Boler (3.5e Deity)

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Boler: The Benevolent Black
Greater Deity
Symbol: Black crescent moon with a face.
Home Plane: Plane of Shadows
Alignment: Neutral Good
Portfolio: Compassion, darkness, dusk, martyrdom, moon, night, protection.
Clergy Alignments: CG, NG, LG
Domains: Charity, Community, Darkness, Healing, Humility, Good, Moon, Night, Protection, Purification, Shadow.
Favored Weapon: Mace
Boler's Symbol
By Eman

Boler is the protector of many good things, a supporter of those in need, and an adversary of all that is evil. He became a highly commonly worshiped deity among ordinary humans, only second to gods of light such as Lathander and Pelor, and his priests are well received wherever they go. Rangers and bards are found among his worshipers. Throughout the centuries Boler has been known by many names. Some recorded titles are: The Benevolent Black, The Black Moon, The Dark Moon, The Dark Divine, The Night Father, The Sheltering Shade and Sire Dusk.

Religious Training[edit]

Because Boler's brauchers, clerics, and thought apostles spend a lot of time tending to the sick, sanctifying crops, and providing for the basic wellness of their communities, they attract a number of earnest, forthright youths who want to make the world a better place. While not unduly harsh, training among the followers of Boler is rigorous enough to send many well-meaning youths back to their farms and cobbler-shops.


Possibly the only belief to do so, the followers of Boler often find themselves striving against the corrupting light, mostly in the form of evil deathless. They also absorb maladies (whether physical or spiritual) of others into them and then purify themselves. This ritualistic healing process gave Boler's priests the moniker of "Sin-Eaters". Breaking up a cabal of necromancers, brokering a peace accord between rival warlords, or destroying a malignant hallow dragon are good examples of missions for the glory of Boler.


Boler's prayers often take the form of first person affirmations, such as "I am compassionate, just as the Moon of Compassion veiled on me."


Temples to Boler are spherical structures that often feature small but numerous windows, often with decorative tinted glass. They're a good source of healing and often easy to find because Boler-worship is now so prevalent in civilized lands.


As befits a god of darkness, Boler's major festivals take place at night and solar eclipses, and many weddings and rites of passage take place at the end of a season. The Benediction of the Moon-Shade Field is a common rite requested by farmers.

Herald and Allies[edit]

Boler uses a lunarian as his herald. Allies are hound archons, astral devas, planetars and "Wan Shades" , the emancipated spawn of the "shadow" undead. He also allies with shadow aasimons, Wan Shades that evolved into angels. Shadow aasimons are the natural counterpart to light aasimons and are the celestials stewards that have the potential to go through the process of "ascendance" where their final form are not solars but the celestial stewards known as Lunarians.


There are several relics and artifacts of Boler. Each are hidden throughout the world. Here are few of the most known.

There are 3 Nightaegis. They were obsidian shields that were said to be so dark that it could absorb not only all forms of blows but even light itself. They were gifts from Boler to 3 lunarians who rescued a mind templar from the recesses of the Far Realm.

The Shards of the Black Moon are described as pieces of the New Moon that fell from the heavens which "carry a darkness so profound and deep that no light can escape it."

Zatrenz's Mace is a relic of a legendary mind templar called Zatrenz. His petrified heart was placed as the head of his mace, becoming the relic. Its main feature is absorption; absorbing light to create shadows, absorbing illnesses to cure disease, and absorbing damage to heal its wielder.


Boler is part of the Layara pantheon, acting as the guiding voice of good in his pantheon and the people of his realm. Boler has also known to appear in other pantheons where gods exist, as a advocate of goodness, negative energy, and darkness if a god with those combined traits doesn't. In such realms he has been known to run conflict with existing gods of darkness such as Shar in Faerûn and Tharizdun in Oerth due to their penchant of associating the of nature evil with darkness. Although he has no strife with gods of darkness that aren't associated with evil he tries to sway them to good such as the goddess Xan Yae. His biggest enemies are those gods of light and evil as they run polar opposite to his beliefs for example the being known as the Burning Hate. Using what is generally view as the light of good to corrupt the souls of the innocent. He also has an intense rivalry and instinctual distrust with gods of light, life, and goodness due prejudices he had to endure as a god of darkness.

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