Bestiary (Lunagros Setting Supplement)
Regular Animals[edit]
It's not just humans that the gods can randomly decide to banish to this place, but animals as well. Animals are lifesaving for the pastoral nomads and tribes, as they provide a steady supply of relatively luxury meat for food and money.
Goats, horses, birds, bears, wolves, common insects, chickens, deer, sheep, elk, snakes, arachnids, most marsupials, and other common animals exist in the Lunagros. Many die from the environment, climate, humans, or monsters but common agricultural animals are raised by nomads on the steppe.
Use regular statblocks for these.
Hounds are what happen when children enter the Lunagros. Unable to resist the Moon's influence, they immediately turn. A Hound is a hairless dog with human skin, eyes, and a human nose (Think the human-dog hybrid from HMA except smaller, much more muscular, with a human face, sharp teeth, less hair and no lips.) They hunt in packs of 3-6, downing their prey and then mauling them while ripping off chunks of flesh. They are not intelligent enough to use tactics but they will attempt to stalk prey from a fair distance to stack up exhaustion levels before the fight. They do not know the function or range of longbows, so they will often maintain a distance of 60 feet. If attacked from this range, they will immediately charge.
Statblock: File:Hound.png