techniques to hunt and catch what they needed. Some grew to like the hunt more than others. They take it seriously, marking themselves with camouflage paints and training in the wild seas at a young age. And some hunt not just for sustenance, but for fun.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1.
Child of the Sea. You have a swimming speed of 30 ft, and you can breathe air and water.
Aquatic Pursuer. You can dash as a bonus action while swimming.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Aquan.

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