Autism (3.5e Trait)

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Autistic Insight [General]

This character possesses a unique perspective, heightened focus, and attention to detail, characteristic of those on the autism spectrum.
Prerequisite: None
Benefit: +2 bonus to Intelligence checks related to analysis, investigation, or memory. Gain proficiency in one Intelligence-based skill of your choice.
Drawback: -2 penalty to Charisma-based checks due to difficulties in social interaction. The character may struggle with understanding and responding to social cues.
Normal: Characters typically don't have a specific trait representing autism.
Special: This trait is designed to represent a character on the autism spectrum. Players and Dungeon Masters are encouraged to work together to portray this trait in a way that enhances the storytelling experience without perpetuating stereotypes or misconceptions.
Roleplaying Ideas: Characters with Autistic Insight tend to excel in tasks that require precision and logical thinking. However, they may find it challenging to connect with others on an emotional level. Roleplay opportunities include moments of intense focus, occasional social awkwardness, and a unique way of problem-solving.

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