Binder Fix (3.5e Class)

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The Binder, first introduced in the Tome of Magic, is a fascinating class but feels a bit lackluster compared to other options. The following is an attempt to make it a bit more interesting and competitive with other classes.

Except where noted here, binders retain all of their normal features and traits.

(one vote)


Base Attack Bonus: Binders have the BAB progression of a Fighter of the same class level, that is a +1 at each class level.

Class Skills: Binders gain 6 + Int skill points per level (×4 at 1st level), and all skills are considered class skills. The diverse amount of vestiges they deal with give them ample opportunity to learn and develop nearly any mundane skill with ease.

Class Features[edit]

Level Special
4th Bonus Feat, Deceive Item
8th Borrowed Knowledge (One Feat), Soul Binding (2 Vestiges)
12th Imbue Item
16th Borrowed Knowledge (Two Feats), Pact Augmentation (4 Abilities)

Italicized features are the same as the original binder.

Binding Checks: When making a binding check, a binder rolls 1d20 + their effective binder level + their Constitution or Charisma modifier.

Decieve Item (Ex): At 4th level and higher, a binder has the ability to more easily commandeer magic items made for the use of other characters. When making a Use Magic Device check, a binder can take 10 even if distracted or threatened. They must be bound to at least one vestige in order to use this ability.

Borrowed Knowledge (Ex): At 8th level, the binder may choose any one feat they meet the prerequisites for whenever they first bind a new vestige each day. The feat should be reflective of the vestige they bind when selecting the feat, and they retain knowledge of that feat until the vestige is expelled, released, or otherwise lost. At 16th level they can learn a second feat either with the same vestige or upon binding another one.

Imbue Item (Su): A binder of 12th level or higher can use his knowledge of supernatural powers to create magic items, even if he does not know the spells required to make an item (although he must know the appropriate item creation feat). He can substitute a Use Magic Device check (DC 15 + spell level for arcane spells or 25 + spell level for divine spells) in place of a required spell he doesn't know or can't cast. They must be bound to at least one vestige relating in some way to the chosen spell in order to use this ability.

If the check succeeds, the binder can create the item as if he had cast the required spell. If it fails, he cannot complete the item. He does not expend the XP or gp costs for making the item; his progress is simply arrested. He cannot retry this Use Magic Device check for that spell until he gains a new level.

A binder has an effective caster level for [item creation] feats and for creating magic items equal to their effective binding level.

New Feats[edit]

Vestigial Power[edit]

Warlocks and binders often tap into the same sources of power, allowing them to grow more powerful as a singular whole.
Prerequisites: Able to bind 1st-level vestiges, eldritch blast +1d6.
Benefits: When multiclassing with a warlock, the binder's class levels stack with those of the warlock class when determining their maximum vestige level and how many vestiges they can bind at one time. When bound to at least one vestige, their levels are also stacked in order to determine the strength of their eldritch blasts.

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