Avatar of Ilung (3.5e Class)

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Avatar of Ilung[edit]

The Avatar of Ilung is blessed with the natural abilities of the God Ilung. Being able to work and influence the cycle of life and death, changing of the seasons and even working with blossoming plants and fruitful vegetation.

Making an Avatar of Ilung[edit]

Avatar of Ilung is a class best with some form of front line as they typically sit in the back and provide help to their party.

Abilities: Wisdom and Dex are your two main focus's for ability scores. Most of this class consists of utilizing plants and various plant based attacks to handle multiple enemies at once.

Races: The Avatar of Ilung works only with the Trinola race of elves as Ilung does not appear to any other follower.

Alignment: Must be some sort of neutral.

Starting Gold: DM's choice gp.

Starting Age: Complex as Druid.

Table: Avatar of Ilung

Hit Die: d8

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special
Fort Ref Will
1st +0 +2 +0 +2 Vinelash, Plant Speak
2nd +1 +3 +0 +3 Mastery of Cultivation
3rd +2 +3 +1 +3 Fruit of the God's, Entange
4th +3 +4 +1 +4 Vine Whip
5th +3 +4 +1 +4 Decay
6th +4 +5 +2 +5 Nectar of the God's
7th +5 +5 +2 +5 Mastery of Cultivation
8th +6/+1 +6 +2 +6 Thorned Vines
9th +6/+1 +6 +3 +6 Divine Fruit
10th +7/+2 +7 +3 +7 Wall of Thorns
11th +8/+3 +7 +3 +7
12th +9/+4 +8 +4 +8 Celestial Harvest, Flurry of Vines
13th +9/+4 +9 +4 +8 Audrey III
14th +10/+5 +9 +4 +9
15th +11/+6/+1 +10 +5 +9 Indomitable Blessing
16th +12/+7/+2 +10 +5 +10 Decisive Vines
17th +12/+7/+2 +11 +5 +10 One with Nature
18th +13/+8/+3 +11 +6 +11 Blessed Berry
19th +14/+9/+4 +12 +6 +11 Audrey III Blessed
20th +15/+10/+5 +12 +6 +12 Ilung Ascended, Touch of Death, Eye of Ilung

Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
The Companion of the Wild's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are concentration (Con), craft (Int), diplomacy (Cha), handle animal (Cha), heal (Wis), knowledge (nature) (Int), listen (Wis), profession (Wis), ride (Dex), spellcraft (Int), spot (Wis), survival (Wis), swim (Str), bluff (Cha), and intimidate (Cha)

Class Features[edit]

All of the following are class features of the Avatar of Ilung.

Vinelash: The Avatar of Ilung is one with nature and is able to call vines from her body to fight for her. At first level she may lash an enemy within a 15 ft line. This attack does 1D4 + (1 Per every two levels of Avatar of Ilung). Enemies hit may roll a reflex save for half damage DC 12.

Fruit of the God's: The Avatar may summon a fruit of their choosing that heals whomever consumes it. To consume the fruit is a movement action. Fruits last 12 hours before losing their healing abilities and she may only have 3 fruits out at any given moment. This ability can be used three times per day. Fruit heals for 1D8 + (1 per level of Avatar of Ilung).

Vine Whip: Vinelash's damage is increased to 1D6 + (1 Per every two levels of Avatar of Ilung) and now strikes 2 times. The range for Vinelash becomes 30ft.

Decay: Once per day the Avatar of Ilung may cause all plant life within a 20 ft radius to decay and die. Plant based creatures must make a save vs death DC 13 and all who pass take 4d6 damage with a will save DC 13 for half damage. No plants can grow in this area and the Avatar of Ilung's vinelash ability cannot be used in this area as well for 24 hours. This effects magical and non-living plants as well.

Nectar of the God's: Increases Fruit of the God's healing to +2d8. If a character is unconscious and cannot use a move action to eat the fruit, another character may squeeze the fruit into the subjects mouth and the nectar of the fruit will heal for half the total roll rounded down.

Mastery of Cultivation: The Avatar of Ilung can study and apply the use of mushrooms, flowers, and various other plants to do multiple effects based on which she chooses to spawn around her. all abilities spawn in a 30ft radius up to 35 ft away. Everyone inside of the radius must make a fortitude save of 10 + 1 per level of Avatar of Ilung.

2nd Level: Lavender. Creates a set of lavender to calm and sooth tensions. Failing the save makes all in the area calm and reduces hostilities. 5th Level: Entangle. Roots and Vines grow from the ground and ensnare all enemies within a 40Ft radius. Acts as Entangle 7th Level: Jimsonweed. Spawn dozens of hallucinogenic flowers. Anyone who does not pass the save will start seeing things that do not exist and are not there. All effected get -10 to hit, are considered flatfooted and have their vision reduced to 10 ft.

Poison Thorn Vines: Poison Thorn Vines upgrades the Vinelash ability. Anyone hit with a Vinelash attack makes an opposed Fortitude save of 10 + (+1/Level of avatar of Ilung). Anyone who fails is poisoned and takes 2D6 per turn for 1D4 turns.

Panacea Fruit: Increases Fruit of the God's healing to 3D8 + (1 per level of Avatar of Ilung). Fruit can now remove all poison and venom from a subject. Also prevents any poison or venom from being applied to the subject for 24 hours after consumption.

Wall Of Thorns: An Avatar of Ilung can create a barrier of very tough, pliable, tangled brush bearing needle-sharp thorns as long as a human’s finger. Acts as Wall of Thorns Spell.

Celestial Harvest: Fruit of the Gods healing is increased to 4D8 + (1 per level of Avatar of Ilung). The fruit now prevents any magical effects that lower saving throws or skill checks for 3 rounds. This does not effect non-magical conditions.

Flurry of Vines: Vinelash now strikes 3 times. The DC to take half damage is increased to 18.

Audrey III: The Avatar of Ilung can now summon a plant companion anywhere within 60ft. She can now perform Vinelash through Audrey III as well as cast any flowers from Mastery of Cultivation and grow one of her 3 Fruit of the Gods at the location of Audrey III. Audrey III will stay in place for 15 minutes after being summoned before decaying. Audrey III can be attacked, it has half the HP of the Avatar of Ilung as well as having 15 AC. It does cannot make any saving throws. Takes a full round action to summon.

Indomitable Blesing: Fruit of the Gods now heals for 5D8 + (1 per level of Avatar of Ilung). When consumed, restore all negative non-natural modifiers on ability scores. For 3 rounds after being consumed prevent any negative modifiers from non-natural sources to whoever consumed the fruit.

Decisive Vines: Vines now act as an extension of the Avatars will and precision. Vinelash damage is increased to 1d10 + (1 Per every two levels of Avatar of Ilung). Vinelash now no longer damages any allies along its path. You may change the direction of Vinelash to form any sized L shape strike up to 30ft total distance traveled.

Make Celestial: A Companion Of The Wild may spend 24 uninterrupted hours praying to the divines. If he does so and with DM's Approval, a Companion Of The Wild may add the celestial template to any of his non-celestial, non-fiendish companions. Only 1 companion may be affected this way. That companion cannot become Fiendish. (Gains Smite Evil ability. Darkvision out to 60 feet. Damage reduction (see the Monster Manual table). Resistance to acid, cold, and electricity (see the Monster Manual table). Spell resistance equal to HD + 5 (maximum 25) That Animal is now of Good alignment.)

One with Nature: As plants have become a part of you and you of plants, the Avatar of Ilung may actively walk through all brush, plants, foliage, trees and other natural plants. The avatar may hide within a tree granting full invisibility. She may walk through magically created plants without suffering any negative effects that may be associated with it and all plant based attacks or plant creatures cannot damage the Avatar of Ilung with any weapon that is of nature. Additionally all wooden weapons cannot damage the Avatar of Ilung. All fire damage done to the Avatar of Ilung now deals and additional 2D6 damage to the Avatar of Ilung.

Blessed Berry: Fruit of the Gods now heals for 6D8 + (1 per level of Avatar of Ilung). This consumed fruit can now perform acts beyond recognition. It can heal the blind, remove fatal diseases such as cancer and leprosy. It can even prevent passive feelings such as sea sickness, anxiety and even depression. Each fruit may only resolve one major affliction.

Audrey III Blessed: Audrey III now takes on the form of a Plant Stag. Audrey III can now move at the cost and speed of the Avatar of Ilung. Audery III's HP is now equal to the Avatar of Ilungs HP. When the Avatar of Illung make a Vinelash Attack, Audrey III will also attack the same target (If in range) for the same damage. If a Fruit of the Gods is consumed while Audrey III is out, it will also provide a magical shield to whoever consumed it providing a +2 force bonus to the AC of whoever consumed the fruit.

Ilung Ascended: The Avatar of Ilung has channeled so much of Ilungs power that she now gains access to the Cycle of life and death itself. Her fingers turn black with death itself and her head sprouts two antlers glowing with life energy. Anyone who touches the antlers of the Avatar outside of combat will gain all the bonus's and cures of the fruit of the gods but it will not heal health. Additionally, all plant life within 180ft of the avatar of Ilung will keep her informed of any and all creatures around. The avatar cannot be snuck up on and all invisible creature's positions will be known as long as they are walking on grass or some form of plant life. Plants will actively warn the Avatar of any danger or concerns. Plants must be alive to give a warning.

Touch of Death: Once per day the Avatar may make a touch attack against an enemy. If successful the target must make a fortitude save of 17 + the Avatars wisdom modifier. If the target fails its check, it instantly dies. If it passes its save it will take 3D6 + 1 Per level (Max 25) damage. The avatar of Ilung will heal for all the damage dealt this way.

Eye of Ilung: Once per day the Avatar of Ilung may create a Fruit from the antlers on her head called the Eye of Ilung. This fruit can be split open to reveal a golden liquid inside. When the liquid is poured onto the body or remains of any creature or person, will revive them to their entirety, the subject will lose 1 full level permanently. No one may be revived by the Eye of Ilung more than once. There must be some remains of a creature to use this on and the ability can only effect one target.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The Avatar of Ilung cannot use any weapons that use metal and cannot wear any armor not make of natural materials. The Avatar of Ilung has proficiency's in wooden staves and slings.

Spells: None outside of the class.

Ex-Avatar of Ilung[edit]

If the Avatar of Ilung ever loses her connection to Ilung, they will also lose all of their abilities.

Campaign Information[edit]

Playing a Avatar of Ilung[edit]

Religion: This class focuses on any religion associated with the following of the Great Stag God Ilung

Other Classes: The Avatar of Ilung Gets along well with most other classes with the exception of classes that require animal sacrifices or anyone who likes to intentionally harm animals.

Combat: Avatar of Ilung knows what to do

Advancement: This class is a focused form of the druid. Any classes that work well with summonings, or animal companions work very well with this one. You suffer no penalties for multi-classing.

Avatar of Ilung in the World[edit]

A Avatar of Ilung can be found helping plants or whatever they do

Daily Life: Daily life is mostly spent with their plants

Organizations: Most tend to be near plants

NPC Reactions: NPC's tend to enjoy players of this class, mostly approaching to ask about plants

Avatar of Ilung in the Game[edit]

Avatar of Ilung can do plant things

Sample Encounter: You see plants

Class Designed by Chains Addiction. Any questions E-mail me at vamp.gaara@yahoo.com

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