Becoming a Patron (5e Subclass)

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Becoming a Patron[edit]

Warlock Subclass

You are a Pseudo Patron[edit]

A patron is a powerful entity that gives a marginal of their power to their followers; warlocks. You are not a powerful entity. In some way, you have more magical power than you can use. All that great power in you and yet you are unable to use all of it. But if you can give some of your magical powers to someone else to use, then theoretically, you can utilize all of your powers.

Your power is so great that you are your own patron and, at the same time, someone else's patron. You found a way to transfer the magical power that you cannot be able to use to someone, just like a patron and a warlock. You are not all knowing or very powerful but you got magic to spare. And everyone likes getting a little bit more magic.

Type of Patron[edit]

As a patron, you have to decide on the subclass of warlock you what to specialize. Your followers will gain features from that subclass. Choose one below that best fits the theming of your character.

  • Archfey (Requirement: Fey bloodline)
  • Celestial (Requirement: celestial bloodline)
  • Fathomless (Requirement: race with swim speed or ability to breath underwater)
  • Fiend (Requirement: fiend bloodline)
  • Genie (Requirement: elemental bloodline)
  • Great Old One (Requirement: N/A)
  • Hexblade (Requirement: proficiency with smithing tools)
  • Undead (Requirement: Undead bloodline)
  • Undying (Requirement: must no longer age or have a way to cheat death)

Ask your GM if you can take a HB warlock subclass for your type of patron.

The choice you make augments some of your subclass features, as noted below.

Expanded Spell List

The Becoming a Patron lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The expanded spells from the warlock subclass from type of patron are added to the warlock spell list for you.

Bonus Cantrip[edit]

At 1st level, you are natural at helping others. You learn guidance cantrip. This does not count towards the maximum number of cantrips.

Patron's Blessing[edit]

At 1st level, you have more power than you can use. You learn a way to give your unusable power to others. After a short or long rest, a willing creature gains Patron's Blessing. This can only be removed if both parties does not want the blessing. Next time they level up, they may become or multiclass into a warlock. The warlock's subclass must be the same as the type of patron subclass.

You and anyone with patron's blessing can telepathically communicate with each other up and know each other's location to 30 ft. This is increased to 60 ft at 6th level, 120 ft at 10th level, and 240 ft at 14th level.

Path of the Patron[edit]

There is two different ways to become a fully grown patron; path of the Path of Cultist and Path of the Warlock. Since you only have limited amount of excess power, you can only follow down one path at a time. Whenever you no longer have any cultists and warlocks, you can switch your path.

Path of the Cultist[edit]

You chosen the path that is most popular with the peasants. It is up to you to make these nobody into a somebody. Preferably, as your cultist to your great power.

Your Cultist[edit]

It is only natural for you to get a cultist as a patron, right? You have a faithful cultist that is willing to follow you into your adventures. They gain the bond: I am thankful for my patron to give me great powers.


In combat, you cultist rolls their own initiative and act independently from you.

Exiling a Cultist

If at any point that you think that the current cultist is not worthy of your power, you can take back your mighty powers. Whenever you take a long rest within 30 ft of cultist, you can remove your powers on them. During this process, your cultist is well aware that you are removing your power away from them, even while sleeping, trance, or other methods of resting. At the end of the long rest, they are no longer your cultist and revert back to their original stat or a lower stat block than the current stat block if they gain enough battle experience. This process does not remove Patron's Blessing.

Welcome to the Party[edit]

At 1st, you can use the promise of power and your natural charm to recruit NPC to your party. During a short or long rest, you can train a willing humanoid creature with Patron's Blessing and become your follower. The maximum CR rating of the creature is Becoming a Patron level divided by 4 (rounded down). Their stat block's name must be a generic, not a named character. You can only have one creature with this feature.

If they have any spellcasting, replace all spells with warlock spells (if needed). Additionally, switch charisma with the spellcasting stat (if needed). Their spellcasting stat is now charisma.

Training Your Follower[edit]

At 1st level, you can train your follower to become better in combat. If your follower is below your maximum CR rating from your current level, you can spend a short or long rest to "level" them up. They lose their old stat block and gain the new stat block of a higher CR that is in the same train column. If your follower does not fall into any of the columns then they are a fighter. Unless they have medium or heavy armor, then your follower belongs to protector.

Unchanging Stats

There is some stats that cannot be changed even when training up. The creature type, racial features, movement, and special vision cannot be changed nor gain during the process of losing the old stat block and gaining a new stat block.


When spellcaster trains up, the new stat blocks goes through the same changes as the changes done in Walcome to the Party. It is up to the follower on what spells they want to keep from the old stat block during the training.

Switching Training Column

During a long rest, you can switch your follower to a different training tree with the same CR.

Follower Training
CR Fighter Protector Spellcaster
0 Commoner Commoner Commoner
1/8 Bandit Guard Cultist
1/4 Goblin Lord's Alliance Guards Acolyte
1/2 Scout Soldier Sage
1 Spy Warrior Evil Mage, Pirate Deck Wizard, Sanbalet
2 Bandit captain, Pirate captain Berserker, Griffon Cavalry Rider Cult Fanatic
3 Archer Veteran -
4 - - Warlock of the Archfey
5 Master Thief Gladiator Master Sage

Better Equipment[edit]

At 1st level, your follower is not a normal person, it is time to better fit your follower. The follower gain proficiency in armor and weapons that is found in their stat block. If you train your follower in fighter, they have proficiency in all light armor and one additional martial weapon. If you train your follower in protector, they have proficiency in light armor, medium armor, shield, and all martial weapons. If the protector follower has heavy armor in the stats, they also gain proficiency in heavy armor.

Tougher Follower[edit]

At 1st level, you follower have a stronger tie to you and this world. When your follower reaches below 1 HP, they are not instantly dead. Instead they making death saving throws at the end of their turn, just like players.

Welcome to the Cult (Optional)[edit]

At 1st level, you use your mighty power to create you personal cult. Choose a name of your cult and what your cultist are called. When you use Welcome to the Party, you can recruit multiple people, instead of one. The total CR of your entire cult cannot exceed Becoming a Patron Warlock level divided by 5 (rounded down).

Magic and Swords, Boon for My Follower, and Final Gift can only affect one follower at a time.

Magic and Swords[edit]

At 6th level, you magic naturally infuse into your follower. Depending on your follower's training will result in a different effect.


Weapons glow sickly. Weapon damage are consider as magical for the purpose of over coming resistance. Additionally, once per turn, deal an extra d4 necrotic damage with a weapon attack.


Armor glow sickly. As long the protector follower is wearing armor, they have advantage on all saving throws.


Spell focus glow sickly. Spellcaster follower can learn spells from Type of Patron's subclass' extended spells. Additionally, they gain any extra cantrips that subclass gains at first level.

Boon for My Follower[edit]

At 10th level, you can grant Pact Boon to your follower. Fighter gets Pact of the Blade. Protector gets Pact of the Chain or Pact of the Totem. Spellcaster gets Pact of the Tome.

Final Gift[edit]

At 14th level, you create the best gift that you can think of for your followers.


Weapons pulse with dark magic. Weapons wielded by fighter follower gain +1 enchantment.

Additionally, they can use the bonus action to disengage or dash.


Armor deeply infused with eldritch wards. Protector follower can choose one damage type when they finish a short or long rest. They gain resistance to that damage type until protector choose a different one with this feature. Damage from magical weapons or silver weapons ignores this resistance.

Additionally, they gain +1 ac while wielding a shield.


Their tome contains uncontrollable magic. As long as spellcaster follower is within 240 ft of you, the following features apply:

  • Both parties can cast spells from either spot
  • You can see, hear, and talk through your spellcaster follower

Additional, as a 10 minute ritual, your follower can summon you to an empty spot inside the ritual circle as long you are in the same plane of existence. This can use this once per day.

If you do not want be summoned, you can block the summoning and cast Sending to your follower without using any spell slots. This blocked summoning still uses up the number of times that your follower can summon you.

Path of the Warlock[edit]

You chosen the path that is most popular with adventures; warlock. As a fellow adventure, you know the struggles

Your Warlock[edit]

Any creature than gains any benefits from the following features become your warlock. As such, they are warlocks for all purposes and cases even if they do not have any warlock class levels. Features that you grant does not stack with any other features, including other warlocks.

Exiling a Warlock

You may remove any of these features on your warlock whenever you take a long rest within 30 ft of them. During this process, your warlock is well aware that you are removing one of the feature that you give them, even while sleeping, trance, or other methods of resting. If they no longer have any features left at the end of long rest, they lose their warlock status unless they still have warlock class levels. Regardless, they are no longer your warlock. Patron's Blessing does not count as a feature for this ability.

Spells of the Warlock[edit]

At 1st level, you can give your warlocks the ability to cast spells. During a short or long rest, you can train a willing creature with Patron's Blessing and have class levels in the way of warlock magic. You can only have one creature with this feature. They gain the following feature:

Pact Magic[edit]

At 1st level, your patron has granted you access to untold magical powers. See chapter 10 of the Player’s Handbook for the general rules of spellcasting and chapter 11 of the Player’s Handbook for the warlock spell list.


You learn one cantrips of your choice from the warlock spell list. You learn an additional warlock cantrip of your choice at when your patron reach 10th level in this subclass.

Spell Slot

You only have one spell slot. The New Warlock table shows what the level of your spell slot is. To cast one of your warlock spells of 1st level or higher, you must expend a spell slot. You regain your expended spell slot when you finish a short or long rest.

Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher

At 1st level, you know one 1st-level spells of your choice from the warlock spell list.

The Spells Known column of the New Warlock Spellcasting table shows when you learn more warlock spells of your choice of 1st level and higher. A spell you choose must be of a level no higher than what’s shown in the table’s Slot Level column for your level.

Additionally, when your patron gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the warlock spells you know and replace it with another spell from the warlock spell list, which also must be of a level for which you have spell slots.

Spellcasting Ability.

Charisma is your spellcasting ability for your warlock spells, so you use your, not your patron's, Charisma whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Charisma modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a warlock spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.

Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier

Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier

Spellcasting Focus

You can use an arcane focus (see the Adventuring Gear section) as a spellcasting focus for your warlock spells.

New Warlock
Becoming a Patron Level Cantrips Known Spell Known Spell Slot Level
1 1 1 1
2 1 1 1
3 1 1 1
4 1 1 1
5 1 2 1
6 1 2 1
7 1 2 2
8 1 2 2
9 1 3 2
10 2 3 2
11 2 3 2
12 2 3 2
13 2 4 3
14 2 4 3
15 2 4 3
16 2 4 3
17 2 5 3
18 2 5 3
19 2 5 4
20 2 6 4

This feature is the combination of excessive power of the patron and power hungry warlock. The spell slot level, number of spells known, and number of cantrips known depends on the Becoming a Patron Levels, not the warlock. The warlock chooses what spells to learn and the spellcasting modifier depend on the warlock.

Spells of the Warlock Improvement[edit]

At 6th level, you have almost double amount excess power since you were at 1st level. You can train a second creature in Spells of the Warlock.

Path of the Warlock[edit]

At 6th level, you unlock the basic subclass features to give out to your warlocks. During a short or long rest, you can train willing creature with Patron's Blessing, spellcasting, and have class levels in the easiest first level feature. That creature gains the first level feature of Type of Patron's subclass. If there is multiple features, you may pick different valid creatures for each feature.

At 10th level, you can give out 6th level subclass features. At 14th level, you can give out 10th level subclass features. At 20th level, you can give out 14th level subclass features.

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