Blessing of the Sultan (5e Blessing)

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Blessing of the Sultan[edit]

You channel heat from the forges of the City of Brass, capable of burning through even the hides of demons.

You gain the following benefits:

  • You treat a target's fire immunity as fire resistance instead, dealing half damage instead of no damage.
  • When dealing fire damage you may add +1 damage per die rolled.
  • You gain immunity to fire damage.

This blessing may be granted by any divine being with the fire domain, or a powerful enough entity from the City of Brass such as a member of one the Efreeti noble families. It is common that this blessing is granted to render the receiver capable of killing an Efreeti's rivals or surviving the Plane of Fire. This blessing may be rewarded for performing a meaningful task such as restoring a significant shrine of flames or proving your worth as an agent and tool of the creature gifting the blessing.

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