Beast Lord (4e Class)
=Beast Lord
Class Traits Role: Striker Power Source: Martail/Primal Key Abilitys: Strength, Dexterity and Charisma
Armor Proficiencies: Cloth, Leather, Hide (Can take a feat for chainmail, but cannot wear scale or above regardless of feats taken) Weapon Proficiencies: One handed (Weapons listed bellow) Any weapon used outside of the group bellow the player looses all bonus values to hit and damage. Weapon Prof. Damage Range Price Weight Group Properties Cestus -Studed +3 1D4 n/a 10 gp 2lb Versatile Cestus -Bladed +2 1D4+1 n/a 13 gp 2.4 lb Versatile Tiger Claws +3 1D6 n/a 20 gp 1.5 lb Versatile Tekko (Iron Fist) +4 1D4 n/a 18 gp 2 lb Versatile Katar +2 1D8 n/a 25 gp 1.5 lb Versatile
Bonus to Defenses: +1 Fortitude, Reflex, Will Hit Points at 1st Level: 15 + Constitution score Hit Points per level: +6 Healing Surges Per Day: 9 + Constitution Modifier Trained Skills: Endurance or Heal, From the calls skills bellow choose three more trained skills at level 1. Athletics (Str), Endurance (Con), Heal (Wis), Insight (Wis), Nature (Wis), Stealth (Dex)
Characteristics: You are a master of beasts, with a life long companion that will forever be by your side. Able to commune with most animals, they have a very shamanistic approach to life, as well as a tremendous respect for nature and the natural order.
Race: Human, Rakshasa (Feline Race)
All Companions share the same defenses as the Beast Lords. As well as attack bonuses.
Bear (tank like pets) Initiative: Shares Beast Lords HP: Equal to Beast Lords + 50% Defenses are equal to Beast lords plus animal bonuses. AC: +3 Fort: +5 Save Throws: +2 Speed: 5 Shift: 1 Claw/Claw/Bite (Standard; At will) 1D4/1D4/1D8 + Beast Lords Strength mod Maul (Standard; At will) 2D12 + Beast Lords Strength mod
Cat (dps like pets) Initiative: +4 HP: equal to 3/4 the beast lords hp pool Defenses are equal to Beast lords plus animal bonuses. AC: +1 Ref: +4 Save Throws: +1 Speed: 8 Shift: 2 Claw/Claw/Bite (Standard; At will) 1D6/1D6/1D6 + Beast Lords Dexterity mod Rake (Standard; At will) 2D6 + 1D4 bleed damage per round, stacks up to 4 times (Save ends) + Beast Lords Dexterity mod Maul (Standard; At will) 2D8 + Beast Lords Dexterity mod
Beast Lord Class Features Summon Companion Beast Lord Class Feature You summon your animal companion if they are not with you. At-Will Primal Minor Action Personal Effect: Summon your animal companion in a square adjacent to you. Special: If your companion has died, you may not summon it again until an extended rest is taken.
Primal Fury Beast Lord Class Feature You and your companion are filled with a primal fury. Daily Primal Minor Action Melee weapon Target: Self & Companion
Effect: You and your pet gain a bonus to Attack OR Defenses equal to your CHA modifier. This effect lats for a number of rounds equal to your CON modifier, not including half level values.
Level 1 At-Will Attack
Primal Strike Beast Lord Attack 1
You and your companion lash out your enemy.
At-Will Martial, Primal, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One enemy
Attack: Strength Vs. Reflex
Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier or Dexterity modifier damage.
Level 21: 4[W] + Strength modifier + Dexterity modifier damage.
Special: Your pet may make a basic melee attack with a modifier equal to your CHA bonus to both hit and damage.
Animal Fury Beast Lord Attack 1 You command your companion to strike at your enemies and they do, with a fury few have ever seen. At-Will Primal Standard Action Melee weapon Target: close burst 1 Attack: Strength Vs. Reflex (each attack must be rolled) Hit: Pet damage = 1 claw attack per target. The last target is a bite attack Level 21: 2[W]Pet damage = 2 claw attack per target, the last target is a bite attack Special: For each hit your pet successfully makes you may make a basic melee attack.
Fury Beast Lord Attack 1
Lunge at your enemy with both your weapons
At-Will Martial, Primal, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One or Two enemy’s
Attack: Strength Vs. Reflex (must roll for each attack)
Hit: 2[W] + Strength or Dexterity modifier damage
Level 21: 4[W] + Strength or Dexterity modifier damage.
Special: (Optional) If both strikes land, your companion can make a basic melee attack.
Level 1 Encounter Attack
Feral Strike Beast Lord Attack 1 You and your companion savagely lash out at your enemy Encounter Martial, Primal, Weapon Standard Action Melee 1 Target: One or Two creature Attack: Strength Vs. Reflex (each companion attack must be rolled) Hit: 4[W] + Strength or Dexterity modifier damage Pet : Pet may attack with all its attacks counting as 2[W] if they hit. Special: If both you and your companion strikes with all of your attacks, you may use this ability again in the same round.
Trample Beast Lord Attack 1 Command your companion to trample your enemy. Encounter Primal Standard Action Melee 1 Target: One creature Attack: Strength Vs. Reflex (each companion attack must be rolled) Hit: 4[W] + Dexterity modifier damage Effect: Your companion charges an enemy and pounces, if the attack hits, and the pet has a MAUL ability, add the attack to damage total. This attack knocks the enemy back 1 square, and is prone. A save role is required by the target to stand again with out provoking additional attacks next round. If the target fails its save, your Companion may once again use Trample for half damage, this may occur only once, but after the 2nd Trample, if the pet has a “Maul” ability, your pet may keep the target prone, and attack with its maul attack again until the target makes a successful save throw. Special: If the target fails its save throw, it cannot make any other actions that round, until a save throw is successfully made.
Pincer Attack Beast Lord Attack 1
Both you and your companion strike from the sides
Encounter Martial, Primal, Weapon
Standard Action Melee 1
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength Vs. Reflex
Hit: 3[W] + Strength modifier damage + Companion attacks
Special: You and your companion may each shift 1, if the attack has combat advantage, you and your companion gain a attack and damage modifier equal to your CHA modifier.
Defiance Beast Lord Attack 1 Your and your companion enter a defensive stance. Encounter Martial, Primal, Weapon Standard Action Melee 1 Target: One ally
Effect: You and your companion enter a defensive posture around a nearby ally, granting a +2 to all defenses for your, your companion, and your ally.
Increase to + 4 to all defenses at level 11
Increase to +6 to all defenses at level 21
Special: You and your companion may shift a distance equal to your CHA modifier before the attack. If a enemy makes an attack against the ally you are defending, you, your companion, and the player you are protecting may each make a basic melee attack + your CHA modifier against the attacker.
Note: You may sustain the ability at the cost of ether an Action point, Sacking a Daily Ability, or 6 Healing surges.
Level 1 Daily
The Hunt Beast Lord Attack 1 A hunt begins, your target is doomed. Daily Primal, Martial Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One Enemy Attack: Strength Vs. Will (if the attack hits the target runs its speed away) Attack: Strength Vs. Reflex Hit: 5[W] + Strength or Dexterity mod. + Pet damage Miss: Half Damage Effect: If the target runs away both Beast Lord, and Companion may shift to target, and back (If they wish) If the target runs (and is chased) the beast lord and companion gain combat advantage for this attack.
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